Rev. Enferm. UFSM - REUFSM
Santa Maria, RS, v.10, e1, p. 1-7, 2020
DOI: 10.5902/2179769263704
ISSN 2179-7692
Nursing Journal of the Federal University of Santa Maria celebrates its 10 years: ascending trajectory and new challenges for editorial excellence
Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria celebra seus 10 anos de criação: trajetória ascendente e os novos desafios para a excelência editorial
Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa celebra sus 10 años de creación: trayectoria ascendente y nuevos retos para la excelencia editorial
Francisco Carlos Félix LanaI
Dalva Cezar da SilvaII
I Nurse. PhD in Nursing at Nursing School of Ribeirão Preto – University of Sao Paulo (USP). Full professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Nursing School. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. E-mail:, Orcid:
II Nurse. PhD in Nursing at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Nurse in Nursing Department of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. E-mail:, Orcid:
Since its creation in 2005, the Virtual Health Library (VHL) Nursing has received from BIREME - Latin American and Caribbean Center for Information on Health Sciences/Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization (WHO), the responsibility of conducting evaluation processes for the selection and permanence of nursing journals for the Nursing Databases (BDENF) and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS). To this end, an Evaluation Committee composed of journal editors and scientific communication experts was created aiming to establish the indexing criteria in these databases, to construct flows and, fundamentally, to evaluate the standardization and merit of those submitted journals.
From 2010, with the Nursing Graduate Program expansion of the in Brazil, induced by the Nursing Area of the Coordination for Higher Education Personnel Improvement (CAPES), the VHL Nursing follows this process and intensifies its initiative to increase the number of journals indexed in BDENF and LILACS. Thus, VHL began to receive several publications that were being created within the scope of Nursing graduate programs in the country. This movement was structured through two vectors: one for journals’ creation and strengthening promotion and other for education in the scientific communication field.
The Nursing Journal of the Federal University of Santa Maria (REUFSM) was one of the journals presented in this context. In the submission for inclusion in BDENF, the issues 1 and 2, from volume 1, were evaluated. This evaluation pointed out few weaknesses related with bibliographic standardization and methodological description of few manuscripts. However, the opinion that approved the indexation highlighted that the journal was structured, with a well-described arbitration process and that the themes were coherent and consistent with Journal’s objectives. The link between REUFSM and the Graduate Program of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) and the Journal’s importance for nursing field were emphasized. This opinion also highlighted that, even though in its early beginning, REUFSM had excellent presentation, organization and quality in the texts, constituting another journal of relevance to the area, with potential for an excellent classification and inclusion in relevant databases. Evaluators also pointed out that the Journal was created with a good structure and vitality, and could reach excellence levels if it continues with the quality observed in the issues assessed, as well as maintaining and updating the good organization and disposition of information on the journal's website.1 Therefore, at that time, in its first two issues, the Journal already expressed its scientific quality and its potential to become a reference journal in the nursing area.
VHL nursing instituted a virtuous flow in which BDENF appears as a "gateway" to young journals, followed by LILACS and REV@ENF - Portal of journals in the SciELO methodology. In this sense, in 2013, the Journal was submitted for indexation in LILACS. Thus, the Journal Evaluation Committee of the VHL Nursing approved the inclusion of REUFSM, highlighting the evident concern of the journal's editorial board to meet criteria of a higher qualification journal, once there was a qualitative leap from the beginning of its publication in 2011 to the current volume in 2013, confirming its potential for inclusion in new bibliographic databases. In summary, the Journal met the recommendations made in 2011 by VHL Nursing, as well as advanced in improving scientific and technical management.
Four years passed and it was possible to observe that the Journal not only maintained its characteristics verified in the BDENF and LILACS assessments, but its upward trajectory was clearly perceived. We observed that, from 2011 to 2014, the Journal published 257 articles, an average of 64 articles per year, 192 of which were research originals, with a rejection rate of 58.5%.2 These indicators represent vitality and a journal’s tendency to become a reference in the area. The visibility achieved in four years of its creation is something to consider and celebrate. The explanation is in the strategic basis of its creation and sustainability process: linkage with graduate studies, participation in the Electronic Journal Publishing System (SEER) platform and hosting on the UFSM electronic journal platform, being fundamental the institutional support and the strengthening of several partnerships.1-2 In addition, the participation of its Editors in the movements created around the VHL Nursing and in the Editors' Forums of the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEn) and the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC), among others, was also very important.
In the 10 years of creation, more than 755 articles were published and there is a growing trend. There were 56 articles published in 2011 and 98 articles in 2020– already as a continuous publication. We highlight that, from this set, 593 research originals were published, representing 78.5% of the total. It demonstrates the high degree of contribution to nursing science, strengthening different lines and research agendas.
From this period to the present day, the Journal continued its upward trajectory and adopted the main initiatives to raise the journals’ quality level: continuous publication to accelerate the communication process; redistribution of the editorial board to ensure scientific representativeness and institutional and geographical scope of the body of editors and reviewers; adoption of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a number recognized globally as a unique and persistent document identifier; and indexing in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) which is the globally recognized index of quality open access journals.
Thus, the desired visibility involves including the journal in the several processes of scientific production quality evaluation; that is, it means indexing the journal in the main databases, which will position it in the direction of constituting a reference for the scientific community in the area. In this sense, we stand out the indexation in CUIDEN – Database of Bibliographic Datos de La Fundación Index and that, in the citacion cuiden ranking, REUFSM occupies the 27th place - 2019, with the index 0.642, and was in 21st place earlier- 2018, indicating the relevance of the continuous monitoring of the base update process, and it is up to the editor to monitor this process. Another indicator is Google Scholar, in which in the list of journals having as reference the index h of 2019, REUFSM occupies the 96th position with Index h5 of 15 and Median h5 of 19. Regarding SCOPUS, we observed that the Journal obtained 273 citations between 2013 and 2020, 67.7% in the nursing area and 18.5% in the medicine area. This result is very promising for a Journal that is not yet indexed on this basis. REUFSM is recommended to prepare to reach new databases such as SciELO, SCOPUS and the Web of Science.
In addition to these considerable advances, new challenges are imposed on the UFSM Nursing Journal and also on other nursing journals. All of them related with the visibility and development of new strategies to accelerate the scientific impact, as follows:3-4
a) Reduction of times between submission, acceptance and publication (fast track).
b) Adoption and permanent updating of good editorial practices and scientific integrity with the adoption of ethical guidelines for reviewers of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
c) Increased theoretical and methodological rigor – compliance with international consensus and fundamental requirements for the different types of study.
d) Keep up-to-date its high-level editorial board and able to prospect good articles.
e) Access to open science and its principles including transparency and progressive openness of peer review, as well as research data in repositories - Transparency and Openness Promotion.
f) High selectivity in the review process, even if this implies the publication of a small number of articles.
g) Adopt international publishing standards.
h) Participate in social networks and researchers.
In this sense, a determining factor for overcoming the challenges pointed out is into the editorial management: editors' staff, as well as institutional, technical, financial and political support. It is essential to strengthen the Journal’s political project in order to expand the qualification of editors; professionalize the publishing; expand the editorial team participation in courses, conferences, events in the scientific communication area; as well as organize a robust team for this work to become professional.
Finally, we reaffirm our prerogative that the young Nursing Journal of UFSM, in its 10 years of existence, has traced a sustainable path in the scientific point of view, that important advances were done and that new challenges can be overcome so that the Journal continues to advance and, thus, contribute to the nursing science expansion and strengthening.
1. Budó MLD, Beck CLC, Silva DC, Prestes FC, Soares RSA, Garcia RP. História da Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2016;37(4):e64924. doi:
2. Budó MLD, Beck CLC, Silva DC. Caracterização das Publicações da Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – REUFSM. In: VIII WEC – Workshop de Editoração Científica; 2014 nov 10-13; Campos do Jordão. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos - ABEC Brasil; 2014 [acesso em 2020 dez 06]. Disponível em:
3. SciELO. Critérios, política e procedimentos para a admissão e a permanência de periódicos na Coleção SciELO Brasil. Maio 2020. [acesso em 2020 dez 06]. Disponível em:
4. Marques F. Táticas para elevar o impacto. [acesso em 2020 dez 06]. Disponível em:
Chief Scientific Editor: Cristiane Cardoso de Paula
Scientific Editor: Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza Magnago
Correspondent Author
Francisco Carlos Félix Lana
Address: 190 Alfredo Balena Av. – Health Campus - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais – Brazil. ZIP: 30130-100
Authorship Contributions
1 – Francisco Carlos Félix Lana
Study/research conception or design; data analysis and/or interpretation; review with critical and intellectual participation in the manuscript.
2 – Dalva Cezar da Silva
Data analysis and/or interpretation; review with critical and intellectual participation in the manuscript.
How to cite this article
Lana FCF, Silva DC. Nursing Journal of the Federal University of Santa Maria celebrates its 10 years: ascending trajectory and new challenges for editorial excellence. Rev. Enferm. UFSM. 2020 [Access in: Year Month Day];vol.10 e1: 1-7. DOI: