Rev. Enferm. UFSM - REUFSM

Santa Maria, RS, v. 9, e5, p. 1-15, 2019

DOI: 10.5902/2179769231556

ISSN 2179-7692

Submission: 12/03/2018    Acceptance: 19/11/2018    Publication: 16/07/2019

Original Article


The profile of nursing professors/teaching nurse in "stricto sensu" post-graduation programs of public institutions

Perfil dos enfermeiros docentes atuantes em programas de pós-graduação “stricto sensu” de instituições públicas

Perfil de los enfermeros docentes actuantes en programas de postgrado "stricto sensu" de instituiciones públicas


Susan Bublitz I

Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck II

Rosângela Marion da Silva III

Isabel Cristina Saboia Sturbelle IV


Abstract: Aim: to identify the sociodemographic and occupational profile of teaching nurses working in stricto sensu postgraduate programs in Nursing of public institutions in Rio Grande do Sul. Method: quantitative, descriptive and exploratory study, developed with teaching nurses from three federal universities. The data collection was from November 2015 to October 2016, through a sociodemographic and labor questionnaire. The results were analyzed by the Statistical Analysis System software. Results: there was predominance of females, mean age of 53.92 and married / stable union. They entered graduate school between 2009 and 2014, have masters and doctorate students, have no other job, have not been away from work for more than three days, as well as in the last six months. Conclusion: the results have important characteristics on the profile of teaching nurses, which can help in understanding the risks of illness of this group, as well as their work process.

Descriptors: Nursing; Faculty, Nursing; Occupational Health; Higher Education Institutions; Education, Nursing, Graduate.


Resumo: Objetivo: identificar o perfil sociodemográfico e laboral dos enfermeiros docentes atuantes em programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu em Enfermagem de instituições públicas do Rio Grande do Sul. Método: estudo quantitativo, descritivo e exploratório, desenvolvido com enfermeiros docentes de três universidades federais. A coleta deu-se de novembro de 2015 à outubro de 2016, por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico e laboral. Os resultados foram analisados pelo software Statistical Analysis System. Resultados: houve predomínio do sexo feminino, idade média de 53,92 e casados/união estável. Ingressaram na pós-graduação entre 2009 e 2014, possuem alunos à nível de mestrado e doutorado, não possuem outro emprego, não estiveram afastados do trabalho por mais de três dias, bem como nos últimos seis meses. Conclusão: os resultados apresentam importantes características sobre o perfil dos enfermeiros docentes, o que pode auxiliar na compreensão acerca dos riscos de adoecimento deste grupo, assim como do seu processo de trabalho.

Descritores: Enfermagem; Docentes de enfermagem; Saúde do Trabalhador; Instituições de ensino superior; Educação de pós-graduação em enfermagem



Resumen: Objetivo: identificar el perfil sociodemográfico y laboral de los enfermeros docentes actuantes en programas de postgrado, stricto sensu, en Enfermería, de instituciones públicas del Rio Grande do Sul. Método: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, desarrollado con enfermeros docentes de tres universidades. La recolección de datos ocurrió de noviembre de 2015 a octubre de 2016, por medio de un cuestionario sociodemográfico y laboral. Los resultados fueron analizados por el software Statistical Analysis System. Resultados: se identificó el predominio de docentes del sexo femenino, edad media de 53,92 y casados. Ingresaron en el postgrado entre 2009 y 2014, tienen alumnos de maestría y doctorado, no poseen otro empleo, no estuvieron alejados del trabajo por más de tres días, tampoco en los últimos seis meses. Conclusión: los resultados presentan importantes características sobre el perfil de los enfermeros docentes, lo que puede auxiliar la comprensión sobre los riesgos de enfermedad de este grupo, así como de su proceso de trabajo.

Descriptores: Enfermería; Docentes de Enfermería; Salud Laboral; Instituciones de Enseñanza Superior; Educación de Postgrado en Enfermería.




In Brazil, the National Postgraduate System (SNPG) grows in a sustainable and continuous way.1 According to the last four-year evaluation carried out by the Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the SNPG, in absolute data, advanced from 3,337 to 4,175 programs between 2013 and 2016.

In this same evaluation, it was identified that 11% of the Brazilian programs presents performance equivalent to international standards of excellence, with grades 6 and 7, totaling 465 graduate programs. A percentage of 18% reached grade 5, reaching a level of national excellence. It should be noted that notes 4 and 5 mean a good to very good performance. Courses with minimum quality standards, with average performance, are assigned grade 3.1

With regard to post-graduation in Nursing in Brazil, this one is also in full expansion. As of December 2013, the Area had 66 approved stricto sensu graduate programs. Already, between 2014 and 2016, the Area expanded to 76 postgraduate programs, representing an increase of 17% in the period.2

In this context, the general expansion of postgraduate studies is due not only to the increase in the number of postgraduate courses, but, above all, to the increase in society's demand for a higher level of schooling, which has become a requirement for entry into the market The field of work demands more and more qualification, and post-graduation, particularly stricto sensu, has offered this differential in the labor market, leading to a better job placement, greater remuneration and the development of some acquired during graduation, such as training for teaching.4

In this way, the postgraduate has played an important role in the production of knowledge for professional qualification and also for the articulation of responses to the demands placed by society.4 However, one must consider the professionals involved in this process, who occupy a primary activity for the consolidation and strengthening of postgraduate programs, being the teachers.

However, when considering postgraduate programs in Nursing in Brazil, no studies were found that specifically address the profile of teaching nurses working in this scenario. It is considered that these data are essential for the continuous process of evaluation by the bodies responsible for this and that can contribute to the elaboration of strategies that take into account the peculiarities of the teachers, such as: number of students (teacher-oriented), year of admission in the postgraduate course (young or old teachers), marital status, age group, work leave, among others. The SNPG, when knowing the data discussed in the study, could propose changes in the maximum number of teacher-oriented and propose actions that aim to reduce labor distances.

Thus, aiming at the continuous improvement of the SNPG evaluation process, which includes, among other things, the evaluation of the teaching staff of the programs and, believing that it is more appropriate to the extent that the characteristics of the professionals are known, it is considered relevant to question what the profile of teaching nurses working in this scenario? When identifying a gap in this area of knowledge, it is relevant to identify the profile of these nursing teachers, with the intention of collaborating in this gap, strengthen the evaluation of the SNPG and, later, help to understand the risks of illness of this group. The aim of this study is to identify the sociodemographic and occupational profile of teaching nurses working in stricto sensu postgraduate programs in Nursing at public institutions in Rio Grande do Sul.


This is a descriptive, exploratory study with quantitatively analyzed data, developed with the teaching nurses working in Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs at the federal universities of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Thus, three federal universities of Rio Grande do Sul participated in the study. Among the participating institutions, two graduate programs in Nursing had a grade four by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level – or Education - Personnel) and a program had a grade five.

The data collection was done through a sociodemographic and labor questionnaire of the teachers, which was elaborated by the researcher. The following variables were considered: sex; age, marital status; year of admission to Post-Graduation; number of  master’s and doctoral (teacher-oriented) students; Nursing work regime in Higher Education Institutions (HEI); have another job; work accident in the last six months and; removal from work in the last six months due to personal illness. The collection period was from November 2015 to October 2016.

To participate in the study, teachers should meet the following inclusion criteria: to have a Nursing course, to work in a "Stricto Sensu" Graduate Program in public HEI in Rio Grande do Sul and; have at least one dissertation defense or student thesis oriented, considering that it was given the opportunity to know and perform all the stages inherent to the experiences in the program. The exclusion criteria were teachers who were removed by license of any nature during the period established for the collection of data.

Thus, those teachers who were nominated for the study, according to inclusion criteria were individually addressed, via face-to-face, informed about the research objectives and invited to participate in the study. Through the affirmative response of the teacher and considering the Guidelines and Rules for Research Involving Human Beings (Resolution CNS 466/12), a free and informed consent term (TCLE) was made available to the participants. At the time of delivery of the questionnaire and after reading and signing the TCLE, the date of collection of the same was agreed.5

Thereby, at the time of data collection, there were 74 accredited professors in the postgraduate nursing programs of the institutions under study. Among them, three were excluded because they did not have nursing training, eight because they did not have completed guidelines, four because they were retired and one because they were the teachers responsible for this research. Thus, 58 teachers were allowed to participate in the study, however, four teachers refused to participate verbally and four did not return the questionnaire, obtaining a contingent of 50 participating teachers.

After data collection, a database was built into Excel for Windows program spreadsheet, in which the data were organized by means of double independent typing. The descriptive analysis of the sociodemographic and labor data of nursing teachers was analyzed by the software program Statistical Analysis System (SAS - version 9.02). The qualitative variables were presented in simple (n) and relative (%) frequencies, it is emphasized that quantitative variables were not addressed in this study.

This study is part of the thesis “Risks of Illness, Pleasure and Suffering in the Everyday Work of Graduate Nurses ‘Stricto Sensu’: Mixed Methods Approach”, which was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) under the No. CAAE 48451615.0.0000.5346, on September 08, 2015.


The present study was constituted by 50 teachers, which represented 86.20% of the eligible population of the study. It should be noted that the proportion of respondents from each institution was: 14 teachers from institution A, 25 teachers from institution B and 11 teachers from institution C.

As to the sociodemographic characteristics of the teachers, the predominance of females (98%), in the age range between 51 and 60 years (64%), with a mean age of 53.92 (SD = 8, 01) and married / stable union (74%).


Table 1 – Distribution of teachers' frequency according to sociodemographic characterization. RS, 2017













Age Range



31 – 40

41 – 50

51 – 60










Marital Status




Married / Stable Union















Regarding the work characteristics of teachers, Table 2 shows that there was a prevalence of teachers who entered the postgraduate program between 2009 and 2014 (40%). Regarding student orientations, it was verified that 92% of the teachers have students at master’s level and 72% guide the doctoral students. Still, most teachers (96%) have no other job.

Table 2 – Distribution of the teachers regarding the year of admission to the postgraduate course, number of Master's and PhD students and if they have another job. RS, 2017




Year of admission to Post-Graduation* *



1998 to 2003

2004 to 2008

2009 to 2014







No. of Master's degree
























No. of PhD teaching-oriented students.
























Has another job












* Three participants did not respond to this item.


Regarding teachers' health, it can be seen in Table 3 that 40% of teachers were already away from work for more than three days, most of them did not suffer an accident at work (98%) and did not six months (98%). It is noteworthy here that when questioning the removal for more than three days, it was not possible to identify the complete period of the removal, being only questioned for what reason the same occurred.

Table 3 – Distribution of teachers regarding the removal of work due to health reasons for more than three days, work accident and absence in the last six months. RS, 2017




Removal from work for health reasons
for more than three days









Work accident









Removal in the last 6 months












         Teachers who needed to move away from work due to some illness were for reasons as: surgery, fractures, viral, pneumonia and depression.


After analyzing the data, it was verified that the predominantly female percentage is in line with other studies performed with nursing teachers. 6-8 Nursing is characterized by being a female profession, since it is related to its work object , the care which is historically attributed as a feminine characteristic.9

In this context of the professions historically destined to the feminine gender, the function of teacher also stands out, since the area of the teaching was one of the first to insert, in a greater scale, the feminine participation, becoming "natural" that the woman opt for this profession.10-11

It is noteworthy that, from the expansion of the educational sector in Brazil, women were asked to occupy the positions of educators; considering that at the time, teaching was understood as their own activity because it involved the idea of teaching as a mission or priesthood, as well as being a natural feminine vocation. Such an imaginary was mainly due to the teaching work with the child. The 'natural gift' of motherhood would give rise to appropriate teaching qualities; so, being a good mother, a good teacher, or, of course, a teacher, she would be.12

Thus, the activities of the nursing care work process, as well as those related to the work process of teaching, are considered as "feminine"7 and converge with the findings of this study.

Regarding the age group of the participants, it was observed that, for the most part, the teachers had 51-60 years (64%), with a mean age of 53.92 (SD = 8.01), which is characterized because they are adults with ages that point, possibly, to teachers with more experiences of life and work accumulated.

It should be emphasized here that, in order to be part of the faculty of a "stricto sensu" postgraduate program, it is necessary for the teacher to fulfill certain requirements such as having completed his doctorate. In addition, to participate in this research, one of the inclusion criteria was that the teacher had already completed an orientation. Thus, it was expected that the respondents of this research were not young adults.

Regarding the marital status of the respondents, there was a predominance of married / stable union (74%), since it is in line with other research involving nursing professors.6-8 The prevalence of married / stable marriage is consistent with the age group of the study population, since they are people in a higher age group and that, for the most part, have already constituted family.

As for the year of entry of teachers into postgraduate programs, the highest percentage (40%) recently entered, between 2009 and 2014, followed by teachers who entered between 2004 and 2008 (38%), which corresponds to the Brazilian scenario current. In recent years, there has been a significant growth of the Brazilian postgraduate system, which is reflected both in the increase in the number of courses and programs, and in the number of human resources trained.13

In relation to the number of masters and doctoral advisors, the sum of the respondents was verified, with the majority having masters (92%) and doctoral students (72%). However, the fact that the percentage of teachers with doctoral students is lower than that of master's degree may be associated with the recent entry of teachers into post-graduate programs, since CAPES requests that teachers entering doctoral level have, at least two master's degrees completed.14

When it comes to having another job, because they are public institutions, the work contract of these professionals can be 20 hours, 40 hours a week or 40 hours a week and exclusive dedication (DE). In the cases of teachers with 40 hours and ED, there is legal impediment to taking another job. In other situations, this does not occur. It is noteworthy that in this study, 96% of the respondents stated that they had ED as a work regime.

The result is in line with another study carried out with teaching nurses from public federal universities in Rio Grande do Sul, which revealed that 98.5% of the participants had no other job.8

Regarding the need to leave work for health care, for a period of more than three days, 60% of the teachers studied have never had to move away from work. This data is similar to a study carried out with university health professors, in a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, where 69% of the respondents did not need to move away from work due to illness.15 However, it is worth noting that 40% of teachers responding to this research have already had to move away from work due to some illness, such as: surgeries, fractures, viral infections, pneumonia and depression.

The removal of teachers from the work environment may be associated with the working conditions and circumstances under which these workers mobilize their physical, cognitive and affective capacities to achieve the objectives of school production, and may cause over-effort or hypersolicitation of their functions psychophysiological.16 Nowadays, there is a greater demand with the teaching professional and a precariousness of the relations of their work, contributing to the repercussion in the health of these workers.17 It is worth noting that the possible causes cited by the literature for the removal of work were not compared with findings of this research, since this aspect was not investigated.

When asked if they already had any type of work accident and if they have already had to leave work in the last six months, only one teacher (2%) in each of the questions answered affirmatively. It should be noted that the participant who had an accident at work did not specify the same.

It is observed that, in this study, the index of occupational accidents, as well as the rate of absence in the last six months, was 2%. Although the percentage has not been high, it is emphasized that work can interfere in the health of those who perform it, a fact that occurs when it is exercised in inappropriate conditions, long working hours, accelerated pace, inadequate work environments, among others adverse conditions. In this sense, it is emphasized that such situations can give rise to accidents and diseases arising from work.11,18

Thus, it is inferred that, knowing the sociodemographic and labor characteristics of nurses teaching post-graduate programs stricto sensu, makes it possible to understand the reality and the needs of these. In addition, these data can be an important tool for improving the work processes and scientific constructions of the programs, which can favor SNPG assessments, as regards the profile of teachers, as well as assist in detecting the possible causes of work environment.


It was found that the studied population was predominantly females, mean age of 53.92 and married / stable union. In addition, they entered graduate school between 2009 and 2014, had masters and doctoral students, had no other job, were not away from work for more than three days, and also did not leave the work in recent years. six months.

The limitation of this research is the fact that it occurred with only one Brazilian state, which prevents the data being generalized. However, the results of this research present important information about the sociodemographic and labor characteristics of the teaching nurses of post-graduation programs stricto sensu in Nursing of public institutions of Rio Grande do Sul.

There are still few studies that investigate the teaching nurses participating in the SNPG. Thus, knowledge of the main characteristics of these professionals can help CAPES, as well as the participating institutions, to be an important tool for tracing the profile of teaching nurses.

In this sense, it is suggested to invest in research that focuses on this profile, the risk of sickness of teaching nurses, as well as identify and understand their work context. Such studies may help in understanding the different experiences faced by teachers as a result of these work processes.


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Correspondent Author

Susan Bublitz


Address: Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 1385. Santa Maria/RS. Brasil.

ZEP-Code: 97015-373.


Authors Contributions

1 – Susan Bublitz

The Author who planned and fulfilled the research Project “strict sense” with the approaches of mixed methods presented in the post graduation program of Nursing at UFSM.

2 – Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck

Researcher responsible for orientation of the entitled thesis and planning the research Project and the critical study analysis.

3 Rosângela Marion da Silva

Coordinator of the mentioned thesis, and the Author who participated in the critical composition of the manuscript.

 4 Isabel Cristina Saboia Sturbelle

The Author who participated in helping the research Project in obtaining informations and revising the critical manuscript.


How to quote this article

Bublitz S, Beck CLC, Silva RM, Sturbelle ICS. The profile of nursing professors/teaching nurse in "stricto sensu" post-graduation programs of public institutions. Rev. Enferm. UFSM. 2019 [Acesso em: 2019 jun 15];vol ex:pi-pf. DOI: