A crítica de Schopenhauer à concepção de um uso prático da razão pura





Practical reason, Duty, Genealogy of moral


The purpose of this paper is to analyze an initial moment of Schopenhauer's critique to Kant's moral theory, that is, the critique of the concept of a pure practical use of rational faculty. It has three steps, namely, critique to (i) an idea of the same reason that would account for the theoretical and practical foundation, to (ii) lack of foundation or deduction of this alleged practical use of pure reason and/or prosecution of insufficiency of the only attempt made by Kant in this regard and (iii) charge a transcendent overlapping assumption in this view, namely that a practical use of pure reason, that is, a priori a rational determination of the will, would have as a hidden ground the rational psychology. Before these three steps, however, we will analyze wich is the necessity, for Schopenhauer, of this critique of Kantian morality, thus seeking to indicate that the controversy sought also, perhaps primarily, the poskantians.


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Author Biography

Glauber Cesar Klein, Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Curitiba, PR

 Mestrando em Filosofia pela UFPR.


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How to Cite

Klein, G. C. (2011). A crítica de Schopenhauer à concepção de um uso prático da razão pura. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 2(1), 48–62. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179378634112