The operation of the Program to Serve High Able/Gifted Students (PAAAH/SD-RJ)


  • Cristina Maria Carvalho Delou Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro,



High Abilities/Giftedness, School enrichment, Inclusion.


This work presents the Program to Assist Students with High Abilities/Giftedness (PAAAH/SD) held at the Faculdade de Educação of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, located in the city of Niterói, part of the Metropolitan Region of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Program articulates actions of teaching, research and extension. The objectives of PAAAH/SD can be categorized in: diagnosis, genetic counseling for families and schools, specialized educational service, acceleration in education, teacher training and research. The program is conducted on the basis of the methodology of action research. It seeks collective and individual solutions for the demands pointed either by undergraduate students or the families of students with high abilities/giftedness from the basic education. Students diagnosed with high abilities/giftedness are invited to participate in academic activities with the undergradute students of training of future teachers for the network of regular education. The results can be seen in the increasing demand for search services and the creation of a new discipline for under graduation courses offered by UFF. All activities of the university are free. In Final Thoughts, it is shown that there is an interface between PAAAH/SD and the newly created Program School of Inclusion. The School of Inclusion offers vacation courses of Libras, Braille, Accessible Teaching Materials and plans on offering workshops on Educative Robotics, in which students diagnosed with high skills/giftedness, or the ones interested in this area, will be able to make electronic mobile prototypes. These prototypes will be studied by mathematics and physics’ undergraduate students, who will present the equations necessary to understand such models. These studies will begin in the second half of 2010 and in July 2011 vacation period. All people involved will take their experiences to students with visual impairments at the Instituto Benjamin Constant. These new lessons will facilitate the construction of formal knowledge in Educative Robotics, Mathematics and Physics beyond the acquisition of humanitarian values ​in the future teachers of the Brazilian inclusion society.


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Author Biography

Cristina Maria Carvalho Delou, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro,

Psicóloga (CRP: 6179/05), Doutora em Educação; Prof.a Associado III, da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)



How to Cite

Delou, C. M. C. (2014). The operation of the Program to Serve High Able/Gifted Students (PAAAH/SD-RJ). Special Education Magazine, 27(50), 675–688.



Dossier: High abilities/giftedness