About the Journal

Journal Scope

Mission: The mission of the Brazilian Journal of Management is to publish empirical research that tests, extends, or builds administrative theory and contributes to management practice. To be published in ReA, a manuscript must make relevant empirical and theoretical contributions and highlight the significance of those contributions to the field of management.

Objective: To contribute to advancing and disseminating scientific knowledge in Administration by electronically publishing empirical articles of national and international origin, aiming to promote academic debate and present relevant management practices applied to organizational reality.

Target Audience: ReA targets the entire academic-scientific community from national and international institutions related to the field of Administration.

Submission of Articles: ReA is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication, open to all topics and empirical essays by researchers in the field of Administration from institutions of national and international origin, which aim to promote academic debate and present relevant management practices applied to organizational reality. Special issues may be published occasionally. The journal is published electronically and, on occasion, in print to enhance dissemination and distribution within the academic community. Articles must be unpublished (not previously published in another journal) but may have been presented and published at scientific conferences.

Article submission: The REA UFSM is a quarterly published journal open to all themes and empirical essays of researchers from the area of Management and national and international institutions. It aims to promote academic debate and present management practices that are relevant and applied to the organizational reality. Special editions may occasionally be published.

The journal is published on electronic media and, every so often, printed to facilitate dissemination and distribution in the academic field. The articles published in the journal must be unpublished (not yet published in another journal), although previous presentations and publications in scientific congresses is permitted.

Peer Review Process

Articles submitted to the Brazilian Journal of Management will be evaluated in two stages:

1) Preliminary assessment by the editor (desk review), who examines the adequacy of the work regarding the editorial policy of the journal;

2) Evaluation in the double blind review system by ad hoc reviewers to ensure the credibility of the journal and impartiality of the evaluation. In case of divergent evaluations by peers, a new evaluator will carry out a third evaluation.

Articles submitted to REA UFSM are evaluated through a standard form in accordance with the following criteria: relevance of the publication, abstract clearly and accurately, problem significant and concisely stated, method clearly defined and consistent with the objectives of the article, interpretations and conclusions justified by the results, adequate reference to other work in the field, acceptable language, interest, quality, originality.

3) The articles assessed may be accepted, accepted with changes, sent again for evaluation, and rejected.

The Editorial Flow, as previously described, is shown in the following figure.

Publication Frequency


The Brazilian Journal of Management is an online continuous periodicity published.


Compliance with Open Science

This journal adheres to the Gold Open Access model.

ReA/UFSM is committed to Open Science practices and welcomes the submission of manuscripts that have been pre-deposited on reputable preprint servers such as SciELO Preprints, SSRN, and OSF;

Requires all papers to provide the citation and referencing of data, program codes, and other materials that underpin the articles' texts and encourages authors to make cited materials available in open access;

Provides offers authors and referees the option of opening up the peer review process.

Accordingly, when submitting a manuscript, the corresponding author must declare the research's compliance with Open Science practices through the Open Science Compliance Form. This form must be attached as a supplementary file to the manuscript.

Brazilian Journal of Management - ReA UFSM

The ReA is an academic-scientific journal of Management (CNPq Knowledge Area: The Department of Management Sciences of the Center for Social and Human Sciences of the Federal University of Santa Maria publishes the electronic journal, which was created in 2008.

The ReA was born with the purpose of strengthening and consolidating developed academic activities. It is based on the institutional credibility of Federal University of Santa Maria, which is an institution of superior education created over 50 years ago and considered one of the most important universities in the country in terms of publications with international impact.

With an editorial team of the highest quality and credibility, we seek to build a nationally renowned journal that meets academic and business expectations while making an effective contribution to the Brazilian editorial scene.


ReA - UFSM is indexed in the following databases and directories:

DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals - http://www.doaj.org/

EBSCO - http://www.ebscohost.com/

Latindex - http://www.latindex.org/

Portal Spell - http://www.spell.org.br/

Redalyc - http://redalyc.org/

SciELO - https://www.scielo.br/reaufsm

Sumários.org - http://www.sumarios.org/

Google Scholar - http://scholar.google.com.br

ROAD - https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/1983-4659

REDIB - https://redib.org/

Diadorim - https://diadorim.ibict.br/

Miguilim - https://miguilim.ibict.br/


Index Card

Ethics in Publishing

Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics aims to contribute to the quality of the Brazilian Journal of Management (ReA UFSM), ensuring its reliability for editors, authors, reviewers, and readers. The code is based on the ANPAD Manual of Good Practices (ANPAD, 2010), the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, 2013), and well-established practices in scientific publishing in the field of Administration.


  1. Publication and Authorship Issues

- List of References and Funding

Authors must list and properly cite, as per instructions on a dedicated page, the works that informed their research. Additionally, they must, where relevant, disclose sources of research funding, either in an acknowledgment at the article's end or in a footnote at the beginning.


- Plagiarism and Fraudulent Data

Authors are required to declare that the articles are their original work and that any third-party material used is duly referenced and utilized legitimately. Plagiarism, data falsification, or fabrication will not be tolerated. By submitting an article, authors affirm that it does not violate any copyright or other third-party rights and assume full responsibility for its content. ReA-UFSM employs the Turnitin tool to prevent academic and professional plagiarism, ensuring the originality of both submitted and published works. If plagiarism is identified, the article will be removed from the submission process (archived), and the authors will be barred from submitting new articles to the journal for a period of three years.


- Submission of the same research to more than one journal

Authors are required to declare that the submitted articles and their essential content are unpublished and are not under consideration by another publication.


  1. Authors' Responsibilities

- Authors must ensure that the data presented in their article is genuine and accurate.

- All authors should contribute significantly to the research development.

The authors listed must have made a substantial contribution to the work's preparation. No authors may be added after the article's acceptance.

- Authors are responsible for providing corrections or retractions for any errors.

- Authors must verify that their research has been approved by the appropriate body, such as a Research Ethics Committee (ANPAD, 2010).

- Authors could be invited to participate in the journal's peer review process as Reviewers.

- Upon successful publication in ReA UFSM, they might be requested to review another article for the journal (ANPAD, 2010).

Authors asked to review must do so diligently, promptly, and with scholarly integrity, aiding in the manuscript's enhancement.


  1. The Peer Review Process and Reviewers' Responsibilities

Reviewers must decline to review manuscripts beyond their expertise. They should only accept assignments if they:

- Possess adequate knowledge of the subject to conduct a thorough review.

- Can complete the review within the required timeframe.

“Adhere to the agreed submission deadline is a matter of ethics, respect, and professional duty as a reviewer (ANPAD, 2010).”

- Reviewers must not have a conflict of interest with the research, authors, or funders.

- Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest (personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political, or religious) to allow the ReA UFSM editorial team to properly manage reviews.

- Given the double-blind review process, reviewers must inform the editor if they are aware of the author's identity.

- It is imperative not to exploit any information gained during the review process for personal gain.

- Maintaining confidentiality of the manuscripts reviewed is crucial. Reviewers are expected to keep all aspects of the peer review process confidential, both during and after the review (COPE, 2013).


Regarding the reviews:

- Reviews must be objective and constructive, avoiding hostility and refraining from making defamatory or derogatory personal comments (COPE, 2013).

- Reviewers must point out any shortcomings that can be corrected and suggest necessary improvements.

"Reviewers must always assess the cost-benefit of each requested change in terms of its actual enhancement to the manuscript's quality" (ANPAD, 2010).

- Reviewers should recommend references to relevant works not cited, when scientifically pertinent to the article and/or its revision.

- Reviewers should aim to suggest all possible modifications in the article’s first revision, avoiding new recommendations upon the return of the reviewed article.


  1. Editorial responsibilities

The editors of ReA UFSM are commited to, whenever possible, to (based on COPE, 2013):

- address the needs of readers and authors.

- continuously improve the journal.

- ensure the quality of the published material.

- uphold freedom of expression.

- maintain the integrity of the academic record.

- ensure business needs do not compromise intellectual standards.

- publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

The editors will strive to maintain the publication's quality and relevance, which includes guaranteeing that the evaluation of submitted articles is objective, fair, and conducted according to the standards of scientific research in the field of Administration.

By selecting reviewers, the editors aim to promote a competent and impartial assessment of articles.

The editors will seek reviewers who are not from the same institution as the authors or regular co-authors and will attempt to assign submissions to reviewers with qualifications matching the work being reviewed (ANPAD, 2010).

The editors of ReA UFSM have full responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article. The final decision lies with the editors, based on quality, originality, relevance, and alignment with ReA UFSM's editorial direction.

This decision may eventually go against the recommendations made by the Reviewers as long as it is duly justified. "An editor is not beholden to the opinions reaching them but must act with ethical clarity and discernment if choosing to go against them" (ANPAD, 2010).

The editor must not have a conflict of interest with regard to the articles he/she rejects/accepts.

If the editor identifies a conflict of interest, he or she will pass responsibility for the decision on to one of the members of the editorial committee, provided that the latter also has no conflict of interest.

Editors should only accept an article when reasonably sure of this decision.

Editors should publish corrections when they find an error in the publication.

Editors must preserve the anonymity of reviewers.

All those involved in the evaluation process must ensure that submitted manuscripts are treated confidentially.

Editors must not use or misappropriate the knowledge acquired during the article evaluation process.


  1. Ethical Issues in Publishing

Monitoring/Safeguarding the Ethics of Publication by the Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of ReA UFSM is responsible for monitoring compliance with this code of ethics. It must also stay current with changes in the standards of scientific publishing in the field of Administration.

Guidelines for Retracting Articles (based on COPE, 2013).

The editors of ReA UFSM may consider retracting an article if:

- There is clear evidence that the results are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g., fabrication of data) or an honest mistake (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error)

- The conclusions have been previously published elsewhere without adequate reference, permission, or justification (i.e., cases of redundant publication)

- It constitutes plagiarism

- It reports unethical research retraction notices should mention the reasons and bases for the retraction (to distinguish cases of misconduct from those of honest error) and should also specify who is retracting the article. They should be published in all versions of the journal (print and electronic) and include the article's title and its authors.

Maintaining the Integrity of the Academic Record (based on COPE, 2013).

If any misleading statements or distorted reports are found, they must be corrected promptly and given due prominence in the journal.

If, after proper investigation, an item is proven to be fraudulent, it must be retracted. The retraction must be clearly identifiable to readers and indexing systems.



ANPAD. Manual ANPAD de Boas Práticas da Publicação Científica. Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, Rio de Janeiro, 2010. Available at: <http://www.anpad.org.br/diversos/boas_praticas.pdf>. Accessed on September 22, 2015.


COPE. Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Committee on Publication Ethics, 2013. Available at: <http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_1.pdf>. Accessed on September 22, 2015.


Digital Preservation
This journal adheres to the standards defined in the SciELO Program Digital Preservation Policy.
The Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) is committed to digital preservation and acts as a full partner and one of the 12 hosts of the Cariniana Network. In line with this commitment, the journals on the UFSM Journal Portal are integrated into the Network via LOCKSS, ensuring their permanent availability on the web. They are also cataloged by Keepers in the ISSN register. The complete list of journals preserved by the Network is available at the following link: http://reports-lockss.ibict.br/keepers/pln/ibictpln/keepers-IBICTPLN-report.html.





ReA accepts submissions of manuscripts previously deposited on preprint servers, provided they are stored on reputable platforms such as SciELO Preprints, SSRN, and OSF.

Peer Review Process

Articles submitted to the Brazilian Journal of Management - ReA go through a two-stage evaluation:

- Desk review, which assesses the work's fit with the journal's editorial guidelines;

- Double-blind peer review by ad hoc reviewers, ensuring the journal's credibility and the impartiality of the evaluation. In case of conflicting reviews, a third Reviewer will conduct another review.

Submissions to ReA are evaluated based on relevance, a clear and concise abstract, a significant and concise problem statement, a clearly defined methodology aligned with the article's objectives, interpretations, and conclusions justified by the results, adequate referencing to relevant works in the field, language quality, interest, and originality.

Outcomes for evaluated articles can be accepted, accepted with changes, returned for reevaluation, or rejected.

The final version of an article includes the names of the editors responsible for its evaluation.

Open data

ReA requires the citation and referencing of data, program codes, and other underlying content in article texts. It is recommended that cited content be openly accessible.


Submission and Publication Fees

The Brazilian Journal of Management - ReA does not charge any submission or article processing fees.


 Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction

Monitoring/safeguarding the ethics of the publication by the Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of ReA UFSM is responsible for monitoring compliance with this code of ethics. One must also be aware of changes in scientific publishing standards in the area of Administration.

Guidelines for retracting articles (based on COPE, 2013)

The editors of ReA UFSM may consider retracting an article if:there is clear evidence that the results are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g., fabricating data) or an honest mistake (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error);

the conclusions have been previously published elsewhere without adequate reference, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication);

signs of plagiarism are detected;

report unethical research

Retraction notices must detail the reasons and grounds for retraction, distinguishing misconduct from honest error, and indicate who is retracting the article. Notices should appear in all journal formats (print and online), highlighting the article title and its authors.

Maintaining Academic Integrity (based on COPE, 2013).

Misleading statements or reports should be promptly corrected with due prominence in the journal.

Upon thorough investigation, any fraudulent items must be retracted to preserve the integrity of academic records, with retractions clearly identifiable to readers and indexing systems.


Conflict of Interest Policy

Conflicts of interest may be personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial in nature. They can occur when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that might influence their judgment in preparing or evaluating manuscripts. Authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing any financial or other conflicts that could have impacted their work when submitting their manuscripts. The author(s) must disclose any potential conflict of interest by attaching a signed document to the submission platform.


Similarity detection software

The Brazilian Journal of Management is dedicated to upholding academic integrity and preventing plagiarism in the manuscripts it publishes. Articles submitted to the journal undergo two stages of plagiarism/anti-plagiarism checks: 1) peer pre-evaluation and 2) pre-publication using the Turnitin platform. This platform identifies similarities between the submitted articles and previously published texts. The reports generated are reviewed by the section editors and reviewers.


If a manuscript shows signs of plagiarism, the editorial team will review the case and ask the author to make corrections, retract statements, or summarily reject the submission.


 If plagiarism is discovered in published manuscripts or notifications of plagiarism are received, the Editorial Committee and the authors' institutional authorities will be notified.

When necessary, the journal will issue Errata and Retractions, adhering to SciELO and COPE guidelines, to maintain integrity and transparency in scientific research.

Adoption of software using Artificial Intelligence resources

ReA/UFSM follows the Guide to the Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools and Resources in Research Communication on SciELOs in the Communication of Research on the SciELO Network for authors, editors, and reviewers.


Sex and Gender Issues

The ReA/UFSM editorial team, as well as authors publishing in the journal, must adhere to the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines. These guidelines advise on reporting sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, results, and interpretation of findings. Furthermore, ReA/UFSM is committed to gender equity in forming its editorial board.

Ethics Committee

Authors are required to attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research. This is mandatory whenever the research involves human beings, in accordance with CNS Resolution 466/12 and CNS Resolution 510/16.


Authors of articles published by ReA/UFSM retain the copyright of their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. This allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, provided that the original work is correctly cited. Additionally, the authors grant the Brazilian Journal of Management the right of first publication.


Intellectual Property and Terms of Use

Responsibility of the site:

The journal's website is maintained by the Federal University of Santa Maria, which owns the copyright to the site.


The authors’ responsibility:

  • By submitting an article, authors guarantee that it does not infringe on any copyright or other third-party rights and take sole responsibility for its content.
  • All content of the journal and the articles published by ReA/UFSM, except where otherwise noted, are licensed under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY 4.0). Authors retain the copyright of their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY 4.0). This permits articles to be reused and distributed without restriction as long as the original work is correctly cited.
  • ReA/UFSM encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media. Authors can also post them on their personal social media, provided the full citation to the journal's website version is included.


Sponsors and Funding Agencies

A Brief History

The Brazilian Journal of Management was established in 2008 and is published by the Department of Administrative Sciences of the Center for Social and Human Sciences at the Federal University of Santa Maria.

The initiative to publish the journal emerged from a maturation process of teaching activities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the Federal University of Santa Maria. The Department of Administrative Sciences has offered undergraduate programs since 1967, Postgraduate Lato Sensu programs since 1995, and Postgraduate Stricto Sensu programs since 2003. It has been dedicated to fostering academic and business development at local, regional, and national levels.

In 2012, the Brazilian Journal of Management began adhering to the principles of the Manual of Good Scientific Publishing Practices proposed by the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration (ANPAD). That same year, it adopted the English title "Brazilian Journal of Management" to enhance its international visibility.