Urban ecology and planning: a necessary convergence





Urban ecology, Urban ecosystems, Urban biodiversity, Urban planning


The global and massive urbanization of territories is one of today’s most important ecological phenomena. The standards used in urban growth are vital for the conservation of biological diversity, and also affects the provision of a reasonable quality of life for urban populations. Contrary to the perception held by many biologists and other academics, where cities are sterile environments and the opposite of natural, the recent development of urban ecology, a necessarily interdisciplinary science, shows that cities are heterotrophic ecosystems that need to be planned in a manner that reduces their impacts on the biosphere, and that in parallel increases their ability to sustain biodiversity.


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Author Biographies

Fabio Henrique Soares Angeoletto, Mato Grosso Federal University, Cuiabá, MT

Professor of Geography at Mato Grosso Federal University

Mark Dominic Edmund Fellowes, Reading University, Reanding, Berkshire

Professor of Ecology at the University of Reading

Liliana Essi, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Professor of Agrobiology at Federal University of Santa Maria

Jeater Waldemar Maciel Correa Santos, Mato Grosso Federal University, Cuiabá, MT

Professor of Geography at Mato Grosso Federal University

Juciane Maria Johann, Mato Grosso Federal University, Cuiabá, MT

Masters studnet of Geography at Mato Grosso Federal University

Deleon da Silva Leandro, Mato Grosso Federal University, Cuiabá, MT

Masters in Geography at Mato Grosso Federal University

Nathalia Moraes Mendonça, Mato Grosso Federal University, Cuiabá, MT

Masters in Geography at Mato Grosso Federal University


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How to Cite

Angeoletto, F. H. S., Fellowes, M. D. E., Essi, L., Santos, J. W. M. C., Johann, J. M., Leandro, D. da S., & Mendonça, N. M. (2019). Urban ecology and planning: a necessary convergence. Revista Eletrônica Em Gestão, Educação E Tecnologia Ambiental, 23, e17. https://doi.org/10.5902/2236117032452




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