Mixed forest plantation with native and exotic species in a degraded area





Recovery of degraded areas, Forest restoration, Silviculture of native species


Reforestation is the main way to recover degraded areas, and the use of a wide variety of species can assist in the recovery process, both in terms of the process itself as cost minimization. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of a mixed reforestation with native and exotic species in a degraded area by soil compaction. The planting was carried out where there was an unpaved airstrip at Itutinga town, MG. The evaluation of tree species was carried out using five plots of 1,250 m² (25 m x 50 m), systematically distributed. The mechanical resistance of the soil to penetration was determined using an impact penetrometer to a depth of 60 cm. To evaluate the influence of soil mechanical resistance to penetration on tree growth, the Pearson r correlation index was calculated. In the inventory, 534 tree individuals with CAP equal to or greater than 5 cm, belonging to 41 species, were measured and identified in the study area. Most of the inventoried individuals come from species used in planting and most of the species with the highest importance values belong to the ecological group of pioneers. The predominance of trees that are attractive to the fauna and native to the region indicate that the forest succession will occur satisfactorily. The soil resistance to penetration negatively influenced the basal area, that is, the greater the soil compaction in this layer, the lower the occupation of the stand.


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Author Biographies

Wendy Carniello Ferreira, Federal University of Jataí

Engenheiro Agrônomo pela Universidade Federal de Goiás, com especialização em Solos e Meio Ambiente e mestrado e doutorado em Engenharia Florestal pela Universidade Federal de Lavras. Professor Associado da Universidade Federal de Jataí.

Robson Schaff Corrêa, Federal University of Jataí

Professor at the Federal University of Jataí, working in the area of ​​Forestry, with an emphasis on forestry plantations. Acting area: Forestry, Agroforestry Systems and Soils and Forest Nutrition.

Danival Vieira de Freitas, Federal University of Jataí

Graduated in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (2003) and developed his scientific initiation (1998 - 2002) at the Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Agriculture with an emphasis on Molecular plant-pathogen interaction. Master in Tropical Forest Sciences from the National Institute of Amazon Research (2005) and PhD in Biotechnology in the agroforestry concentration area from the Federal University of Amazonas (2009). He is currently a Professor at the Federal University of Jataí and head advisor of the junior company Forestalis.

Soraya Alvarenga Botelho, Federal University of Lavras

She holds a degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Lavras (1984), a master's degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (1987) and a PhD in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (1993). She is a Full Professor - Department of Forestry Sciences at UFLA - Federal University of Lavras.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, W. C., Corrêa, R. S., Freitas, D. V. de, & Botelho, S. A. (2024). Mixed forest plantation with native and exotic species in a degraded area. Revista Ecologia E Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO, 12, e85886. https://doi.org/10.5902/2316980X85886


