Evidence of existence winner's curse between enterprises wind and photovoltaic power generators winners of the 8th reserve energy auction





Purpose – This article sought evidence of the existence of the as Winner's Curse, among the participants of the 8th Reserve Energy Auction promoted by Brazilian government.

Design/methodology/approach – In order to perform the study, we opted for the use of Multidimensional Scaling to identify groups that have similarities to search for evidence related to the Winner's Curse, characterizing it as descriptive quantitative research of an exploratory nature.

Findings – The results showed that among the 53 projects studied, thirteen are with their schedules delayed, pointing for possible asymmetries among the bidders related to the logistics of their enterprises. The results also calling into question the energy security strategy carried out by the Brazilian government, by allowing several ventures terminating their contracts, coulding also be evidence of the winner´s curse among the future winners of this new model of auction.

Research limitations/implications – The principal limitation is in the choice of only one Brazilian auction for explorer the auctions specially the auctions Brazilians energy.

Practical implications – In the practical implications that research demonstrated than bidders don't planned yours power plants, causing delays or suspension in constructions, evidence of possible existing winner's course in between bidders.

Originality/value – Too was demonstred than in a competition where the products are homogeneity, the example of the energy, the information, experience and relationship between competitors, can to do one enterprise win a auction; but if the anxiety for win is bigger, and doesn't consider basic aspects such as costs the company will have great difficulties in fulfilling its contracts and future sanctions may occur. 


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How to Cite

Ferreira, H. L., Patah, L. A., & de Faria, R. M. (2020). Evidence of existence winner’s curse between enterprises wind and photovoltaic power generators winners of the 8th reserve energy auction. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 13, 1459–1475. https://doi.org/10.5902/1983465932720

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