
  • Pedro Gutemberg de Alcântara Segundinho
  • Adair José Regazzi
  • Franco Simões Poletti
  • Marcos Oliveira de Paula
  • Adriano Ribeiro de Mendonça
  • Fabricio Gomes Gonçalves



longitudinal vibration, transverse vibration, bending test.


The elastic of modulus is an important mechanical property in the design of timber structures, so obtaining it through several methods needs to be evaluated. This study aimed to evaluate the use of an efficient technique for determining the apparent longitudinal modulus taking into account the relationship range/height (L/h) and the influence of the shear modulus by comparing non-destructive tests with static bending tests. The wood used in paper was Toona ciliata M. Roemer (Australian cedar). Non-destructive tests were performed with the techniques of longitudinal and transverse vibration. It was concluded that the assay of longitudinal vibration is most suitable method to obtain the apparent longitudinal elasticity modulus, because the shear forces that occur due to the shear stresses are not significantly influenced by the variations of the ratio L/h. It was also possible to conclude that the relationship range/height, currently 21 in ABNT’s standards, may be replaced by 20, when determining apparent longitudinal elasticity modules and modulus of rupture, through the static bending and free transverse vibration tests.


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How to Cite

Segundinho, P. G. de A., Regazzi, A. J., Poletti, F. S., Paula, M. O. de, Mendonça, A. R. de, & Gonçalves, F. G. (2018). VARIATION OF ELASTICITY AND RUPTURE MODULES IN AUSTRALIAN CEDAR WOOD BY NONDESTRUCTIVE AND DESTRUCTIVE TESTS. Ciência Florestal, 28(3), 1163–1178.




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