Indicators on university management: a support methodology


  • Antonio Carlos Miranda Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo (UNISAL), campus Americana, SP.



Higher education, Evaluation, Management.


The focus of this manuscript is to present the construction and use of indicators in a university self-assessment process, as directed by the National Evaluation System of Higher Education (SINAES). The use of indicators allows giving support in the information management in order in the decision-making of the institution, especially when the information production is abundant. In this study was used evaluation data done by students between 2008 and 2010 of the Salesiano University Center of São Paulo (Unisal). The results showed that indicator productions must have the technical, political legitimacy and must be collectively produced within the institution, because only from a process that gathers information and collecting data, can stimulate a reflective analysis of practice in search of improvements at all levels.

Author Biography

Antonio Carlos Miranda, Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo (UNISAL), campus Americana, SP.

Professor doutor no programa de Mestrado em Educação e na Graduação em Pedagogia.




How to Cite

Miranda, A. C. (2015). Indicators on university management: a support methodology. Education, 40(3), 631–644.



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