Creative/Cultural Industry – Opportunistic Barrier Evidence


  • Antonio Monteiro Oliveira Politécnico do Porto, ISCAP/CEI; Universidade de Vigo
  • Orlando Lima Rua


Based on the Owl interventions – Super Bock – Solid Dogma publicity agency, in this study we propose to describe and analyse the emergence of the opportunistic barrier within creative and cultural industry.

We adopted a qualitative methodology and use photography as a research technique.

The results allow us to conclude that the emergence of opportunistic behaviours results in the destruction of creativity rather than the creative destruction proposed by entrepreneurial action literature.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. M., & Rua, O. L. (2021). Creative/Cultural Industry – Opportunistic Barrier Evidence. Journal Of Exact Sciences and Technological Applications, 1, p. 17–24. Retrieved from



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