Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

REGET, Santa Maria, v. 24, Ed. Especial, e1, 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5902/2236117062655

Received: 05/11/2020 Accepted: 05/11/2020 Published: 04/12/2020




Editorial for REGET Journal

The demand for skilled professionals in the environment science, especially in terms of sustainability and management of urban watersheds and water resources, has become increasingly greater and calling for requirements in the labor market that satisfy the growing social need for a solution for the problems generated by environmental degradation. For this reason, it is essential to disseminate opportunities and exchange research and innovation experiences between graduate, undergraduate, and technical education, awakening young people to scientific learning and qualifying professionals already working.

To achieve such a goal, the International Congress of Environmental Engineering and the 10th Meeting of Environmental Studies (REA) propose the direct involvement of topics relevant to the environmental theme and discussions of the biggest problems faced by Brazilian cities. This was accomplished through the approach of transversal themes of great relevance: soil and ecosystem conservation, reuse of solid waste, generation of new products and techniques, sustainable systems and urban floods, urban mobility, atmospheric pollution, water resources, water quality, renewable energies, practical applications, environmental education, watershed management, erosive processes, and silting of bodies of water.

For the last 2 decades, REA has contributed to the qualification of over 2,000 people, in addition to the ANAIS records, the publication of 7 books with selected articles, and special publications of the best studies in 6 national and international journals.

In addition, the Event aims to provide the involvement and participation of professionals working in Public and Private Companies to collaborate with efficiency programs in activities related to projects and inspection.

It is also intended to provide Teachers, Undergraduate, and Graduate Students, from Educational and Professional Institutions, with a conceptual and methodological update on the different types of studies, practical techniques, and research carried out on the area, providing opportunities for the formation of new groups, partnerships, and contacts, for the development of new research and extension projects that can help them in the development of research and professional activities.

We wish you an excellent reading of the 28 selected papers.

Prof. Dr. Cristiano Poleto