Development of an open source software for calculating zeros of functions



Zero’s Program, Python, Numerical methods, Open source, GTK


This work aims to present the educational software Zero's Program, developed using the Python programming language (backend), together with the GTK library, which communicates with the frontend. The program consists of a function zero calculator, which through a graphical interface, the user is able to enter the input data (function and analysis location), and after choosing the desired analysis methods. If the user does not know the behavior of the function, it is possible to generalize its graph, making it simpler to choose an analysis interval. Numerical methods supported in the program are the Bisection method, Newton-Rhapson, False Position and Birge-Vieta. It is also possible to generate a convergence curve for each method, generating a greater understanding of the methods by the user. In addition, the software is open source, being possible to download and study how it works and suggest modifications.


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Author Biographies

David Lucas Pereira, Federal University of Santa Maria

Mechanical Engineering Student at the Federal University of Santa Maria - Campus Cachoeira do Sul. He received a FIPE scientific initiation scholarship in the project 'Computational numerical methods: Theory and implementation'. He received a FIPE scientific initiation scholarship in the project 'Modeling mechanical systems through artificial intelligence (SiMec)'. He is currently a CNPQ fellow in the project 'DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGIES TO SIMULATE THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF INTELLIGENT STRUCTURES (SiMec)

Emerson Fouchy Santos, Federal University of Santa Maria

Mechanical Engineering Student at the Federal University of Santa Maria/UFSM. He was a FIPE fellow for the research project "Management of innovative capacity and sustainable innovation in Brazilian industrial organizations", whose function was to develop methodologies for collecting and processing data received by companies via questionnaires. He participated in the research project "Computational numerical methods: theory and implementation" as a volunteer fellow, whose function was to improve the programming language of the numerical methods covered. He is a member of the Materials and Structures Mechanics Group (GMEC).


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Repositório do Zero’s Program. Fonte: (último acesso em: 27/03/2023).



How to Cite

Pereira, D. L., & Santos, E. F. (2023). Development of an open source software for calculating zeros of functions. Journal Of Exact Sciences and Technological Applications, 2, e75178. Retrieved from



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