From the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce to the Ministry of Education: the historical trajectory of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro


  • Celia Regina Otranto


Higher Education, Institution Memory, Agronomy Teaching.


This research aims at investigatiog the historical trajetory of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). The text focus is the creation of the Higher School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (Escola Superior de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária - ESAMV) - first Brazilian public Higher School of Agronomy - created by the decree number 8.319 in October 20th, 1910. The same decree that created the School, established the rules of the teaching of agronomy in the entire country and assigning it to the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce. It approaches the struggle for the survival and the modifications of the ESAMV until it became the present Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro in 1967. In its final part, the text stands out the Institution transference from the Ministry of Agriculture to the Ministry of Culture and Education indicating its main actions and difficulties after the change in the ministry entailment.

How to Cite

Otranto, C. R. (2011). From the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce to the Ministry of Education: the historical trajectory of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Education, 30(2), 71–86. Retrieved from



Dossier: Education's History