Socio-technical transitions to sustainable urban mobility in Brazil
This article identifies micro, meso, and macro dynamics that influence the socio-technical transitions of cities to sustainable urban mobility in Brazil. The study analyzed the content of documents such as the National Urban Mobility Policy (PNMU), and the master plans and urban mobility plans of the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal, Fortaleza, and Salvador. The research revealed that the master plans and other plans related to urban mobility of the main Brazilian capitals are developed in isolation, with no coordination among cities. At the micro level, the plans do not contemplate the adoption of alternative fuels and the effective integration among modes of public transport. At the meso level, three mobility regimes were introduced: the traditional public transport and non-motorized public transport regimes, which had a dynamic contrary to the regime of cars. At the macro level, the variables associated with the economic and social context, with the consumer market, and the industry shaped the trends of urban mobility systems. The research presents a dynamic of resistance to sustainable urban mobility and reinforces the need for greater coordination between private and public actors.
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