Rev. Enferm. UFSM - REUFSM
Santa Maria, RS, v. 9, e54, p. 1-21, 2019
Submission: 07/15/2018 Acceptance:
08/19/2019 Publication: 25/10/2019
Experience Report
care in the relationship knowledge/power and sexuality with school youth via
web radio
Cuidado de enfermagem na relação saber/poder e sexualidade junto à juventude escolar via web Rádio
Atención de enfermería en la relación conocimiento/poder y sexualidad con jóvenes escolares a través de web radio
Leidy Dayane Paiva de AbreuI
Glícia Mesquita Martiniano MendonçaII
Aretha Feitosa de AraújoIII
Raimundo Augusto Martins TorresIV
Maria Rocineide Ferreira da SilvaV
Ana Virgínia de Melo FialhoVI
I Nurse, Doctoral Student, Clinical Care in Nursing
and Health Graduate Program at State University of Ceará,
Fortaleza (CE), Brazil. E-mail: ORCID
II Nurse, Master,Clinical Care in Nursing and Health Graduate Program at State University of Ceará, Fortaleza (CE), Brazil. E-mail:
III Nurse, Doctoral Student, Clinical Care in Nursing and
Health Graduate Program at State University of Ceará,
Fortaleza (CE), Brazil. Professor at the Juazeiro do Norte College (CE)
IV Nurse, Doctor in Education, Professor at the Nursing Course of the State University of Ceará (UECE). Fortaleza (CE), Brazil. E-mail: ORCID
V Nurse, Doctorate in Public Health, Professor at the Nursing Course of the State University of Ceará (UECE). Fortaleza (CE), Brazil. E-mail: ORCID
Vi Nurse, Doctorate in Nursing. Professor at the Nursing Course at Ceará State University (UECE). Fortaleza (CE), Brasil. Email: ORCID
Abstract: Objective: To describe the experience of postgraduate nursing students about
sexuality and the knowledge-power relationship with school pupils via Web
Radio. Method: the experience emerged in “Micropolitics”
subject, held at the first semester of 2016, in articulation with Foucault's
Knowledge/Power theoretical and philosophical framework and the topic
sexuality. Results: in the experience it is
seen that the school and the health department are configured as spaces of
resistance. There is no teacher/nurse/youth speech about sexuality. It was concluded that the Web Radio health care device is an interdiscursive network, involving singularities, providing
care practices to young people. Final considerations: Nursing, in this
school setting, expands its autonomy of care with the youth in the construction
of interdiscursive knowledge.
Descriptors: Nursing; Young people; Sexuality; Digital technologies
Resumo: Objetivo: descrever a experiência de pós-graduandas de enfermagem sobre a sexualidade e a relação saber-poder junto à juventude escolar via Web Rádio. Método: a experiência emergiu na disciplina de “Micropolítica”, realizada no primeiro semestre de 2016, em articulação com o referencial teórico-filosófico Saber/Poder, de Foucault, e a temática da sexualidade. Resultados: na vivência pôde-se verificar que a escola e o setor de saúde se configuram como espaços de resistência. Há ausência de discurso professor(a)/enfermeiro(a)/ juventude sobre a sexualidade. Concluiu-se que o dispositivo de cuidado em saúde Web Rádio é uma rede interdiscursiva, com o envolvimento das singularidades, proporcionando práticas de cuidado junto à juventude. Considerações finais: A enfermagem, nesse cenário escolar, amplia sua autonomia de cuidado junto à juventude na construção de saberes interdiscursivos.
Descritores: Enfermagem; Jovens; Sexualidade; Tecnologias digitais
Resumen: Objetivo: Describir la experiencia de los estudiantes de postgrado de enfermería sobre sexualidad y la relación conocimiento-poder con los jóvenes escolares a través de Web Radio. Método: la experiencia surgió en la asignatura "Micropolítica", realizada en el primer semestre de 2016, en articulación con el marco teórico y filosófico de Foucault Saber/Poder y el tema de la sexualidad. Resultados: en la experiencia se pudo ver que la escuela y el sector de salud están configurados como espacios de resistencia. Hay una ausencia de discurso del profesor/ enfermero(a)/joven sobre la sexualidad. Se concluyó que el dispositivo de cuidados en la salud Web Radio es una red interdiscursiva, que involucra singularidades y brinda prácticas de atención a los jóvenes. Consideraciones finales: La enfermería, en el escenario escolar, amplía su autonomía de atención a los jóvenes en la construcción del conocimiento interdiscursivo.
Descriptores: Enfermería; Jóvenes; Sexualidad; Tecnologías digitales
is a board and comprehensive concept and refers to feelings, desires, attitudes
and perceptions manifestations related to affective and sexual life,
communication and bonding between people. Understanding sexuality is
how the experiences are lived and built in an ongoing process in the
individual’s life, through a constant learning permeated by social, cultural
and historical conceptions. To understand sexuality, it is necessary to analyze
the presence of repressive aspects and the internalization of patterns of what is considered expected and desirable. Therefore, it is
important to consider various instances such as family, school, social
environment, religions, media and other aspects.1
is seen as the historian of prohibitions and
repressive power because he sought the produced "truths" speech and
analyzed how power exerted over madness and sexuality promoted the
"true" discourse of psychiatry and sexology respectively. Foucault3
claimed that in Western societies, for centuries, sex was
linked to truth seeking, especially from Christianity.
Over the years, sexuality has been
discussed through institutional arrangements with a strong power
relation to the juvenile public. This process intensifies and proliferates the
discourses of sexuality in institutions such as church, school, doctor's
office, allowing the linking and intensification of powers to the
multiplication of the discourse.4
articulation between youth and sexuality has been arousing interest of
academics and public managers in recent years.5 The commonly
established relationship between youth and sexuality increasingly passes
through issues such as early pregnancy and prevention of sexually transmitted
infections (STIs), which seem to be supported, albeit implicitly, in a link
between “youth” and “risk”, which is expressed on the assumption that the young
population would be more prone to the practices of an unsafe sex.
As a background, the association between youth, sexuality and knowledge has
also reiterated sexual initiation as a rite of body, mind and culture change.6
Thus, the configuration of juvenile sexuality is permeated
by diverse enunciative fields.
Specifically in Brazil, the insertion of sex education
in the school occurred through a displacement in the discursive field on the
subject and, in the 1920s and 1930s, the discussion about sex education emerged
in the school amid a syphilis epidemic. Moreover, at that time, the problems of
“sexual deviance” were no longer perceived as a crime
but as a disease. For this reason, the school started to be among the spaces of
preventive action of a hygienist medicine, having to take care of young people’s and children’s sexuality, with a view to the
production of behaviors considered as “normal”.7
With the innumerable technological advances, the
communication and information in virtual network have influenced the speed and
contributed with these new forms of health care for the young school
population. The use of resources based on computer and Internet as well as
information systems have been configured as a constant
change process and have influenced the practice of many professions. Thus, the
use of devices, such as Digital Information and Communication Technologies
(DICT), in youth discourses about sexuality bring a new discursive practice to
daily life.
The presence of DICT in daily nursing, especially in
the workplace through educational nursing care to the youth school, is
indispensable and its development is inevitable, necessary and important for
profession and human care development. These technologies, when properly and
intelligently used and administered, could benefit the practice of human care
in multiple spheres.8
Health is considered one of
the most dynamic sectors in terms of absorbing new digital technologies. In
Nursing, informatics functions can be used in care, as
well as in health promotion activities, with emphasis on health education,
rehabilitation, prevention, cure and research and teaching activities. Given
this, in addition to the popularity of DICT, they constitute a privileged space
for relationships among young people. Associating the use of these technologies
with health and education has instigated attention and promotion focused on
youth, stimulating in school the appropriation and dissemination of new health
knowledge and practices in their daily lives among peers.9
It is
identified the need to broaden the look at the nurse's performance – when it comes
to issues of educational intervention with youth cultures, considering that
other territories and languages are created from discourse, subjectivity and
doubts by through DICT -, which has the role of aggregating the linking
relationship with virtual spaces on internet, making it necessary to make this
The communication produced
with young people from schools through the experiences and reflections listed,
narrated and consolidated with the interventions in the territories where they live,
suggests folds with the formulation of care plans that merge with the
interaction between the demands and discourses elaborated by the young people
and nurses’ knowledge. The folds are the spaces in the middle where the Web
Radio team of Irajá Youth Association - AJIR, transits. With the folds
view, the virtual environment is not conceived as
opposed to the physical space of the school, but it is understood that the
time-space relationship is differentiated.10
Thus, the objective is to describe the experience of
nursing graduate students about sexuality and the knowledge-power relationship
with school youth via Web Radio.
This is a descriptive experience report that emerged
from the experience of Master's students of the Clinical Care in Nursing and
Health Post-Graduate Program at the State University of Ceará
- UECE, during the course of “Micropolitics”, held in
the first semester of 2016. Therefore, there was a need to describe the
experience in relation to the topic sexuality with young schoolchildren in the
cities of the northeastern backlands, through discourse experiments and
educational nursing care, broadcasted by Web Radio AJIR, in conjunction with
the theoretical framework –philosophical Knowledge/Power of Foucault.
Interactions during the program were experienced by
the participants (expert guests on sexuality issues with the school youth and
the young schoolchildren who were online) through the link:,
WhatsApp, and Foucault's theoretical framework, from
his works: the Microphysics of power;2 Words
and things;3 History of
sexuality: the will to know,4 which
present the hypothesis of a certain repression about sexuality, for centuries,
that argues about culture influences that incites sex in discourse as a form of
Micropolitics subject
brings in its context a great study by this theoretical framework, and during
the classes, graduate students (nurses) are invited to
participate in Web Radio, bringing their professional experiences with
Foucault's theoretical framework for a dialogue with young people about
repressive assumptions about sexuality.
Thus, the experience was analyzed
allowing the affinity grouping by theme and presented in categories: Web Radio
as a virtual care production environment; knowledge/power/sexuality
articulation and the subjectivity of young students through the digital tool
Web Radio.
Results and
Firstly, there is the presentation of an original digital
culture that takes place within practices developed in groups and communities,
since Web Radio appears as a cyberspace of belonging and learning of different
subjects, as well as an exchanges and conviviality space.
Web Radio as a virtual environment of care production
Web Rádio is an online digital communication channel
articulated between Irajá Youth Association - AJIR
and the Laboratory of Collective Practices in Health, UECE LAPRACS/CCS with the
support of Extension Pro-rectory - PROEX, registered in the Council Teaching,
Research and Extension Program, under No. 3175/2009. Web Rádio
has a studio at UECE in Fortaleza.
The online station is part of
a project that involves research, teaching and extension with students from
the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Nursing course at UECE. The main audience of
Web Radio programs are young
students from two state schools
in Fortaleza/CE, as well as schools
from municipalities in the countyside
of the state
that are: two schools of Sobral, one in Juazeiro, two in São
Benedito and one in Guaraciaba. It also maintains its communication
and community mobilization
base in Irajá, district of
Hidrolândia - Ceará, through the
21 de Abril Library.
In this digital communication channel is presented the
Program “In tune with Health”, to which specialists in the various health areas
are invited. The demands are suggested by the
territories registered in the program, the schools. Web Rádio
receives proposals, evaluates, selects and establishes its annual schedule.
Participating professionals
include nurses who talk about Reproductive Health, STI, Sexuality, Gender,
Identity, Contraception issues, and other topics. In the discourse session,
young people virtually debate on the Web Radio channel during the program, and
the studio team works to ensure that questions asked by students are
transmitted and answered by the speaker and guests, and that the image and
sound come from clearly and accessible to the program reception at school. Participants are instructed to access the video at the center of
the site, which is configured as an output of real-time speaker imagery and
(live) slide show streaming in a video or multimedia room, allowing for greater
participant interaction, bringing them into the channel with the convergence of
these media and the possibility of other participations, since it is an open
channel on the internet.
In the discursive session, “speech-questions” are given by students with queries about the theme being
presented in the live program. These questions are used and
stored on the Radio page as a source of empirical material for a dialogue
between the presenter and the student. In interactions
(questions-discourses), there is a production of questions that are discursive
substrates of youth in schools.11
The digital channel schedule is diverse and covers
themes of culture, politics, education and health. The Program In Tune With Health (S@S) assumes greater interactive
content with young audience of public schools in Ceará,
that weekly talk about topics focused on health education, as well as
educational (clinical) care promotion with students, facilitated by nursing
fellows and students of the Nursing Graduate. The program takes place weekly,
on Wednesdays, at 4p.m, live, with 1 hour of interaction with the participants.
Without pretending to find a definitive answer or
offering a truth, it was preferred to use in this study the terms
"young" and "youth" rather than "adolescent"
since they may not strictly refer to a specific age group nor to a number of recognized
behaviors. By chosen the terms “young” and “youth” expressed in the sense that
participants are immersed in diverse cultural contexts, thus producing their
lives mediated by the daily experiences of their experiences in groups, among
other life-producing territories.12
The educational nursing care with the youth is
highlighted, replacing the purely campaigners practices. Therefore, changes in
health education practices are necessary, as they are
characterized by the centralized, vertical and unidirectional hegemonic model,
guided by the diffusion of knowledge.13
In this sense, educational care has
been built over time in the context of nursing science under the meaning
of clinical practice improvement mediated by communication and information. To
exert the practice that hosts this object, the professional needs to understand
their multidimensionalities, their changeable
character and the potentiality of the available tools, as in the case of
digital tools, as well as the scenario that permeates the production of this
kind of care, since it aims at its development with quality.13
Bringing together clinical and educational nursing
work with the use of DICT, with a view to nursing education, reveals itself as
analytical and promising categories in clinical and educational nursing
practice. Therefore, it is important to seek strategies that prompt nursing
students to such discussions, combining their day to day
health care.14 Also noteworthy is that current generations of young
schoolchildren consider computer technology something natural. Thus, health
education activities can be optimized with the
aggregation of informatics to the nursing work process.9
The interactive and communicative process between
audience (young people) and guest-debater takes place online through the web
radio's scrapbook wall ( and/or through its other access
channels, such as Facebook: Web Radio AJIR and WhatsApp.
In these infovias, young people produce questions and
comments wishing to obtain clarification and/or explanation about the subject
in question by the nurse or other invited health professionals.
The program can be followed
live via Web TV, which enables non-verbal language permeated eye contact. In
addition, there is the written language, mediated by the interaction texts
between the program's production team and the Internet users. And lastly, there is the verbal language, produced by the
speeches of the interviewer and the interviewee. Thus, young people interact
with the convergence of languages and social media and seek answers to their
concerns, questions, doubts, above all, creating an interactive dialogue with
everyone involved in the program.
The reading of the speeches is
analyzed from young people’s health manifestations in sexuality area. Taken together, we approach the “Foucaultian
studies” (Microphysics of power;2 Words
and things;3 History of
sexuality: the will to know4) about discourses to situate
study participants’ sayings and knowledge.15 It makes use of what
has been constituted as a discursive utterance (said) and diagrams which the
mechanics of desire constitute the ways in which subjects ask their questions,
which, in this sense, engender in discourses about their daily lives thus
composing what we call the question-speech.15
The context of studies and research conducted using
Web Radio is in line with the historical framework of poststructuralism.
This tendency involves deconstructivism and
relativism principles, giving texts a plurality of meanings in which reality is
considered a social and subjective construction. The approach is more open
regarding the methods diversity.11
Locating the subjects and their expressions of
subjectivities, exposure, vulnerabilities, positive productions, everyday
contacts in school and other social relations environments in this reality of
online communication, connected daily to the internet through the use of
devices, is a tactics to perceive, investigate and analyze the influences and
repercussions that being young provokes, arouses and generates concerns, often
not resolved within the family or in consultations with health professionals in
physical health services.
Also, as a methodological approach, the experiments of the
digital communication channel use are anchored in the perspective of problematizing
education through the speech-questions. In this sense, the project's teaching,
research and extension activities, with their critical discursive practice,
prompt them to develop problematizing practices that focus on the learner,
understanding that the student makes his/her own way in the teaching-learning
Sex, sexuality, sex education, prejudice, sexual
discrimination, STI, early pregnancy are some of the issues that recur in youth
discourse through interaction with Web Radio. Sexuality is an important
dimension that acts in the conduct of youthful conduct, which is also linked to gender and subjectivation
youth sexuality requires attention to discursive practices in daily life. The
discursive practice concept implies that language is an action that produces
effects. Still on such a conception of discourse, which is not confused with
speech, in the condition of practice, it is important to emphasize that the
discourses originate and originate ways of social relations, produce subjects,
modes of existence and the experience of oneself. In
The Order of Discourse, Foucault15 defines discursive
practice as a set of anonymous, historical rules, always determined in time and
space that defined, at a given time and for a given social, economic,
geographical or linguistic area, the conditions of enunciative
function exercise
communication generated in the discourses by the importance of the other as a
subject that also produces care and not only aims at it is a way to analyze
innovation in health area to meet the challenges that contemporary society
“demands”, driving professionals to designing plans that meet the demands of
the most diverse territories, cracking the physical and geographical barriers,
moving towards multiple Brazils and different cultures in living territories.10
Discursive practices correspond to the active moments
of language use, the ways in which young people compose meanings and position
themselves in daily social relations through Web Radio. In this light, the
meanings are here understood as events resulting from
negotiations in discursive practices, understanding that their production
occurs through the confrontation of social voices that precede and permeate the
construction of any utterance.
articulation with young schoolchildren’s subjectivity through the Web Radio
AJIR digital tool
Sexuality is the cultural way in which bodily desires
and pleasures are lived, and it is an important mark of youthful subjectivity.1
Youth are called upon to
exercise a series of self-techniques, to self-know, to produce a self in a
certain way, to correct that which is not in accordance with the prevailing
norms, and to produce a new subjectivity. At the same time, youth is constantly
the target of domination techniques that act in the conduct of youth behavior.
The production of subjectivity occurs at the point of contact of these
techniques, which act in the self-government and government of others.2
Considering the look at the DICT dissemination
programs, it is understood that discursive practices
are operationalized through digital tools and that such instruments are located
in time, space and according to the social, economic and political context of
each era.15
Digital media, in this case the Web Radio AJIR, is a
tool used in this study and has mediated this process of health education,
favoring the approximation of health services to young people and schools with
current health problems in Brazil.
In view of this, it is possible to
identify that the Web Radio AJIR care tool is inserted
in this context of propelling the discourse about sex that has been present in
our society for over three centuries. Therefore, cartographies are made of the
questions-discourses problematization about
sexuality, produced and discussed on Web Radio with young students. Mapping the
youthful discussions means that the questions-discourses that appear as said
and unsaid around this theme are presented as innovation, regulation and
repetition of what historically is said and affirmed about sex
and sexuality, as a true knowledge, a knowledge to be followed, accepted
and practiced.11
The advantage of being in school
youth and the opportunity to meet and discuss with a variety of people with
similar problems or goals, as well as being able to share common concerns,
gives you a variety of feedback that would not be possible individually. And in the experiences of the health territories, it was
clearly seen that the general discussion of the plenary sessions was focused on
School is a privileged space in actions implementation
that promote the strengthening of self-esteem and self-care, preparation for
democratic living, increasing levels of tolerance for diversity, mutual respect
and, thus, improving the quality of life. It is a fundamental place to discuss
sexuality, since sexuality involves beyond the body, stories, customs,
affective relationships, culture. Therefore, to speak about sexuality is to
speak about one's own life.
Indeed, the school is one of the most important places
to program proposals using new methodologies, such as DICT, in discussions that
cover the youth population. It is not such social concerns, such as demographic
problems and STIs that justify the inclusion of themes related to sexuality in
curriculum proposals, especially in recent years.
In fact, in recent years, sexuality in young people,
more than a moral issue, has acquired a dimension of social problem, even being seen as a public health problem. Among the many issues
that could be addressed with regard to this subject,
priorities such as unplanned pregnancy and STI appear as priorities,
culminating in the highlighting of preventive instructions for “conscious sex”
and condom use.16
Nursing also enters this unit and school setting
through health education practices, approaching young people to listen to them
and allow them to talk about their sexuality.
In the sessions on sexuality, it was identified in the discussions that young people cited
unplanned pregnancy as a common event. Young people begin their sex life early,
although they are unaware of the reproductive physiological structure of their
bodies, such as identifying the fertile period, and this may destabilize their
In the discourse questions of school youth, a universe
of words such as condoms, dating, body, forbidden, not prohibited, gender,
identity, family, school, unplanned pregnancy, STI/HIV/AIDS is observed. Thus,
Web Radio allowed a rich discussion with students about sexuality and everyday
reality. Young people also mention the difficulty of talking to their parents
about dating and sex (mentioned the latter as forbidden because it is not the
time), even living with friends who are already parents, mothers or colleagues
who are pregnant. According to
Foucault,4 sexuality is not what power is
afraid of, but what is used for its exercise.
Prohibitions are not essential forms of power,
they are only their limits, frustrated forms.
Young people are provoked to talk more and more about
their sexuality. Your experience goes through an evaluation of the father and
mother, who pretend not to be evaluating so they can know more, or the child
may retreat and be silent. Knowing this gives parents the power to “guide” in
the way that they find most “useful” for their child's future. This
"utility" is almost always linked to
functionality rather than a pleasure the child can crave.3
Given this, it is reiterated
that the power play in the relationship presented by these parents does not
consist in demarcating right or wrong, the lawful or illicit, and, much less,
implies some kind of condemnation. The order now is to manage sexuality within
a utility system. But in this game of relationships
there should be no condemnation. In other words, sex is not
judged, it is administered.
Parents are also trying to “work,” and working here
has a sense of collaborating so that a larger gear that feels like just one
piece works.4 In turn, young people has incorporated the digital
universe as a channel for discussing health at school and outside its walls. In
order to achieve this goal, health professionals should use resources that seek
young people’s involvement in services, offering them a new focus, without
separating them from their means of interest.11
Another relevant theme addressed was the discourse
about homosexuality at school and family. Many people have mentioned that they
have lots of gay, lesbian and transvestite friends,
but they often hide from their parents for fear of reprisals. Others
also mentioned that they are homosexual and others do not even know their
sexual choice and feel embarrassed to talk to parents and teachers, preferring
to vent with friends or colleagues.
Foucault2 focuses on the issue of
homosexuality by pondering that around 1870 psychiatrists began to regard it as
the object of medical analysis, the starting point for the introjection of new
interventions and controls. Homosexuals thus began to be
perceived as crazy or sick of the sexual instinct. Before, they were considered libertines or delinquents. Then the
strategic invention of homosexuality comes as a will to truth.
The same thing happens with the other minorities: the
woman, the black, the Indian, the quilombola, among
other segments. Some mechanisms lead to the pathologization
of women considering their gender as fragile, almost sick, frigid,
among others. The girls also mentioned that, both at school and at home, there
is a difference between boy and girl when it comes to sexuality, dating and
sexual intercourse. They reported a ban on dating and sex because they were
women and could tarnish their names in society.
The dialogue on gender discrimination and sexual
orientation in the family and education has reached a high degree of
international quality and respectability and provides diagnoses that point to
the Brazilian school as an important space for reproducing particularly
authoritarian, prejudiced and discriminatory models regarding women and men homosexuals,
among other groups. Feminist movements have problematized these stereotypes of
women, that is, these discourses of regulation of their ways of life accept the
challenge by assuming the reinvention of their own kind of existence, starting
from the sexuality that imprisons them to address other statements.17
Sexuality and sexual choices remain a delicate and
difficult subject. It is an area where insecurities and fear about each other
meet. Talking about sex requires a relationship of intimacy and trust.
Sexuality is a theme that should increasingly be part of the discussion between
parents, children, educators and health professionals. Therefore, it is a way
to reduce the lack of information and the lack of knowledge about it, to
establish values, stimulating the knowledge of oneself and others.18
In their speeches, the young
people also mentioned that the school is an interesting place of passions,
desires and discoveries, but, in most cases, it does not allow an open dialogue
with teachers about doubts, fears, anguishes, body changes, desires and sexual
identity. They reported that most teachers are closed
in their worlds full of superficial content of everyday school and, due to
these attitudes, young people silence their lines.
The pedagogy of sexuality that is practiced at school,
in public spaces or in hidden and private corners, whether by affirmation or
silence, legitimizes certain sexual identities and practices and represses and
marginalizes others.17
It was observed in the speeches that health
professionals rarely go to the school place and that the most
present way in this scenario is that of nurses broadcasted by Web Radio.
Nursing acts with social and humanistic relevance, and
digital technologies have been inserted in its clinical practice and care
process, since it needs to use resources that seek the involvement of the young
public in the most varied spaces.
The questions of young people emphasize that the
issues discussed by health professionals and teachers are punctual. Many discuss
sexuality, prevention, contraception and pregnancy through lectures,
emphasizing problems and illnesses. They do not problematize realities, cases
of pregnancy, rape, sexual violence, pedophilia, bullying, sexual identity,
health promotion and cultural diversity, which are often
masked and silenced in the school universe, which consequently does not allow
the creation of bonds with teachers or health professionals.
Sexuality is constantly saturated,
that is, dictated, aroused, so that there is the production of desire. However,
it warns that it is lived and affirmed within a field of knowledge and power
that generates forms of truths and gives way to those who hold the
knowledge/power of their modes of prescription and regulation, for example,
doctors, psychologists, sexologists etc.2
During Web
Radio sessions, young people mentioned the need for spaces for sharing and
listening to this information, as well as creating strategies for the
information dissemination about sexuality, activities specific to the youth, in
which they could be protagonists of the actions, establishing links with health
professionals and teachers, thus enabling the education and health of the
In this scenario, the new DICT use in health education emerges as a strong instrument of nursing,
which has been working with
the young school public in activities for innovative and interactive health care. Thus, the
debate about sexuality through digital tools such as Web
Radio needs stimulation and
encouragement for youths, because it is necessary
to create bonds and to actively
participate as protagonists
in the construction of their own
knowledge and add dynamism, reflection and take care of
Final considerations
The paths made this trip possible,
produced in the folds of the virtual territories, in contact with young people
full of desires, curiosity and doubts. This journey culminated in the
experience of using the Web Radio communication device as an interdiscursive network that provides dialogic interactions
with young people regarding their sexuality, using it as a space of power for
young people to develop self-care.
It was possible to observe from Foucault's
philosophical studies that the speeches do not refer only to what is said, to the expressed content, but to what names and
enables real wills. Knowledge does not refer to what is regarded as science,
but to what is produced in the dynamics of the devices of truth discourse.
Regarding the theme discussion, we identified the absence
of the teacher/nurse/youth discourse and/or the imposition of themes about
sexuality, without entering into the realities experienced by the school youth.
Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the topic with young people in a
different way, replacing the imposed form in which it is
presented and ensuring the participation of parents and teachers, in an
approach that does not only address issues such as pregnancy, STI,
contraception, but also to highlight social and health issues.
Although they do occur, the educational actions on
this subject are still little comprehensive. There is still some difficulty
regarding the involvement of nursing in relation to topics such as sexuality in
the school setting, still in a tentative manner. It points out the need for
continuing education in health by nurses, which enables knowledge on the
subject, thus creating a space for dialogue in educational institutions, care
and the community.
The use of DICT, as in the case of Web Radio,
collaborates with nursing educational care in a unique way to relate to each
other. Although in the experience there is no way to “control” the
reverberations of self and other narratives produced in the discussion group
context, experience shows that new positions can be constructed more
effectively when, in a space of problematization,
young people live possibility of narrating them, expressing them without much
censorship. Thus, the school was configured as a space
of resistance.
This experience contributed to
new perspectives on sexuality and the use of virtual devices, considering that
they are few instruments addressed in schools. Nurses' attention is also drawn to the importance of rapprochement with young
people to create the bond and trust needed to express the feelings and modes of
truth about sexuality and its daily relations of self-production.
The production of works using the
theoretical-philosophical framework allowed the foundation and enrichment of
nursing as a science. For this reason, the study of philosophers like Foucault is reinforced, who allow us to enter this subjectivity.
Nursing is part of this modern historical construction, in this field of
sexualities, which must be thinking about their way of seeing, listening,
lending their analysis lens to the demands of young people’s discourses and the
ways of taking care of themselves.
Therefore, it was possible to evaluate that the
discussion group through Web Radio, collective analysis device in schools, was
relevant, making the deepening of information compatible with the problematization of daily life. By the way, the discussions
about “sexuality” provided by the experience contributed to the normally
undisputed questions about the theme to come up in that scenario. Likewise, it
served to problematize what was conceived by the youth
as something natural, not only regarding the senses on the subject, but also in
relation to their own educational health actions that could be directed to
them, inside and outside the school.
In this sense, it is necessary to continue realizing
new experiences through educational nursing care anchored in a philosophical
knowledge, allowing the appropriation of the theoretical framework and
experiencing a virtual device with this purpose, with which some
disengagements, tensions and challenges can be experienced, absorbed by rich
and deep experiences and learning.
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Corresponding Author
Leidy Dayane Paiva de Abreu
Adress: Itaperi Campus – Dr. Silas Munguba Avenue, 1700 – Itaperi, Fortaleza – CE - Brazil.
ZIP: 60741-000
Author Contributions
1 – Leidy Dayane Paiva
de Abreu
design, collection, analysis and manuscript data interpretation.
2 – Glícia Mesquita Martiniano Mendonça
design, collection, analysis and manuscript data interpretation.
3 – Aretha Feitosa de Araújo
analysis and manuscript data interpretation.
4 – Raimundo Augusto Martins Torres
writing and critical revision of the manuscript.
5 – Maria Rocineide Ferreira da Silva
Contributions: writing and manuscript critical revision.
6 – Ana Virgínia de Melo Fialho
writing and manuscript critical revision.
How to cite this article
Abreu LDP, Mendonça GMM, Araújo AF, Torres RAM, Silva MRF, Fialho AVM. Cuidado de enfermagem na relação saber/poder e sexualidade junto à juventude escolar via Web Rádio. Rev. Enferm. UFSM. 2019 [Acesso em: Ano Mês Dia];vol9: e54: P1-P22. DOI: