Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) as a Suitable Approach to Modeling the New Developmentalist Framework


  • Julio Fernando Costa Santos Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Economic Development, Macrodynamic Models, Structural Change, Stock-Flow Consistent


This paper explores the theoretical bases of New Developmentalism, highlighting its core propositions. Evaluates the first effort of mathematical proposition of a New Developmentalist prototype model. It explores how the integration of the current model with a version using the Stock-Flow Consistent approach would look like and how this methodology could help to solve some gaps left behind. Finally, a projection for a new research agenda using sectoral and microeconomic details is pointed out as a possible work front.


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How to Cite

Costa Santos, J. F. (2022). Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) as a Suitable Approach to Modeling the New Developmentalist Framework. Práticas De Administração Pública, 5(3), 44–60.