Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Ci. e Nat., Santa Maria v.42, e66, 2020
ISSN 2179-460X
Received 13/05/20 Accepted: 10/06/20 Published:09/09/20
Critical Analysis of Solid Waste Information Systems in Brazil
Análise Crítica dos Sistemas de Informação de Resíduos Sólidos no Brasil
Luciana Cavalcanti de Melo1MeloI,
Gabriel de Pinna Mendez2 MendezII e
Claudio Fernando Mahler3MahlerIII
I Universidade
Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil -
E-mail: melo_lucavalcanti@yahoo.com.br
Federal de Educação Tecnológica, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil -
E-mail: gabrielpmendez@gmail.com
III IUniversidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil -
E-mail: cfmahler@poli.ufrj.br
The comprehensiveness and reliability of
information on the current management of urban solid waste in Brazil is a
challenge to the objectives of scientific research. In the introduction to this
article, the main information systems are identified and their main limitations are briefly presented.
ABRELPE's Panorama of Solid Waste in Brazil (PSWB) - as one of the main
sources of information - was analyzed in detail regarding the statistical methodology
used to determine its values. The results of this analysis revealed to be of low reliability in
relation to the quantitative referring to the variables published on RSUMSW - solid urban waste and Health Services Waste ((HSW)). Either because there are
no complete descriptions about the application of the method, as well as the evidence of inadequacies
of the model developed with the adopted statistical method. The present work
allowed us to come to the conclusion of the importance of
developing an independent national system for gathering information on the
production, treatment and disposal of waste that effectively contributes to the
search for solutions to the serious social, economic and environmental problem
caused by solid urban waste and its poor management in general.
Keywords: Solid Waste; Information Systems; Statistical Methodology
A abrangência e confiabilidade de informações sobre a atual gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos no Brasil é um desafio aos objetivos da pesquisa científica. Na introdução deste artigo são identificados os principais sistemas de informações e apresentadas brevemente suas principais limitações. O Panorama de Resíduos Sólidos do Brasil (PRSB) da ABRELPE – Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais – como uma das principais fontes de informações foi analisado minuciosamente quanto à metodologia estatística empregada para determinação de seus valores. Os resultados desta análise revelaram-se de baixa confiabilidade com relação aos quantitativos referentes às variáveis sobre RSU – resíduos sólidos urbanos e RSS – resíduos de serviços de saúde publicados. Seja por não haver descrições completas sobre a aplicação do método, bem como pela evidência de inadequações do modelo desenvolvido com o método estatístico adotado. O presente trabalho permitiu concluir a importância do desenvolvimento de um sistema nacional de levantamento de informações de produção, tratamento e disposição de resíduos independente e que contribua efetivamente na busca de soluções para o grave problema social, econômico e ambiental causado pelos resíduos sólidos urbanos e sua má gestão, de forma geral.
Palavras-chave: Resíduos Sólidos; Sistemas de Informação; Metodologia Estatística
The efficient management of solid waste is still a major challenge for Brazilian municipal authorities. Annually, 1.3 billion tons of Municipal Solid Urban Waste (MSUW) are produced on our planet, with a total of 2.2 billion projected for 2025. In Brazil, despite regional differences, the per capita generation of waste is close to 1 kg / inhab. day with an organizational performance similar to that of underdeveloped countries (SHAH et al.; KAMARUDDIN et al., 2017).
European countries, Japan and the USA have been greatly reducing the sending of
waste to landfills. Brazil, however, is still in the construction phase of
supposedly sanitary landfills and in the unsuccessful attempt to close the
dumps. Federal
No. 12,305 of 2010 - National Policy on Solid Waste (NPSW)
- went
through almost 20 years in the National Congress,
reflecting great difficulties and bureaucratic barriers. Unfortunately, the
effectiveness of the law has not yet been seen. According
to PSWB, “dumps” should be eradicated by the year
2014, however, according to FERNANDES (2015), in a survey conducted in 2014
with 5,570 Brazilian municipalities, only 844, or 15%, destined the waste in
supposedly sanitary landfills, 1,775, or 32%, of
the municipalities
declared to dispose of the waste in dumps and, 2,951, 53%, did not even answer
the survey.
of the important factors for improving waste management is the existence of
efficient and reliable information systems, which enable any
to obtain clear, safe and accurate data. First, it is a legal requirement
provided for in the law on access to information, since the treatment with
waste is an activity carried out by the municipal government (directly or
indirectly) and uses public
Likewise, for the citizen to be able to participate actively in the waste
management system, it is necessary that he / she knows the details and
information regarding the solid waste management and management actions. One of
the principles of
the National
Solid Waste Policy (Law 12,305 / 10) is the right of society to information and
social control (BRASIL, 2010; BRASIL, 2011; MAHLER & MENDEZ, 2018).
objective of this work was to analyze the information systems currently
available. First, with an overview of the main sources. Then, in detail, aa criticaln critical
analysis was developed on the methodology presented in the ABRELPE documents in
order to observe the reliability of the information provided. This critical
analysis covers the years 2015 to 2017 (published in 2018). Although the
document for the year 2017 has been analyzed without its respective
attachments, because they have not been available on the website since its
launch in 2018, nor were they sent to the authors of this work as requested.
The other annexes, from previous years' information books, were sent by e-mail,
which helped in the work, in which the authors are grateful to the public.
Currently in Brazil there are some waste information systems at the national level. The National Sanitation Information System - NSIS is a database under the institutional coordination of the Ministry of Regional Development that contains information and indicators on the provision of Water Supply, Sanitary Sewage, Urban Solid Waste Management and Water Drainage services. Urban rainwater. (BRAZIL, 2020)
The information contained in the NSIS is provided annually by the providers of sanitation services, whether they are the municipalities themselves in the form of direct provision of services or companies that are part of the indirect public administration or public service concessionaires. The NSIS database for solid waste contains important information such as estimates on the coverage of the collection service by region, the profile of the providers of waste management services, the types of collection carried out, the percentage of disposal of waste in landfills toilets and dumps, in addition to other relevant information on the characteristics of waste management in the municipalities and regions of Brazil.
The number of municipalities participating in the SNIS has increased substantially in the past two decades. In 2002, 108 municipalities participated in the SNIS, in 2010 this figure was already 2070 and in 2016, the total number of participating municipalities was 3670. Despite the importance of the data released and the significant increase in the participating municipalities, the SNIS is a self-reporting information system, that is, sanitation service providers inform the indicators, without a known and comprehensive methodology for verifying the veracity of the information provided. It is noteworthy that, through the Self-Declaration Information System (SNIS), there has been no improvement in the indices related to waste management in Brazil in recent years. Another critical point is that, with the recent reductions in funds and changes / cuts in the staff of federal agencies linked to environmental and waste management, it is expected that the situation, which is no longer good, will become even worse. (MAHLER & MENDEZ, 2018)
Another institutional information system is NISSWM (SINIR in Portuguese) - National Information System on Solid Waste Management, which is one of the instruments of Law 12.305 / 2010, the National Policy on Solid Waste. According to information from the Ministry of the Environment (2018) managing body of the referred system, “to SINIR, the Waste Inventory will be added, which will be added to the Annual Solid Waste Declaratory System, which will be filled out and updated by the industries, signaling the origin, transport and final destination of the waste. IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) is the executing agency for the National Environmental Policy, of which the National Solid Waste Policy is an integral part. Considering that IBAMA is responsible for coordinating the National Register of Hazardous Waste Operators and for promoting their integration with the Federal Technical Register of Potentially Polluting Activities or Users of Environmental Resources and with SINIR, IBAMA has a fundamental role not only in inspection, as well as the availability of data related to hazardous waste (CAPISTRANO FILHO, 2013). IBAMA will be responsible for coordinating this register and is already promoting its integration with the Federal Technical Register of Potentially Polluting Activities or Users of Environmental Resources to SINIR ”(SINIR, 2018). Although, to date, no substantial change has been made to SINIR, everything indicates that, as well as other criteria of environmental restrictions, this will also be relaxed by the current government, which may postpone even more the existence of a registry of hazardous waste operators really consistent with reality. However, the National Inventory of Industrial Waste has not yet been prepared, although CONAMA Resolution 313/2002 already established this need. SINIR, in the first eight years of its existence, has not yet evolved as expected. It is necessary that the objectives outlined for this important waste information system at the national level be reached as soon as possible. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, published in 2008 the last National Sanitation Survey, but it is already somewhat out of date and there is no sign of publication of the next edition.
Some entities and associations publish studies and surveys related
to solid waste management in Brazil. The Union of Urban Cleaning Companies - SELUR has an index called the “Sustainability Index”, which has points to be
questioned, such as the fact that it has only 4 indicators (Percentage of the
population served by urban cleaning services, Financial sustainability , Recovery of collected resources and
incorrect destination on the
population served by the services). In addition to little to represent a
municipal waste management system, they are generic indicators, that is, in the
case of the environmental impact dimension: Quantity of Waste Incorrectly Disposed / Population Served, it is not clear what is the wrong disposal.
It is not common to measure the incorrect disposition, considering that it
occurs in dispersed areas and even if it occurs in a few areas, it is not
common to have equipment or conditions to
carry out these measures.
(SELURB, 2018)
The indicators for assessing waste management must reflect reality. In the case of the SELUR index, there is an indicator called the financial dimension, calculated as follows: service expense x specific collection / total expenditure. A municipality that collects a lot from waste collection fees, spends a lot and badly to provide waste management services and has total expenditure not so high for not investing in other areas of the management system, will have a high indicator. What the indicator calls specific collection is actually the amount collected from fees for the cost of waste management services.
An important entity in the
solid waste area is ABRELPE - Brazilian Association of Public Cleaning and Special Waste Companies ”, which annually publishes the“
Panorama of Solid Waste in Brazil ”(ABRELPE, 2018/2019). This paper critically analyzes the 2015 and 2016 publications of this association and
provides arguments, from a methodological point
of view. It identifies the
estimates of some variables referring to MSW and HSWRSS for which the methods that generated them are not made explicitexplained, or in other cases, are made explicitexplained, but without the formal presentation of the results of their application.
In the critical analysis section of this annual information book by ABRELPE,
arguments are presented in the form of a discussion about the use of the simple
linear regression method and its results. In this work, the conclusions section presents a general assessment of all the available
content of this information source and highlights its deficiencies.
It is important to note that the problems of waste management, although it is a service whose owners / providers are the municipalities, have regional and international scope. Mainly because the destination of many irregular drains is the watercourses (rivers and seas), which implies harmful consequences for the whole Brazilian society, neighboring countries, as well as all future generations.
In this section, this source
of information is described in detail for all the MSW and HSWRSS
variables provided. All variables for which there is no complete or partial
specification of the method used to supply their quantitative are also
identified. The critical analysis elaborated in the
following section refers to the discussion of the simple linear regression
method used for two variables on MRSWU:
the total quantity collected per day and the quantity per capita collected also
per day.
A first aspect of this critical
analysis of the methodology adopted in the PSWB 2015 and 2016 information
books refers to the percentage of municipalities that adopt selective collection.
On page six, of both annexes, of each of the two appendicesnotebooks,
the PSWB of 2015 and 2016, it is read that the "chi-square
methodology" was used by ranges of the population quantity of
municipalities, population Qpopulation.
This procedure it is assumed that only the population
has an influence on the practice of selective collection. It should be added
that the methodology, referred to with the term chi-square, is not specified as
to the results with its use to establish the percentages found in the two appendicesbooks mentioned above, PSWB 2015 and 2016. There
is also no specification, in these two annexes, of how the mentioned
projections were obtained, at the level of municipalities, federative units and
the five major Brazilian regions, of the amounts on the final destination of
MSW, of the expenses incurred with services collection, as well as the number
of jobs generated in the sector.
By the way, the following highlighted text, found on page seven of both annexes of the publications PSWB 2015 and 2016, on the methodology used, mentions the final destination of the MSW, although the terms are not sufficiently clear:
“For the federative units, the available samples, when confronted with the quantity and density of the data collected, enabled the elaboration of projections regarding the collection, generation and final destination of the MSW.”
Following with the analysis, information on health services waste
is also partial. Because there is no
record of the amounts collected from these wastes by private companies. In this
way, there are no records by municipalities on the total HSW collected, as well
as on the quantities previously prepared before the final destinations are
processed in the different technology modes currently available. So,
there is no complete information on how much or how the handling of HSWRSS
until the final destination of the municipalities, that answered the ABRELPE
However, based on
this partial information from the municipalities that responded to the
questionnaires, in a self-declaratory manner, the PSWB information books, 2015
and 2016, contain tables, graphs and projections of the collected HSWRSS
amounts and the final destination amounts by different technologies for all of
Brazil, in the respective regions and federative units. Thus, the most relevant
thing to emphasize is that there is no methodological description for these
projections at any of these levels, including the lowest of them, at the level
of the municipalities. It is only mentioned that the methodology applied to HSW HHSW is the same used for MMSW.
Another relevant
aspect refers to the absence of any sampling planning. The PSWB 2015 information appendicesbooklet,
in virtual format, consists of three annexes. One on the methodology adopted,;
another containing the questionnaires used, and a third, with the
identification of the participating municipalities. The introduction of the PSWB 2015 appendicebooklet
reads that this last annex contains a list of the names of the municipalities
that responded to the questionnaires. And, although this last annex was not
made available by the association, this absence is of less importance in view
of the absence of an explicit sampling plan capable of guaranteeing the
inference presented in the document. The 2016 document has the same deficiency.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that, of the four hundred
municipalities said to be questioned in a direct survey in the annex of the PWSB 2015 appendicenotebook,
one hundred and ninety were not surveyed. Such municipalities, however, were
taken as part of the sample with the justification of having been researched
directly in the previous year. In addition, the projected values for
the year 2015, of these one hundred and ninety municipalities (broken down only
in relation to the total number of municipalities by large region, table of the annex to the PSWB 2015 appendicebooklet),
in order to compose this sample, derive from projections or inferences whose
methodology is not specified. However, it can be read, with regard to these one
hundred and ninety municipalities, that “their trends were
scientifically projected” (page 4 of the annex to the 2015 PSWB section).
The five models, respective for each major region, and used to
provide projections for 5170 municipalities, or even those 190 municipalities,
were the object of a
criticaln critical
analysis of the present work in the following section.
This analysis of the Panorama of Solid Waste in Brazil - ABRELPE
is complementary to the updated scenario provided in the introduction on the
information systems currently available. It is worth watching. that there was no critical analysis of the chapters on Construction and Demolition Waste and
Recycling of PSWB documents.
Based on the 2015 PSWB information booklet appendice and its two annexes, there was total similarity, in terms of the content analyzed in this document and in the others, of the following
years, 2016, 2017 and 2018 and the previous year of 2014. The unavailability of
the annexes of the PSWB documents of 2017 and
2018, however, did not harm the study, since the variables used in the statistical analyzes are the same in all these documents.
According to the aspects described in the previous section and the
present analysis, it can be said that the information on
the methodology used methodology is restricted to a variable on MSW: the per capita quantity collected per day.
The next section discusses the content of the annexes to the 2015 and
2016 PSWB documents relating to the methodology used to provide the projections of the total quantities of MSW collected, Qcollected. Although it is necessary to
emphasize, initially, that the regression models used to provide the
projections of Qcollected are adjusted models for the quantitative collected per capita of
MSW, Qcollected-per-capita, as a dependent variable. This change in the response variable is explained by means of tabless number one, chapters
number two of the PSWB 2015 and 2016 information books. This is because the equations in
these tables are also present in the graphs of each of the five regions, in subsequent pages of the same chapter,
representing the equations obtained using the regression method, whose response
variable is the quantitative collected of MSW, Qcollected-per-capita. Therefore, these same adjusted equations are being used to project
another dependent variable, that is, the total quantity collected from MSW daily, Qcollected.
The quantities collected
of MSW, Qcollected-per-capita, are represented in the dispersion graphs of each region. In addition to these graphs, the annex also
documents that there is a positive trend between these variables, the Qcollected-per-capita and the Qpopulacional. This trend, established based on the
use of the least squares method, was validated only by the coefficient of determination indicator. Such a
procedure, however, with this change of variables is not consistent with the
regression method.
The division, mentioned
above, for each municipality, of the quantitative of the variable, the Qcollected by their respective quantitative of the
explanatory variable, the Qpopulacional, thus creates, on the left side of the regression equation, a new
response variable, the Qcollected-per-capita , which can be understood and accepted, as long as the procedure also occurs with the values of the explanatory or
independent variable. That is, based on HILL et al (2006) it is
known that this division procedure, on both sides of the equation, necessarily
implies to first conceive a regression model in which the Qcollected is the dependent variable and the
explanatory variable, the Qpopulacional, in its quadratic form. However, this hypothesis was not
mentioned in the annex. And although it is reasonable to assume that the Qcollected depends on the square of the Qpopulation, it remains inappropriate that the
equation adjusted for a given response variable is used to project another.
Still, this formulation of the model analyzed above for the Qcolleted-per capita is more appropriate for the quantity generated per capita of MSW. This is because the latter variable depends directly on the population quantity, obviously, but it does not depend exclusively on this. In Dias et al (2012), as well as in PISANI et al (2018), this variable, the quantity generated per capita of MSW, depends on other socioeconomic variables.
From THOMAZ (2016) and MAHLER et al (2017), it is known that not only income, but also seasonality related to climatic factors, festive periods and school holidays influence the quantity of MSW generated, both in terms of its specific weight (kg / m3) and its gravimetric composition.
On the other hand, Qcoletado or Qcoletado-per-capita depends directly on variables such as investments in collection services and equipment, strategies with the participation of the population, technology for optimizing routes and logistics in general.
As a result, the positive trend between Qcolleted per-capita and Qpopulacional, reflected by the coefficient of determination, is also due to the quantity generated per capita of MSW as an intermediate variable. In other words, the Qpopulacional directly interferes in the quantity generated by MSW, and indirectly in the Qcolleted-per-capita or Qcolleted.
Another aspect derived from thi per-capita s
analysis refers to the improper use of the adjusted regression equations, based
on values of municipal magnitude, to project
the Qcolleted within the scope of the five great Brazilian regions,
according to table number one, of the number two chapters of both the PSWB appendicesbooklets 2015 and 2016. This procedure is doubly improper. Be it because
the dependent variable, which served to make the inference on the coefficients
of the adjusted equations, was another, the Qcolleted per-capita,
and also because the Qpopulation, of any of the
five major regions, does not belong to the domain of the adjusted lines. . In
other words, it means that the domain of the adjusted lines is of municipal
magnitude and these lines, therefore, cannot be used for the purpose of
projection outside the limits of the sample values used
with the method for the adjustment.
The formulation of the model took for granted the hypothesis that
the variance is constant, also known as homoscedasticity of the model's
dependent variable. Such a proposition is not adequate, since there is greater
uncertainty regarding the Qcoletado- per- capita
of municipalities involving large and medium-sized cities. The “periphery
phenomenon”, in ANDRADE AND SERRA (1998), affects this variable. In these
peripheral populations, basic sanitation is not available in the same way as
the municipalities with the lowest population or without peripheries. Based on
this concept, on homoscedasticity for Qcollected per-capita, as in HILL et all (2006), changes in the variability
of Qcollected per-capita violate this assumption and nothing has been provided to
It is also worth commenting on the scaling of the data, visible in
table number one of chapters number two of the 2015 and 2016 editions. In them,
there is the division by 1000 of the Qpopulation. From HILL et al
(2006) it is known that there must be a compensation operation, in this case,
of multiplying by 1000 the values of
the adjusted angular coefficients. This necessary operation, however, was not
mentioned, raising doubts about the magnitude of the estimated slopes
Finally, there is still a lack of information on the so-called
‘consistency process’ mentioned in the annexes. Such procedure refers to the
eventual withdrawal of some municipalities with their from the sample in the
values. And from this exclusion procedure, it is not known the criterion
for establishing a pattern in the form of intervals, as described in the annex.
This study allows us to conclude that the solid waste information systems in
Brazil fall short in many aspects. Even though some standards have already
dealt with the mandatory waste inventories for more than 15 years, there are difficulties, of a qualitative and
quantitative nature, in obtaining and disseminating information.
The most complete information systems in the waste area are SNIS estimates,
whose particularities have already been commented on in the introductory part of this work, and ABRELPE's annual
information book, the Panorama of Solid Waste of Brazil. The latter, whose analysis and discussion were the object of
this work, allows us to conclude that the inferences presented for the
variables: Q collected per capita and Q collected on MSW and HSWRSS, at the three
geographic levels; national, of the five major regions, or municipal, need
adjustments. In addition, the lack of complete exposure on the respective
methods used of the other variables referring to MSW and HSW does not contribute to validate their quantitative.
Finally, it is worth noting that the association has suspended the
sending of all attachments of the 2017 information
appendices since its launch in 2018. While the
2018 information booklet appendice (published in
2019) does not mention them. Even so, even with the incompleteness of the 2017
and 2018 edition, in relation to its annexes, there is, in the analyzed content, a total
similarity of the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 editions. And this evidence found in the systematization of the data along the
time tends to repeat the distortions successively.
The relevance of this research work was to reveal the importance of developing
an independent national system for gathering information on the production, treatment and disposal of waste in order to
search for solutions to the serious social, economic and environmental problem
caused by waste urban solids.
The authors publicly thank ABRELPE for sending by e-mail the annexes of the information books for the years 2015 and 2016. The third author thanks the constant support of CNPq and FAPERJ.
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