The relationship between the competencies of a technology park and the competitiveness of its resident IT enterprises: a case analysis at TECNOPUC


  • Wladimir Ribeiro Pardo Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC
  • Grace Vieira Becker Pontificia Universidade católica do RS - PUCRS
  • Peter Bent Hansen Pontificia Universidade católica do RS - PUCRS
  • Roberto Lima Ruas Instituição a que pertence: PPGA/UNINOVE
  • Henrique Meister Mônego Pontifícia Universidade Católica RS -PUCRS



Over the years, technology parks have attracted organizations seeking competitiveness through innovation and technological cooperation. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the competencies contained within a technology park, TECNOPUC, and the competitiveness of the Information Technology (IT) firms located within it. A qualitative exploratory study was conducted involving experts on the topic, the Park managers and managers from seven firms located in the Park. The findings reveal the perception that the brand TECNOPUC and the working environment provided by the Park are the competencies that are more closely related to the competitiveness of the firms located within it. The managers interviewed seem to be in the Park in search of business opportunities with large corporations, focusing their actions on reducing costs in order to achieve greater competitiveness. Rather than developing or selling technology, the priority seems to be selling products and services. Thus, actions aimed at encouraging and promoting research, technological development and innovations, such as the implementation of joint projects, for example, are not prioritized.


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Author Biographies

Wladimir Ribeiro Pardo, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC

Título mais alto: Mestre em Administraçãe pela PUC RS. Professor contratado pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul nas disciplinas de Gestão de Operações, Logistica e Estratégias Empresariais.

Grace Vieira Becker, Pontificia Universidade católica do RS - PUCRS

Titulo academico mais alto: Dra. em Administração. Programa de pós graduação em Administração - PPGAd, professora Adjunta da PUC RS.

Peter Bent Hansen, Pontificia Universidade católica do RS - PUCRS

Titulo academico mais alto: Dr. em Engenharia. Professor titular da PUC RS no programa de pós gradução em Administração - PPGAd e Faculdade de Engenharia - FENG. Consultor de empresas na área gestão empresarial.

Roberto Lima Ruas, Instituição a que pertence: PPGA/UNINOVE

Título acadêmico mais alto: Doutor Universite Jules Verne - França; Professor associado PPGA/UFRGS, Professor adjunto PPGAD/PUCRS, Prof visitante FEA/USP, Hec Montreal e IAE-Université Grenoble

Henrique Meister Mônego, Pontifícia Universidade Católica RS -PUCRS

Estudante de Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PUCRS




How to Cite

Pardo, W. R., Becker, G. V., Hansen, P. B., Ruas, R. L., & Mônego, H. M. (2015). The relationship between the competencies of a technology park and the competitiveness of its resident IT enterprises: a case analysis at TECNOPUC. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 8(4), 540–560.


