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Rev. Enferm. UFSM, v.13, e1, p.1-3, 2023

ISSN 2179-7692 •

Submission: 12/18/2023 • Acceptance: 12/20/2023 • Publication: 12/22/2023

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Knowledge Translation for the advancement of health and Nursing practices 


Elisiane Lorenzini I

Catiele Raquel Schmidt I


I Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil



Nursing, as an extensive workforce, with nurses exercising leadership influencing their practice context, provides an excellent environment to promote the use of best evidence in practice. Additionally, when planning a new study, it is fundamental for the nurse-researcher to prospectively consider ways to conduct research for relevance and applicability in the real world.1

In Brazil, Knowledge Translation (KT) is a term adopted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ). It involves various aspects such as exchange/diffusion, data management, synthesis, or application (implementation) of knowledge within a complex system of interactions between researchers and knowledge users. In recent years, discussions have advanced, providing greater clarity on terms under the KT umbrella: diffusion, dissemination, commercialization, technology transfer, knowledge broker, knowledge management, knowledge mobilization, translational research, implementation, and implementation science.2

KT is gaining traction in research environments as a process involving strategies to make scientific evidence more accessible, understandable, and increasingly applicable in practice. However, its process is still seen as challenging for researchers due to its non-linear, complex nature, requiring multiple actions.3

While there is no available data on KT in Brazil, a study in Ireland identified researchers' needs regarding KT, revealing challenges in collaborating with stakeholders, including knowledge users and policymakers. To address these difficulties, a range of information, guidance, and training resources were created for researchers in the country.3 Among the tools to assist in KT planning is the Knowledge Translation Planning  Template, also available in Brazil in Portuguese.4 Adopting tools developed by scholars working with KT, which have standardized information, can facilitate stakeholder involvement in research.4

It's crucial to highlight that KT doesn't happen spontaneously in research development. For KT to be effective, the process must be intentional (where the researcher knows why the action is being taken), explicit (what to do), structured (how to do it), comprehensive (execution of different actions), and evaluated (if interventions were effective). These aspects characterize new ways of conducting scientific research, with a broad network of collaboration and discussion from research project planning to execution and implementation, where stakeholder involvement is a key pillar.2,5

Thus, the Knowledge4 Translation Planning Template is a tool that assists in planning KT actions based on the following elements: identifying dissemination project partners; describing partner engagement; identifying partner roles; required KT expertise; identifying Knowledge Users; main messages; KT goals; KT strategies for each knowledge users; describing the KT process (integrated or at the end-of-project); KT evaluation of identified goals; required resources; budget items; describing the executing of the KT plan.4

Structured planning can assist researchers in developing actions, but it does not guarantee itself impact. The need to overcome challenges persists, such as a lack of resources, difficulty engaging stakeholders, difficulty evaluating the impact of actions taken, among others.3

Therefore, it is necessary to plan KT activities according to each researcher's reality. It is advisable, whenever feasible, to include knowledge users in the research process, allowing them to participate in decisions, express their opinions, and indicate practical and research aspects that are truly relevant to them .4 This will contribute to a continuous production of accessible scientific knowledge that is easily used in practice, involving knowledge users, individuals who are not experts in the field, to expedite the implementation of research results and disseminate findings in plain language, understandable to the general population.



1. Lorenzini E, Banner D, Plamondon K, Oelke N. A call for knowledge translation in nursing research. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2019 [cited dec 2023 13];28:e20190104. DOI: 10.1590/1980-265X-TCE-2019-0001-0004.

2. Barwick M, Dubrowski R, Petricca K. Knowledge translation: The rise of implementation. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2023 dec 10]. Available from:

3. Minogue, V., Morrissey, M. & Terres, A. Supporting researchers in knowledge translation and dissemination of their research to increase usability and impact. Qual Life Res. 2022 [cited dec 2023 02];31:2959–68. DOI: 10.1007/s11136-022-03122-1

4. Schmidt CR, Barwick M, Lorenzini E. Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of The Knowledge Translation Planning Template For The Brazilian Context. Texto contexto - enferm. 2023 [cited 2023 dec 15];32:e20230116. DOI: 10.1590/1980-265X-TCE-2023-0116en

5. Daraz L, Morshed KG. Can we streamline the concepts of knowledge translation, dissemination and implementation for lay stakeholders? A perspective. BMJ Open. 2023 [cited 2023 dec 05];13:e068946. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068946.


Authorship Contribuitions

1 - Elisiane Lorenzini

Corresponding Author

Nurse, PhD -

Contribuitions: Writing of the manuscript, review and approval of the final version.


2- Catiele Raquel Schmidt

Nurse, PhD candidate -

Contribuitions: Writing of the manuscript, review and approval of the final version.


How to cite this article

Lorenzini E, Schmidt CR. Knowledge Translation for the advancement of health and nursing practices. Rev. Enferm. UFSM. 2023 [Access at: Year Month Day]; vol.13, e1:1-3. DOI: