A Percepção da Paisagem Urbana de Santa Maria-RS e os Sentimentos de Topofilia e Teofobia de seus Moradores*


  • Alcionir Pazatto Almeida UFSM
  • Maria da Graça Barros Sartori




The main objective of this work is to analyze and interpret theinhabitants’ topophilic and topophobic feelings about downtown SantaMaria-RS. The participants interviewed were randomly invited to give theirown perception about the urban landscape of the downtown sector, in aninterview form with both open and closed questions and divided into twoparts. In relation to the topophilic landscape, the Saldanha Marinho Squareis a consensus remembered by 45 of the 150 interviewed individuals,followed by the landscape of Calçadão Salvador Isaia and the landscapefrom the Itaimbé Park. Though the Saldanha Marinho Square was electedthe most pleasant landscape, it also brings up a topophobic feeling to 24from the 150 interviewed individuals followed by the Calçadão landscapeand the old 24 Hours Street. This antagonist feeling can be understood bythe fact that psychologically each person has an unique perception of theenvironment and of its quality, because the perception is biologically limitedby man anatomic and physiological condition and, it is processed into cultural,geographical and historical values. Among the different landscapespatial marks that come up as symbols (icons) of Santa Maria urbanlandscape, it is the image from the Calçadão Salvador Isaia, mentioned by27,3% of the interviewed individuals.


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. P., & Barros Sartori, M. da G. (2008). A Percepção da Paisagem Urbana de Santa Maria-RS e os Sentimentos de Topofilia e Teofobia de seus Moradores*. Ciência E Natura, 30(2), 107–126. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X9842