
  • Adriano Victor Lopes da Silva UFSM
  • Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira
  • José Antonio Aleixo da Silva
  • German Hugo Guttierez Cespedes



bamboo, principal components, regression by principal components.


The objective of this work was to use a multivariate statistical method as an alternative to estimate the green biomass of the main bamboo rod, Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. i.e.: J.C. Wendl., in the presence of multicollinearity. The data came from an experiment carried out for the Agroindustrial Excelsior S. A. (Agrimex) company located in the city of Goiana – PE. Quantified by their green biomass weight, 450 bamboo rods were used and 4 independent variables measured in the rod. Initially, the presence of the multicollinearity could be verified through the correlation matrix of the independent variables and the varience inflation factors, the alternative used was the regression of the principal components based on the covariate matrix. The result indicates that, when there is an interpretation to the main components, the model shows a satisfactory data adjust, and it could be used to estimate the green biomass of the main bamboo rod.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. V. L. da, Ferreira, R. L. C., Silva, J. A. A. da, & Cespedes, G. H. G. (2009). LINEAR MODEL ALTERNATIVE TO ESTIMATE THE GREEN BIOMASS OF THE Bambusa vulgaris SCHRAD. EX J.C. WENDL.WITHIN THE APPEARANCE OF MULTICOLLINEARITY. Ciência Florestal, 19(2), 207–214.




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