Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
REGET, Santa Maria, v. 24, e9, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5902/2236117040871
31/10/2019 Accepted:
13/01/2020 Published: 18/02/2020
Environmental Education
knowledge level in undergraduate students: University of San Pedro, Peru
Nível de
conhecimento ambiental em estudantes de graduação: Universidade de San Pedro, Peru
Oscar Julián Berrios
David Roberto Ricse ReyesII
Leandro Alonso Vallejos
Prospero Cristhian Onofre Zapata MendozaIV
I Biólogo, Facultad De Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional De Frontera,
Sullana, Piura, Perú - osjhuberr@hotmail.com
II Ingeniero Químico, Facultad De Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional De Frontera, Sullana,
Piura, Perú - daric_quimico@hotmail.com
III Ingeniero Agroindustrial, Facultad De Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional De Frontera, Sullana,
Piura, Perú - lvallejos@mba.pad.edu
IV Arquitecto, Facultad De Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional De Frontera,
Sullana, Piura, Perú - criszamen2@gmail.com
Studies specifically
referring to the evaluation of learning levels and awareness of university
students in environmental matters are incipient. In that order, the objective
of this research is to establish the influence curriculum of the San Pedro
University, Sullana subsidiary on the level of
environmental knowledge of undergraduate students, 2017. The research design is
non-experimental, applicative, observational and descriptive. The study
population corresponds to undergraduate students of the San Pedro University, Sullana, 2018. The total population comprises 2050
students; the sample is structured by a non-probabilistic sample, represented
by 188 undergraduate students of the San Pedro University Sullana
2017, students from different Professional Schools. The survey technique was
applied, through a knowledge assessment questionnaire on environmental issues.
With a significance level of 0.05, it was demonstrated that the Study Plan of
the San Pedro University subsidiary Sullana 2017
doesn’t have any significant influence on the level of environmental knowledge
of undergraduate students. With an average of 2.73% of the courses dedicated to
the environmental issue, it is concluded that environmental issues are not a
priority within the curricular contents of the San Pedro University, Sullana subsidiary.
Keywords: Environment;
Knowledge; Evaluation; Students; University
Os estudos referentes especificamente
à avaliação dos níveis de aprendizagem e conscientização dos estudantes universitários em questões ambientais são incipientes.
Nessa ordem, o objetivo desta pesquisa é estabelecer a influência do currículo da Universidade
de San Pedro, ramo Sullana no nível de conhecimento
ambiental dos estudantes de graduação, 2017. O desenho da pesquisa é não experimental,
aplicativo, observacional e descritivo. A população do estudo corresponde aos
estudantes de graduação da Universidade de San Pedro, rama Sullana,
2018. A população total é composta por 2050 estudantes, a amostra é estruturada por uma amostra não probabilística, representada
por 188 estudantes de graduação da Universidade
San Pedro Sullana ramo ano 2017, estudantes de
diferentes Escolas Profissionais. A técnica de levantamento foi aplicada
por meio de um questionário para avaliar o conhecimento sobre questões ambientais.
Com um nível de significância de 0,05 foi demonstrado que o plano de estudo da Universidade de San
Pedro ramo Sullana 2017, não influencia
significativamente o nível de conhecimento ambiental dos estudantes de graduação. Com uma média de 2,73% dos
cursos dedicados às questões ambientais, pode-se deduzir que as questões ambientais não são uma prioridade
nos conteúdos curriculares da delegação da Universidade de San Pedro em Sullana.
Palavras-chave: Ambiente;
Conhecimento; Avaliação; Estudantes; Universidade
industrialization effects and the exponential growth of the human population on
the sustainability of the planet are undeniable. The Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) report (2018) refers to the estimated risks to climatic
changes as a result of 1.5C
temperature raise. The potential threats associated with the increase in
temperature are estimated differentiated according to the regions, levels of
development, public policies of eco sustainability and mitigation (UN, 2018).
In that order, the IPCC in the report published in the year 2018, refers to
global warming as a result of human action reaching between 0.8C and 1.2C in 2017, in relation to
the 1850-1900 stage (IPCC, 2018). The report emphasizes the increase in
temperature of approximately 20% since 2000. In addition to this, IPCC
estimates that climatic changes are expressed asymmetrically, according to the
geographical region with fluctuations above the average that reach up to 6C of difference. The number of hot days will increase in most regions and
flood areas will increase in number, in proportion to the increase in
temperature, being estimated to reach 0.77 m by the year 2100 (IPCC, 2018).
Literature in climate change field is profuse and in general the authors agree
that role education plays in the dissemination of the culture of environmental
sustainability. However, studies specifically referring to the evaluation of
the levels of learning and awareness of students in environmental matters are
incipient (MSENGI et al., 2019; AFNAN et al., 2017; RAUF et al., 2017; ESTRADA
& TOJAR, 2017). Nonetheless, this status of affairs tends to change,
whether due to focus changes or regulatory induction. In terms of approach, the
enrollment of educational institutions within new perspectives where the
didactic suitability in addressing environmental issues tend to move from the
academic transverse to the holistic of human work, establishing a roadmap that
transcends the strictly academic.
There is
a consensus among most researchers in characterizing the anthropogenesis of
climate change produced since the 19th century. The univocity
among those who attribute the negative environmental impact to human actions is
divided into a plurality of conceptions, proposals and corrective actions
(ROSENTRATER & BURKE, 2017). This plurality affects the efficiency of environmental
education as a transversal axis of educational curricula. Among researchers
there is a consensus on the need to educate teachers with the necessary tools
so that the mainstreaming of the environment and the universalism of
environmental responsibility will accompany the development of class sessions
as a substantial element of the curriculum, where the Echocentric
positioning results in environmental behaviors by students (LEAL et al., 2018;
ORANGES et al., 2018; STOUGH et al., 2018; PULIDO & OLIVERA, 2018).
behaviors are a consequence of a multiplicity of factors that affect the
conformation of personality. Carhuapoma and Juárez
(2015) found out that among Peruvian university students who express high
levels of benevolence and universalism within the Shwartz
scale of values, environmental behaviors which are manifested, are expressed in
environmental actions. Subsequently, Álvarez, López and Chafloque
(2018) diagnosed how the environmentalist behavior modalities of Peruvian university
students of the Business Sciences and Engineering degrees nationwide are
expressed. 52.9% of the surveyed students indicated that they always or almost
always observe environmental behavior of various orders; however, to the
question about the role of social influence on environmental behaviors, 44%
indicated that they receive pro-environmental influence from of peers and
teachers, the teaching influence prevailing in 47.7% of cases (ÁLVAREZ et al., 2018). These results show that less than 50% of students
recognize teachers as referents in environmental matters, and less than 25% of
students stated that they carry out environmental actions.
in environmental matters prevails strictly in the academic field. Several
investigations agree that the effectiveness of programmatic content in
environmental matters requires the integration of institutional and individual
efforts (STOUGH et al., 2018; CONDOR,
2018; HOOVER & HARDER, 2015; FISCHER et al., 2015). The goal is to
establish agreed frameworks for action, breaking with the tendency towards the
individualization of teaching strategies for environmental education and with
the conceptual plurality of sustainability, both generating tensions that
demand dialogic actions within institutions (ORANGES et al., 2018).
conceptual plurality in environmental matters leads to diverse responses in
relation to environmental and sustainability issues by university students.
Richard and Adams (2011), demonstrated that in geographically distant
university institutions - Hawaii
and Alabama-, where student concerns about the theme of environmental
sustainability are common; this concern does not translate into actions in the
same proportions in both institutions. Indeed, when urged towards active
participation in the development of actions that affect environmental
sustainability, the students of the Hawaiian university institution proved
proactive to environmental sustainability practices, while Alabama students
were reluctant to assume eco-sustainable performances. The divergence of
attitudes is attributed to the differentiation between the socialization
spaces of both groups, while students who grew up in contact with nature
tend to empathize more with environmental sustainability actions than students
who have not experienced experiences with nature (POSKUS, 2019; PREVOT et al., 2016). In another order, Jackson et al. (2016), describe a
similar experience with students from the last secondary stage of Hong Kong,
who didn’t show a direct correlation between environmental attitudes and
divergence in the levels of student proactivity against concrete actions
oriented towards environmental sustainability expresses the multiplicity of
preconceptions, diversity of contexts, socially diverse spaces and focus
plurality with which the mainstreaming of the environmental is incorporated in
the university curricular contents. The wide controversy among researchers
about the relationship between attitudes and environmental behavior of
university students expresses the demand for uniformity of didactic criteria
within the cross-curricular mesh of environmental issues, and demonstrates the
need to deepen the assessment of environmental knowledge achieved by university
students (STOUGH et al., 2018; FISCHER et al., 2015).
In that
order, Stough et al. (2018) demonstrated that there
is no uniformity of criteria for the evaluation of knowledge on environmental
sustainability in the curricular contents of university degrees. The authors
argue that in principle there is no univocity in the
conceptualization of sustainability, coupled with the fact that reports
referring to integration degrees of the curriculum subject are measured based
on the presence or not of courses related to sustainable development, which it
doesn’t refer to the levels of knowledge achieved by students on the subject.
These results show the existing gap in the matter of instruments that study
concomitantly both inputs and products associated with the teaching-learning of
sustainable development. Prevot, Clayton and Mathevet (2016) refers that the effectiveness of
environmental education should be measured by other indicators different to the
degree, indicating that the sense of identity with the environmental issue is
built from childhood in an identity process, where professional career
selection studied, is associated with the development of the environmental
identity, from which it follows that the environmental identity precedes the
university career. This doesn’t detract
from the construction of environmental identities in adulthood,
only that this process transits through the development of individual or
group experiences of interaction with nature, which demonstrates the inadequacy
of environmental education and sustainability from the classroom settings,
without this educational process being accompanied by field experiences (PREVOT
et al., 2016).
In Peru,
from a normative perspective, educational institutions have Law 28044 of the
year 2003 where the principle of environmental awareness is established. Other
environmentalist vocation laws were established in the following years, being
the National Environmental Action Plan [NEAPLAN] 2011-2021 the instrument of
national environmental planning with the greatest impact, as part of the
diagnosis of the country's environmental situation and from there; it
establishes specific objectives to achieve the proposed environmental
sustainability goals. In university matters, environmental sustainability
policies are contained within the guideline 10 of the National Environmental
Education Policy (2012), which includes the modification of Develop the
environmental approach in professional training, research, social projection
and institutional management of the entities of university and non-university
higher education (MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF PERU, 2012).
within the purpose of promoting achievements in university sustainability, the
Interuniversity Environmental Network (2018) publishes the annual ranking of
environmental sustainability of universities based on the indicators: 1.
Internal environmental management, 2. Training, 3. Research and 4. Cultural extension and social projection. This allows
identifying the manifestation of pro-environmental actions derived from the
holistic conception of university environmental sustainability.
accordance with national regulations, Peruvian universities have implemented
transversal axes within the curricula of the different university degrees.
However, this transversality continues to be
evaluated by the presence or absence of environmental courses within the
curricula, as indicated by Stough et al. (2018) and
Fischer et al. (2015), without evaluating the levels of environmental knowledge
of the students.
Within this context, the objective of this research is
to establish the influence curriculum of the university san pedro, sullana subsidiary
on the level of environmental knowledge of undergraduate students, 2017.
2. Materials and methods
research design is non-experimental, applicative, observational and
descriptive. In addition, a Spearman correlation analysis and a Generalized
Linear Mixed Models test was performed to establish
relationship between the two variables. The study population corresponds to the
undergraduate students of the San Pedro University, Sullana
subsidiary, 2018. The entire population comprises 2050 students; the sample is
structured by a non-probabilistic sample, represented by 188 undergraduate
students of the San Pedro Sullana subsidiary, year
2017, students from different Professional Schools.
survey technique was applied, applying an evaluation questionnaire with
structured questions according to the designs used in previous works (LIARAKOU
et al., 2011). The questionnaire was structured in two sections of 12
multiple-choice questions and 12 true and false questions (see Table 1).
Table 1
- Knowledge Level Questionnaire On Environmental
Issues In University Students Of San Pedro University 2018.
1. The oceans level has increased in the last 30 years. R: Yes 2. The increase in the oceans level is due to the increase in
marine fauna. R: No 3. The thermal sensation during the summer in the 21st century is
equal to that of the 20th century. R: No. 4. Climatologists are responsible for protecting the
environment. R: No. 5. The use of solar energy decreases the greenhouse effect. R: Yes 6. The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development of Janeiro on
climate change was signed by all the countries of the world. R: No 7. Will the greenhouse effect increase the number of Peruvians who
get retinal cancer? R: Yes 8. The emission of methane by the population of cattle increases
the greenhouse effect. A: Yes. 9. The environmental tax contributes to the reduction of the
greenhouse effect. R: Yes. 10. Humanistic disciplines do not influence the decrease of the
greenhouse effect. R: No 11. The use of recycled materials decreases the amount of plastics
in the Ocean. R: Yes 12. The increase in the greenhouse effect increases the amount of
drinking water available in cities. R: No. |
13. The carbon footprint refers to: a. Dating of
archaeological objects. b. Pesticides c. Sunscreen measure. d. Measurement of
greenhouse gas emissions. R: b 14. The hole in the ozone layer was caused by: a. Rocket b. Hot air balloons c. CO 2 d. Overpopulation. R:
c 15. The Mad Cows disease was caused by: a. Greenhouse
effect. b. The grass c. Prions d. Phosphates R:
c 16. Melanoma is associated with: a. Skin weakening b. Ozone layer
weakening. c. Air weakening. d. Water
weakening. R: b 17. The reduction in the use of plastic bags can be achieved by: a. Luxury tax b. Industry Tax c. Environmental tax d. VAT tax. R:
c 18. What public policy do you think may influence the reduction of
pollution? a. Criminalization
of the consumption of soft drinks. b. Penalization of
the consumption of bottled water. c. Award for eco-efficient behaviors. d. Campaign awards against bulling.
R: c. |
19. Gases emitted by internal combustion engines: a. Increase bone
diseases. b. Increase global
warming. c. Increase the
population. d. Increase the
amount of vehicles. R: b. 20. The largest producer of chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) is: a. Chlorine
used in homes. b. Chlorine
used in drinking water. c. The
vehicles d. Air
conditioning. 21. The main cause of environmental
pollution is: a.
Industry b.
Wildlife. c. Human
activities. d.
Cars. R: c 22. The increase in the power of monsoons and hurricanes is
associated with: a. Increase of rains. b. Increase of the Sun c. Increase in flows. d. CFC increase. R:
d. 23. The use of pesticides influences climate change by: a. The air becomes
heavy. b. The death of
insects pollutes the environment. c. The plants become
more resistant. d. The CFC contained
in pesticides 24. The human activities that influence the increase of the CFC are: a. Education. b. Farming. c. Transport. d. All of the
above. R: d. |
The data
obtained were analyzed and processed through statistical tools, through
specialized software.
3. Results and discussion
3.1 Analysis and
processing of the curriculum of the university of san pedro, sullana subsidiary.
Table 2 - Curriculum Analysis 2014.
N � |
Professional school |
Total Courses of the career |
Environmental Interest
Courses |
Courses |
Cycle |
% |
% Total |
1 |
Civil Engineering |
70 |
Environmental management |
IX |
1.43 |
1.43 |
2 |
Computer and Systems
Engineering |
59 |
------------------------- |
- |
0.00 |
0.00 |
3 |
Architecture and Urbanism |
59 |
Ecology and Urban
Geography |
1.69 |
6.76 |
conditioning I |
V |
1.69 |
conditioning II |
VI |
1.69 |
Heritage Preservation |
1.69 |
4 |
Agronomic Engineering |
66 |
Biology |
I |
1.51 |
7.55 |
General Ecology |
I |
1.51 |
Water and Soil Management
and Conservation II |
IV |
1.51 |
Agroecology |
VI |
1.51 |
Water and Soil Management
and Conservation II |
1.51 |
5 |
Industrial engineering |
71 |
Environmental engineering |
1.41 |
1.41 |
6 |
Nursing |
46 |
Biology |
I |
2.17 |
4.34 |
Bioethics |
IV |
2.17 |
7 |
Tec . Med . Clinical Laboratory and Pathological Anatomy |
51 |
General biology |
I |
1.96 |
1.96 |
8 |
Obstetrics |
48 |
General biology |
I |
2.08 |
2.08 |
9 |
Pharmacy and Biochemistry |
60 |
Ecology |
X |
1.67 |
3.34 |
Edaphology |
X |
1.67 |
10 |
Psychology |
74 |
Biology |
I |
1.35 |
1.35 |
11 |
Initial education |
75 |
Environmental education |
II |
1.33 |
2.66 |
Science and Environment
Teaching |
IX |
1.33 |
12 |
Primary education |
77 |
Environmental education |
I |
1.30 |
3.90 |
Didact. of Science and Environment I |
1.30 |
Didact. of Science and Environment II |
IX |
1.30 |
13 |
Right |
85 |
Environmental law |
V |
1.18 |
1.18 |
14 |
Administration |
50 |
--- |
- |
0.00 |
0.00 |
15 |
Accounting |
61 |
Environmental Accounting |
1.64 |
3.28 |
Environmental Audit |
IX |
1.64 |
Ʃ |
952 |
26 |
2.73% |
Figure 1
Curriculum Analysis 2014.
Interpretation: Table
2 and Figure N 1 show the analysis and processing of the number of subjects of
environmental interest by the Professional School, observing that the Agronomy
Professional School and the one of Architecture and Urbanism are the schools
with the highest number of subjects of environmental interest, 5 and 4
2 - Frequencies Of Notes Of The Knowledge Level On
Environmental Issues
N � |
(Xi) |
fi |
Fi |
% fi |
hi |
Hi |
% hi |
1 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
2.66 |
0.027 |
0.027 |
2.7 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
8 |
1.6 |
0.016 |
0.043 |
1.6 |
3 |
6 |
7 |
15 |
3.72 |
0.037 |
0.08 |
3.7 |
4 |
7 |
5 |
20 |
2.66 |
0.027 |
0.107 |
2.7 |
5 |
8 |
19 |
39 |
10.11 |
0.101 |
0.208 |
10.1 |
6 |
9 |
21 |
60 |
11.17 |
0,112 |
0.32 |
11.2 |
7 |
10 |
22 |
82 |
11.7 |
0.117 |
0.437 |
11.7 |
8 |
11 |
28 |
110 |
14.89 |
0.149 |
0.586 |
14.9 |
9 |
12 |
23 |
133 |
12.23 |
0.122 |
0.708 |
12.2 |
10 |
13 |
20 |
153 |
10.64 |
0.106 |
0.814 |
10.6 |
11 |
14 |
14 |
167 |
7.45 |
0.074 |
0.888 |
7.4 |
12 |
15 |
12 |
179 |
6.38 |
0.064 |
0.952 |
6.4 |
13 |
16 |
8 |
187 |
4.26 |
0.043 |
0.995 |
4.3 |
14 |
17 |
1 |
188 |
0.53 |
0.005 |
1 |
0.5 |
Ʃ |
188 |
100 |
1.0 |
100 |
Figure 2 Knowledge Level
Notes on Environmental Issues.
Interpretation: Table
3 and Figure 2 indicate the frequency and percentages of the grades obtained by
the students belonging to the sample under study. 5 of the students obtained
the minimum grade of 05, representing 2.66% and 1 the maximum of 17
representing 0.53%; and the grade of 11 is the one with the highest number of
students (28), which represents 14.89%.
3.2 Analysis and
processing of the level notes on environmental issues
Table 4 -
Frequency for the Calculation of the Average, Mode and Median.
N � |
Xi |
fi |
Xi x fi |
1 |
4 |
5 |
20 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
15 |
3 |
6 |
7 |
42 |
4 |
7 |
5 |
35 |
5 |
8 |
19 |
152 |
6 |
9 |
21 |
189 |
7 |
10 |
22 |
220 |
8 |
11 |
28 |
308 |
9 |
12 |
23 |
276 |
10 |
13 |
20 |
260 |
11 |
14 |
14 |
196 |
12 |
15 |
12 |
180 |
13 |
16 |
8 |
128 |
14 |
17 |
1 |
17 |
Ʃ |
188 |
2038 |
3.2.1 Dispersion Statisticians
Table 5 -
Frequency to Calculate Variance, Standard Deviation and Variation
Xi |
ẋ |
fi |
- ẋ |
- ẋ ) 2 |
- ẋ ) 2 x fi |
4 |
10.84 |
5 |
-6.84 |
46.79 |
233.93 |
5 |
10.84 |
3 |
-5.84 |
34.11 |
102.32 |
6 |
10.84 |
7 |
-4.84 |
23.43 |
163.98 |
7 |
10.84 |
5 |
-3.84 |
14.75 |
73.73 |
8 |
10.84 |
19 |
-2.84 |
8.07 |
153.25 |
9 |
10.84 |
21 |
-1.84 |
3.39 |
71.10 |
10 |
10.84 |
22 |
-0.84 |
0.71 |
15.52 |
11 |
10.84 |
28 |
0.16 |
0.03 |
0.72 |
12 |
10.84 |
23 |
1.16 |
1.35 |
30.95 |
13 |
10.84 |
20 |
2.16 |
4.67 |
93.31 |
14 |
10.84 |
14 |
3.16 |
9.99 |
139.80 |
15 |
10.84 |
12 |
4.16 |
17.31 |
207.67 |
16 |
10.84 |
8 |
5.16 |
26.63 |
213.00 |
17 |
10.84 |
1 |
6.16 |
37.95 |
37.95 |
Ʃ |
188 |
229.12 |
1537.21 |
prepared by the researcher (2016).
by: OJBT
Variance obtained was S^2 = 8.22 and the standard deviation S _ (=) 2.87, the
coefficient of variation obtained was C.V. = 26.48%.
standard deviation indicates that the points or notes of the students in
knowledge about Environmental issues are dispersed in 2.87 points, that is to
say that their dispersion is low, they are not very far from the average that
is 10.84. The Variation coefficient indicates that all students' grades on
average vary by 26% above or below the average, indicating that the data is not
widely dispersed.
4. Results for spearman correlation and
generalized linear mixed models test
correlation analysis is shown in Table 6, it is shown that the correlation
between the variables is low, although this test is not significant (p >
Table 6 - Spearman�s
correlation of Frecuency and Number of Courses
Variable(1) |
Variable(2) |
n |
Spearman |
p-value |
Frecuency |
Number of Courses |
14 |
-0.13 |
0.6497 |
Notas |
Number of Courses |
14 |
0.15 |
0.6188 |
In the
case of the Wald test it can be observed that there is no significant
relationship between the number of courses and the average absolute frequencies
reported (p > 0.05) while in the case of the Shapiro-Wilks test it is not
ruled out that the data come from a normal distribution.
Table 7. Wald
test results and Shapiro-Wilks test.
Wald test results |
Source |
numDF |
denDF |
F-value |
p-value |
# Courses |
5 |
8 |
0.72 |
0.6262 |
Shapiro-Wilks |
Variable |
N |
Mean |
S.D |
W* |
p-value (unilateral) |
% Courses |
14 |
2.95 |
2.14 |
0.9 |
0.199 |
%Assessment |
14 |
7.14 |
4.63 |
0.9 |
0.235 |
From 15
curricula studied by Professional career of the San Pedro University, Sullana subsidiary, it was found that the careers with the
highest environmental content are Agronomy and Architecture and Urbanism. The
first with 5 courses and the second with 4 courses followed by the Primary
Education career that includes only 3 courses related to the environmental
issue. The rest of the careers have one or two courses. These curricular
components allow the San Pedro University Sullana
subsidiary to meet the regulatory requirements contained in Law 28044 and
follow the guidelines of the National Environmental Education Policy (2012), in
terms of professional training of environmental content. In principle, this
result is restricted, since it only expresses the formality of the curricular
content, without presenting the impacts of the environmental axis in the
curricula and in the performance of academic life, in the sense expressed by
Pulido and Olivera (2018), who, evaluating didactic
approaches and pedagogical strategies, demonstrate the insufficiency of the
formal presence of environmental courses in the curriculum, in cases where they
fail to urge tangible pro-environmental actions by the student body.
December 2018, the report of the Ranking of Sustainable Universities was issued
according to the Interuniversity Environmental Network Report (2018), where San
Pedro University didn’t
qualify. Both indicators - normative formality and non-ranking in the
qualification, express the disparity between the satisfaction of regulatory
imperatives in environmental matters and the integration of institutionalized
environmental behaviors by the San Pedro University Sullana
subsidiary. The classification exclusion is an indicator of the prevalence of
formal approaches oriented towards the minimum satisfaction of regulatory
imperatives, which is confirmed in the low levels of environmental practices at
the University of San Pedro, Sullana subsidiary.
first result is consistent with those obtained by Msengi
et al., (2019) who identified the disparity between curricular content and
university eco-sustainability practices, where most students do not perform
environmental actions, beyond expressing concern about the issue, resulting in
low levels of environmental proactivity, as identified by Richard and Adams
(2011). Poskus's research (2019) obtained equivalent
results in the case of Lithuanian university students, among whom the
provisions of need in energy consumption prevail over value provisions in terms
of environmental sustainability. The student is concerned with the environment,
but does not deal with proposing solutions.
evaluation indicated that 70.74% of the students surveyed at Universidad San
Pedro subsidiary Sullana are below the range of 12
points on the rating scale, in relation to the level of environmental
knowledge. This indicates that two thirds of the students have low levels of
environmental knowledge. This result is compatible with the results obtained by
Orange et al., (2018) who diagnosed that the level of environmental knowledge
of Brazilian Federal University students is below average, coupled with the
fact that the environmental knowledge they dominate comes from family and
community experiences, decreasing the level of knowledge when it reaches the
theme includes the social and global.
verification of the alternative hypothesis of this research, which states that
the curriculum of the San Pedro University, Sullana
subsidiary doesn’t significantly influence
the level of environmental knowledge of its undergraduate students, 2017,
becomes two complementary interpretations. The first is that the satisfaction
of the regulatory formality required by the Ministry of Education of Peru, of
incorporating courses of environmental interest in the professional careers
curricula, is insufficient to influence the level of environmental knowledge of
its undergraduate students. In that sense, Leal et al., (2018) through the
gathering of information in 7 countries, concluded that the transformation of
the reference frameworks, meanings and experiences that allow the holistic
integration of the fundamentals of sustainability at the university level is
necessary, as the normative formality anchored in obsolete references hinder
the development of pro-environmental attitudes and actions.
second is that the level of environmental knowledge of university students is
associated with multiple factors, different and / or complementary to the
curricular contents of professional careers. In this sense, studies referring
to Peruvian university students from Carhuapoma and Juárez
(2015) and Álvarez et al.,
(2018) diachronically achieve results in accordance with those achieved in this
study. Carhuapoma and Juárez (2015) focused the
study on values, Álvarez et al.,
on behavior and referents of environmental behavior. In both studies the
intervention of exogenous factors to academics that influence knowledge and
pro-environmental behaviors is observed. Within this framework, the gap in
diagnostic evaluation on the transversality of
environmental axes in the training of Peruvian professionals, who have
knowledge that results in proactive actions and environmental sustainability,
is evident.
addition to the diagnosis of knowledge, it is essential to establish conceptual
univocity through the integration and coordination of
efforts from university institutions to faculties, teachers, employees and
students, with more extensive scope than the accounting of the environmental
courses contained in the curricula. With an average of 2.73% of the courses
dedicated to the environmental issue, it follows that the environmental is not
a priority within the curricular contents of the San Pedro University
subsidiary Sullana. However, the evaluation criteria
require deepening the specificities of each professional career, which allow
overcoming the weaknesses in the evaluation identified by Stough
et al., 2018, in the KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, where it
recommends the establishment of specific criteria for the evaluation of the
knowledge achieved by each student in environmental matters. Under these
criteria it is possible to overcome the misrepresentations which attribute the
level of environmental knowledge to the degree, since the development of
environmental identities is feasible to be constructed by learning from
experiences in the sense indicated by Prevot et al.
The level
of 2.73% of the courses dedicated to the environmental issue follows that the
environmental is not a priority within the curricular contents of the San Pedro
University Sullana subsidiary. The curricular
components allow the San Pedro University Sullana
subsidiary to meet the regulatory requirements regarding environmental content
in the curriculum, which is not expressed in the knowledge level of students in
environmental matters. The results of this study show important deficiencies in
the knowledge of environmental issues in more than 2/3 of the students.
The gap
in the field of diagnostic evaluation on the transversality
of the environmental axes in the training of Peruvian professionals needs to be
addressed in order to train students with knowledge that leads to proactive
actions and environmental sustainability during their university and
professional life. To achieve this, it is essential to establish conceptual univocity through the integration and coordination of
efforts from university institutions to faculties, teachers, employees and
students, with more extensive scope than the accounting of the environmental
courses contained in the curricula.
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