Ci. e Nat., Santa Maria v.42, e32, 2020
ISSN 2179-460X
Received 21/01/20 Accepted:
17/02/20 Published:24/06/20
I Student of Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences in Federal
University of Pará, Belém, Brazil -
II Student of Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences in Federal
University of Pará, Belém, Brazil -
III Student of Postdoctoral Program in
Climate Sciences in Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
IV Professor at Federal
University Rural of Amazon, Belém, Brazil
V Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences in
Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil
VI Professor of the Postgraduate Program in
Environmental Sciences in Federal University of Pará, Belém,
Brazil -
Rain is one of the most important variables in climate studies in te Amazon because of it is large variability in spatio-temporal scales. Many basins and sub-basins in the
region are deficient in regular and uniform monitoring of data at the surface.
Today, the remote sensing products available provide rainfall data for a large spatio-temporal distribution and for almost every place on
the globe. This study evaluates the performance of rainfall data obtained from
remote sensing for the sub-basin region of the Guamá
River, northeastern Pará state, compared to data obtained from terrestrial rain
gauges, as well as to identify the spatio-temporal
behavior of rain in the area. The rainfall data used were measured by rain
gauge (Hidroweb) and estimated by remote sensing,
obtained from the high-resolution precipitation databases of the Global
Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) and the Climate Hazards Group Infrared
Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS), for the period from 1988 to 2018. The
data comparison showed remarkably high correlation (r = 0.99) and satisfactory
agreement index (d = 0.98). The two estimated databases showed an approximate
overestimation of the observed precipitation and a spatio-temporal
distribution consistent with that expected for the region.
Keywords: CHIRPS; GPCC; Remote sensing
Knowledge about the spatial and temporal variability
of the distribution of precipitation is essential for various sectors of
society, such as agriculture, energy production and control of impacts arising
from extreme events (SANTOS et al., 2017). Rainfall is one of the most
important variables in climate studies in the Amazon (SOUZA et al., 2017), due
to its wide variability in the temporal (daily, monthly, seasonal and decadal)
and spatial (local, regional, continental and global) scales (SOUZA et al.,
2017). Several authors (e.g., MENEZES et al., 2015) have demonstrated through
diversified observational data the occurrence of the same high variability of
precipitation in seasonal and spatial patterns over the Amazon as a whole.
According to Ferreira et al. (2013), some of these factors are the different
atmospheric systems that act on the region, such as the South Atlantic
Convergence Zone (ZCAS) and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ZCIT), in
addition to a smaller scale system in the rainfall regime called Lines of
Instability (LI).
According to De Souza et al. (2016), by observing the
monthly precipitation values of the annual cycle over the Amazon it is possible
to identify the clear occurrence of seasonality throughout the year. The
maximum value of 9 mm/day is observed between February and March, and the
minimum between 2.6 and 2.2 mm/day in July and August. Still according to the
authors, it is possible to characterize the months from December to May as
composing the rainy season, and the June to November as the less rainy season.
Consistently with the climate of the Amazon region, it
is also possible to observe high rainfall variability for the state of Pará due
to the different atmospheric systems that act on the region (MENEZES et al.,
2015). According to several authors (FIGUEROA; NOBRE, 1990; MARENGO et al.,
2001; SOUZA; AMBRIZZI, 2003), a large part of the rainfall in Pará occurs
between the southern summer and autumn, associated with the patterns of
large-scale quasi-stationary atmospheric circulation linked to the ZCAS and
ZCIT. According to Camponogara and Silva Dias (2011),
the amount of rainfall in the state is also influenced by mechanisms of
interaction between the Atlantic Ocean and the atmosphere, such as the North
Atlantic Oscillation (OAN), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (ODP) and El Niño South
Oscillation (ENOS). In this context, Pará is the state of the Amazon that has
the largest drainage network, thus having large hydrographic basins, so that
rivers acquire unique relevance in the life of the population (LOPES et al.,
The most important factors affecting the hydrological
behavior of river basins are rainfall, its duration, intensity, distribution
and return periods (SABER et al., 2015). Many basins and hydrographic
sub-basins in the Amazon region are lacking in real-time monitoring of
precipitation, have a very sparse monitoring network, are bereft of
precipitation data for a given area of interest, or even have inconsistent
rainfall data or a large number of failures over the period (due to the lack of
maintenance of the network of pluviometric stations).
The insufficient number of surface rainfall stations in certain regions of
Brazil (mainly in the Amazon region) negatively interferes with the development
of research and climate monitoring to predict extreme weather events.
According to Araujo and Guetter
(2007), in recent decades important advances have been observed in remote
sensing of rain using specialized satellites for this purpose, which has led to
an increase in the availability and quality of these estimates for various
regions of the globe. The products currently available provide estimated
rainfall data by satellites with spatial and temporal distribution in large
basins and regions. The importance of information on the climate at different
scales - regional and global - has generated the creation of several
international programs to provide generalized information on the meteorological
variables of the planet. According to Hessels (2015), it is becoming
increasingly attractive to use satellites to carry out estimates of rainfall,
due to the provision of continuous spatial measurements. Many of these
satellite products are open source and have varying resolutions (DINKU, 2014;
SHRESTHA, 2011), so their performance may vary from region to region (DUAN et
al., 2016). Some of these provide precipitation data obtained from surface
observation and remote sensing (DINKU et al., 2018), such as the Global
Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) (ADLER et al., 2001), the Global
Precipitation Climatology Center (GPCC) (SCHNEIDER et al., 2016), the Climate
Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) (SHRESTHA et al.,
2017; DINKU et al., 2018; FUNK et al., 2015), the Climate Research Unit (CRU) (BROHAN
et al., 2006) and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) (HUFFMAN et
al., 2007).
Thus, the climatic conditions of a region present
limiting factors for the maintenance of water availability, and accurate data
are of great importance for economic, social and cultural development. The
perception of the difficulty of access and logistics to the various water
bodies in the region of the Guamá River sub-basin and
the lack of a representative monitoring network for the area makes it essential
to use rainfall databases to analyze temporal and/or spatial variability of
atmospheric phenomena. Thus, this study has the main objective of evaluating
the performance of rainfall data obtained from remote sensing data (GPCC and
CHIRPS) for the Guamá River sub-basin region in
northeastern Pará, in comparison with data directly obtained from terrestrial
rain gauges (made available by Brazil’s National Water Agency - ANA), in
addition to identifying the spatio-temporal behavior
of rain in the region, thus generating results that will enable a better
understanding of the local climate and provide support for better management of
the region's water resources.
2.1 Study area
The state of Pará is located in the North region of
Brazil, in the Eastern Amazon, occupying an area of 1,247,954.6 km2 (Figure 1).
It is the second largest Brazilian state in landmass and has 144 municipalities,
with an official population in the last census of 7,581,051 inhabitants (IBGE,
2010). According to Lopes et al. (2013), in Pará, two well-defined seasons can
be described from the rainfall index: a rainy season (Amazonian winter) and a
less rainy season (summer). Currently, land cover in the Amazon is dominated by
three types of landscape: primary forest, secondary forest various succession
stages, and pasture (SALIMON et al., 2003).
The study area is composed of the Guamá
River sub-basin (GRSB), located in the mesoregion of northeastern Pará and the
microregion of Guamá, It
covers an area of 49,637 km2, as shown in Figure 1 (TORRES, 2007). The Guamá River is one of the tributaries of the Pará River and
is 700 km long. It originates in the Coroados Mountains
(southern part of the municipality of Capitão Poço), running in the south-north direction until the
municipality of Ourém, located on its right bank.
Heading west, it meets Capim River, one of its most
important tributaries. It is navigable by small boats to its first waterfall,
225 km from Belém. At its mouth, in Baía do Guajará, it reaches 900 m
in width and is navigable in certain sections (BRAZ; MELLO, 2005). According to
Rebello et al. (2009), the Northeaster Pará mesoregion is an important agricultural
area of the state, mainly due to the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture and
the formation of wide pastures.
The GRSB is part of the historical context of the
creation of the Bragança Railroad, which connected the
capital Belém to the city of Bragança
and its colonization (TORRES, 2007). The municipalities contained
in the GRSB are: Aurora do Pará, Bonito, Capitão Poço, Garrafão do Norte,
Ipixuna do Pará, Irituia, Mãe do Rio, Nova Esperança do Piriá, Ourém, Santa Luzia
do Pará, São Domingos do Capim and São Miguel do Guamá. The GRSB is part of the Western Atlantic Hydrographic
Region, according to Resolution 04/2008 from the Water Resources Council of the
State of Pará (BRAZ; MELLO, 2005), which has an area of 918,822 km2 (11% of the
nation’s territory) and covers the states of Goiás
(21%), Tocantins (30%), Pará (30%), Maranhão (4%),
Mato Grosso (15%) and the Federal District (0.1%) (ANA, 2016).
The Guamá River sub-basin is
located in a warm and humid tropical equatorial region, which has typically convective
rains (stronger rain intensity, shorter duration and shorter coverage area)
that can migrate over time to stratiform rains (spread over a large area,
longer duration and intensity of medium or low precipitation) (ROCHA; CORREIA;
FONSECA, 2014). The predominant climatic type in the region is Af, according to the Köppen
classification, with an average annual temperature above 18 ºC (PRATA et al.,
2010). According to Lopes et al. (2013), the less rainy season occurs between
June and November, and the rainiest season between December to May (with annual
precipitation rates greater than 2,000 mm).
The soil of the Guamá River
sub-basin area is characterized by the presence of the following types: Yellow
Latosol, Concrete Latosol, Fluvic Neossol, Quartzarenic Neossols and Red
Yellow Argisol (ROCHA, 2017).
In its total area, equivalent to 7% of Pará (TORRES,
2007), the Guamá River sub-basin is responsible for
supplying 75% of the water distributed to the population of the state capital, Belém (COSTA et al., 2015). Due to its territorial
extension, it is also responsible for supplying water for various types of
activities along its route. The importance of the Guamá
River to the city of Belém is due to the fact that
it, together with Água Preta
and Bologna lakes, is part of the Utinga Water
Complex, which supplies the city (BRAZ; MELLO, 2005). Water from the Guamá River is also used for cropping, livestock breeding,
mineral extraction and fishing. Therefore, it is a fundamental river for local
development and economic growth in Pará (COSTA et al., 2015). The GRSB has
different types of occupation, varying among urban centers, small communities,
farms and ranches, as well as outposts for extractive activities (coal, gravel
and timber). According to Silva et al. (2016), in the mesoregion of
northeastern Pará, the factors mining, human occupation (population) and
agriculture stand out in land use and coverage.
Figure 1 shows the modulation of the GRSB area and
indicates the geographic location of the three rain gauges that are part of the
monitoring network of the National Water Agency (ANA) - with the Guamá River highlighted, flowing for 380 km in the selected
Figure 1 – Spatial dimension of the Guamá
River sub-basin (GRSB) and the location of the selected pluviometers
Source: Authors
The three rain gauges presented were selected since
they are located within the study area. They were called SDC (located in the
municipality of São Domingos do Capim),
CSA (located in the Colônia Santo Antônio district of
São Miguel do Guamá municipality), and OUR (located
in the municipality of Ourém). The SDC rain gauge is
positioned at the geographical coordinates 47º46'12’’ W and 1º40’48’’ S; the
CSA at 47º29'24’’ W and 1º39’36’’ S; and the OUR rain gauge at 47º7’12’’ W and
S 1º33’0’’ S.
2.2 Rain data
The rain data used in this work were obtained from
three different sources: rain measured by rain gauges (called observed data);
and rain estimated by remote sensing and made available by the high resolution precipitation databases of the GPCC (Global
Precipitation Climatology Center) and CHIRPS (Climate Hazards Group Infrared
Precipitation with Station Data), for the common period between 1988 and 2018.
The GPCC has a database relying on precipitation interpolated from surface
observations (SANTOS et al.; 2017; RUDOLF; SCHNEIDER, 2005) and CHIRPS also
uses an inverse distance weighting algorithm to process its data (DUAN et al.,
2016). Thus, the two satellite precipitation sources were used to analyze the
influence of spatial resolution on the observed values, among other parameters.
For the observed rain data, the monthly accumulated
precipitation values (in millimeters or mm) were used, measured by the three
pluviometers located in the Guamá River sub-basin. As
previously mentioned, these rain gauges are located in the municipalities of
São Domingos do Capim, São
Miguel do Guamá and Ourém,
being part of the surface monitoring network of the National Water Agency
(ANA). The database was accessed through the Hidroweb
online platform, available at:
Manual control of the quality of the pluviometric
data of the earth station was carried out, because among the three pluviometers
there were some gaps in the continuous data series. Despite the limited range
and intrinsic error of rain stations, they remain the most direct and accurate
measurement tool to date (WANG et al., 2017). Thus, soil-based measures were
considered as "true precipitation" datasets for reference in this
study (WANG et al., 2017; MARCIANO et al., 2018).
The estimated data were obtained through remote
sensing. According to Jiménez et al. (2013), the electromagnetic radiation
reflected and emitted by the planet's surface and atmosphere can be detected by
sensors present in satellites. Electromagnetic radiation is interpreted in the
electromagnetic spectrum according to certain wavelengths. Also
according to the authors, the agencies that administer these satellites process
the raw radiation data and make the remote sensing data available in a spatial
raster (pixel) format in different temporal and spatial resolutions.
The CHIRPS precipitation dataset is based on the
measurement of the global cold cloud duration (CDD), based on infrared thermal
data stored in the CPC (Climate Prediction Center), NOAA (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration) and NCDC (National Climatic Data Center), as the
primary sources for calculating precipitation on a quasi-global scale
(geographic coverage from 50ºS to 50ºN and all longitudes) from 1981 to the
present date (DUAN et al., 2016). The first estimates are calibrated with the
precipitation estimated in the product TRMM-3B42, version 7, and information
from the global network of rain gauges (collected by the United Nations Food
and Agriculture Organization and Global Historical Climatology Network),
providing a set of precipitation data with high horizontal spatial resolution
of 0.05 ° × 0.05 ° (ESPINOZA et al., 2019; FUNK et al., 2015). The data used in
this work were acquired through the website, in NetCDF, GeoTiff and Esri BIL format. For the Guamá
River sub-basin area, 546 grid points were incorporated (Figure 2).
Figure 2 – Distribution of CHIRPS grid points
in the Guamá River sub-basin
Source: Authors
precipitation data were obtained with monthly temporal resolution and spatial
resolution in a 1.0º x 1.0º grid (Figure 3), available at
The GPCC dataset has 12 large points distributed in the GRSB area. The complete
GPCC product is a set of monthly rainfall data in a grid for the global land
surface (RAZIEI et al. 2015), controlled for quality, of 85,000 pluviometric stations almost in real time (CHANDRAN et al.,
2016). According to Wang et al. (2017), the available data are based on the
monthly reports of SYNOP (Surface Synoptic Observations) and CLIMAT received
via GTS (Global Telecommunication System) from the WMO (World Meteorological
Organization), after automatic and manual quality control. These precipitation
data are generated within two months after the end of the observation month
based on a combination of radiometric observations from satellites and rain
gauges (AJAAJ et al., 2016).
Figure 3 – Distribution of the GPCC grid points over
the Guamá River sub-basin
Source: Authors
2.3 Calculation of statistical metrics and interpolation of rain data
According to Xu et al. (2015), monthly rainfall events
are usually subject to small scale variability, and therefore can be better
validated on the smallest possible spatial scale.
In this work, a point-to-pixel analysis was performed
to compare precipitation data from the monthly time series observed through the
selected rain gauges with the respective grid cell to the corresponding CHIRPS
and GPCC pixels. For this, four statistical metrics based on pairwise
comparison were used to assess the performance of each of the satellite
products (PAREDES-TREJO et al., 2016): Pearson's correlation coefficient (r),
relative bias percentage (or error) (BIAS), root mean square error (RMSE), and
Willmott concordance index (d). The equations are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1 – Equations of the statistical metrics of
performance of the precipitation products (where: O = represents the data
observed on the surface by the rain gauges; S = represents the data estimated
by the CHIRPS or GPCC satellite; Ō and S ̅
represent the averages of the observed and estimated data, respectively; and n
represents the number of observations)
name |
Equation |
Ideal value |
Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) |
1 |
Bias percentage (BIAS) |
0 |
Root mean square error (RMSE) |
0 |
Willmott agreement index (d) |
1 |
Source: Authors
Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) measures the
strength of the linear relationship between satellite estimates and
observations of rain gauges, ranging from -1 to +1 with a desired score equal
to +1 (PAREDES-TREJO et al., 2017) . According to
Rivera et al. (2018), the average percentage error (or bias) measures the
tendency of the estimated precipitation to be greater or less than the observed
precipitation, with an ideal value of 0. Positive values indicate
overestimation bias, while negative values indicate underestimation bias. The
root mean square error (RMSE) value indicates the mean deviation between estimated
values and actual values. The ideal value for this metric is equal to 0 and always
has positive values (XU et al., 2015). The agreement index (d) used was
developed by Willmott (1981). The values of this index can vary from 0, for no
agreement, to 1, for perfect agreement. The results of r and d are
dimensionless, while BIAS is expressed as a percentage (%) and RMSE in
millimeters (mm). To perform the statistical analyses, the software R (R Core
Team, 2018) was used, through implementation of the functions available in the
packages base, devEMF, lattice, plyr,
Rmisc, reshape and hydroGOF.
The R software was also used to perform the comparison test between the
datasets (observed and estimated) using the Student t-test (significance level
of 5%, that is, p ≤ 0.05). The objective of the test was to test the null
hypothesis that the averages between the two groups (observed/CHIRPS and
observed/GPCC) were equal to the monthly averages over the study period.
For the spatialization of rain data, the software QGIS,
a geographic information system (GIS), version 2.18, was used. In processing,
the average rainfall estimated by the satellite product was used as input data
in the spatialization calculations. In this case, the universal Kriging
interpolation method was used within the Guamá River
sub-basin area. According to Gallardo (2006), the behavior of a variable in the
different directions of a geographical space is explained by the kriging
interpolator, which is based on a continuous function. In this way, it is possible
to associate the variability of the estimation based on the distance that
exists between a pair of points, through the use of a semivariogram,
which allows verifying the level of similarity that exists between them, as
they move away.
Figures 4 and 5 show the average values of accumulated
precipitation obtained from data from pluviometers (vertical bars) located in
São Domingos do Capim
(Figure 4a), Colônia Santo Antônio district of São
Miguel do Guamá) (Figure 4b) and Ourém
(Figure 4c). The values estimated by the CHIRPS and GPCC products for the
validation period (1988 to 2018) are also represented in Figures 4 and 5,
respectively, through the solid blue line. All the rain gauges are located
within the Guamá River sub-basin area (GRSB). The
average accumulated precipitation data obtained from CHIRPS and GPCC were
extracted from the pixel closest to each rain gauge.
Figure 4 – Annual cycle of observed average
accumulated precipitation * and that estimated by the CHIRPS database for the
period from 1988 to 2018 (* average observed for: (a) São Domingos do Capim
rain gauge; (b): Colônia Santo Antônio rain gauge in São Miguel do Guamá; (c)
Ourém rain gauge; the barb represents the ±1 calculated standard deviation).
Source: Authors
Figure 5 – Annual cycle of observed
accumulated average precipitation * and that estimated by the GPCC database for
the period from 1988 to 2018 (* average observed for: (a) São Domingos do Capim
rain gauge; (b) Colônia Guamá River sub-basin Antônio rain gauge in São Miguel
do Guamá; (c) Ourém rain gauge; the barb represents the ±1 standard deviation
Source: Authors.
It is possible to observe the same pattern of behavior
of monthly precipitation in both figures during the study period. The average
rainfall in the Guamá River sub-basin estimated by
CHIRPS and GPCC has higher peaks than that observed by the rain gauges, but the
two types of data are in phase throughout the study period. There was an
increase in the amount of rain from December to a peak generally in March and a
decrease in the amount of rain to the lowest value, generally observed in
October. According to Costa et al. (2019), rainfall data from the CHIRPS
database and its validation with data from INMET/CPTEC for the northern region
of Brazil shows a rainy period between the months of November to May, and less
rainfall (precipitation rates considered high compared to other regions of the
country) between June and September (COSTA, 2019).
In the present study, the largest standard deviations
were commonly observed between the months of December to June/July in both
figures (Figures 4 and 5). These months are part of the so-called rainy season
in the Amazon region. The most evident discrepancies between the average
observed value (rain gauge) and the estimated average value (CHIRPS and GPCC)
were commonly identified for January, February and/or March. However, in the
months of lower rainfall, the data estimated by CHIRPS and GPCC show very
satisfactory agreement with the data obtained by rain gauges (lower standard
The average amount of rain, in mm, estimated by CHIRPS
was commonly higher than that obtained by the rain gauge every month in São Domingos do Capim and Ourém, with some exceptions. Of particular note are the
months of February and March, in São Domingos do Capim, and the months of September and October in Ourém, where the estimated amount of rain was lower than
that measured in each of the pluviometers. Also noteworthy are the months of
May and June, in São Domingos do Capim,
and the month of November in Ourém, where the
estimated rain values were the same as those measured in the rain gauges.
According to Katsanos et al. (2016), the difference
between the trend in rainfall measured by rain gauges and the trend in CHIRPS
data is a result of incorporating TRMM estimates into this satellite product,
which tend to overestimate rainfall.
For the GPCC satellite database, only in December for
São Domingos do Capim was
the estimated average value below those observed from the rain gauge. In the
remaining months for all three locations, the value estimated by the GPCC was
equal to or slightly higher than that measured by rain gauges. Of particular
note is the similarity between the measured and estimated rainfall for most
months (with the exception of March, July and August) in the Colônia Santo Antônio region. This rain gauge is closest to
grid point for which the precipitation data were extracted, approximately 18
km. While the rain gauge located in São Domingos do Capim is approximately 35 km and the one located in Ourém approximately 43 km. According to Limberger
and Silva (2018), the GPCC dataset is reconstructed from observed precipitation
data. Therefore, the proximity between the rain gauge and the grid point is
favorable to the estimated precipitation precision.
Table 2 presents the results of the statistical
metrics calculated from the comparison between the estimated data (CHIRPS and
GPCC) and observed data (pluviometers).
Table 2 – Summary of statistical metrics for assessing
precipitation products (CHIRPS and GPCC) on the monthly time scale (1988 to
2018) versus the values observed in rain gauges located in the Guamá River sub-basin (* SDC = São Domingos
do Capim; CSA = Colônia
Santo Antônio (São Miguel do Guamá); OUR = Ourém). ** Distance in kilometers between the location of
the rain gauge and the closest grid point closest of the GPCC
observed |
Observed* |
BIAS (%) |
r |
RSME (mm) |
d |
20.0 |
0.98 |
43.18 |
0.96 |
4.1 |
1.00 |
14.02 |
1.00 |
11.7 |
0.99 |
30.03 |
0.98 |
Average value |
11.9 |
0.99 |
29.08 |
0.98 |
GPCC vs.
Observed |
Observed* |
BIAS (%) |
r |
RSME (mm) |
d |
SDC (34.87 km)** |
15.6 |
0.99 |
39.88 |
0.97 |
CSA (17.73 km)** |
6.4 |
0.99 |
18.50 |
0.99 |
OUR (42.65 km)** |
16.3 |
0.99 |
36.79 |
0.98 |
Average value |
12.8 |
0.99 |
21.72 |
0.98 |
Source: Authors
All the correlation coefficients (r) were above 0.97
(97%), indicating a strong direct correlation between CHIRPS data and rainfall
(SDC, CSA, OUR), and mainly between GPCC and rain gauge (SDC, CSA, OUR). In
general, the mean values of the correlation coefficients (r = 0.99 for both)
were similar for the two satellite products compared to the observed values.
The rain gauge located in São Domingos
do Capim (SDC) presented the highest values of
average percentage error (BIAS of approximately 20 and 16% for CHIRPS and GPCC,
respectively). The lowest average percentage error was obtained for Colônia Santo Antônio in the approximate value of 4%
overestimation for the CHIRPS/observed set. Regarding the GPCC/observed set,
the lowest average percentage error was obtained for Ourém,
of approximately 8%. In general, the mean BIAS value obtained for the
CHIRPS/observed indicated a smaller overestimation, approximately 12%, of the
precipitation data, whereas the highest mean value of approximately 13% of BIAS
was found for the GPCC/observed set. In this study, no average percentage error
was found indicating underestimation of the data observed by the rain gauges.
The lowest (best) RSME values were approximately 14
and 19 mm for CHIRPS and GPCC, respectively, for the Colônia
Santo Antônio and São Domingos do Capim
regions, while the highest RSME values were approximately 43 and 40 mm for
CHIRPS and GPCC, respectively. Overall, the average value of approximately 29
mm, obtained for the CHIRPS/observed dataset was less than the average value of
approximately 32 mm obtained for the GPCC/observed dataset.
Regarding the Willmott concordance indexes (d), the
values were equal to or greater than 0.97. The weakest agreement rates were
found for São Domingo do Capim: 0.96 and 0.97 for the
CHIRPS/observed and GPCC/observed datasets, respectively. Again, the best
metric values were identified for Colônia Santo
Antônio, with agreement index values of 1.00 and 0.99 for the CHIRPS/observed
and GPCC/observed datasets, respectively. In general, a mean value of 0.98 was
obtained for both sets of precipitation data. Thus, the most favorable results
of the statistical metrics were obtained both for the CHIRPS/observed dataset
and for the GPCC/observed dataset at the geographical coordinates of the Colônia Santo Antônio rain gauge in São Miguel do Guamá. The most unsatisfactory results were obtained for
São Domingos do Capim for
both datasets. It is noteworthy that the pluviometer of this last location is
at the limit of the Guamá River sub-basin, which may
have impaired the precision of the precipitation data due to factors such as
the influence area of the pluviometer and the topography, which influences air
movement (MARCIANO et al., 2018).
Since precipitation does not differ only with
geographic location, the variation related to the seasonality of the Amazon
region was taken into account. Thus, Tables 3 and 4 show the comparison between
the estimated (CHIRPS and GPCC) and observed (rainfall) data for the rainy
season (December to May) and less rainy period (June to November) between 1988
and 2018.
Table 3 – Summary of statistical metrics for the
evaluation of the CHIRPS precipitation product for the rainy and less rainy
periods (1988 to 2018) versus the values observed in pluviometers located in
the Guamá River sub-basin (* SDC = São Domingos do Capim; CSA = Colônia Santo Antônio (São Miguel do Guamá);
OUR = Ourém)
season (December to May) |
Observed* |
BIAS (%) |
R |
RSME (mm) |
d |
17.3 |
0.92 |
54.67 |
0.85 |
1.9 |
0.99 |
15.12 |
0.99 |
13.1 |
0.98 |
38.76 |
0.95 |
Average value |
10.8 |
0.96 |
26.18 |
0.93 |
Less rainy
period (June to November) |
Observed* |
BIAS (%) |
R |
RSME (mm) |
d |
27.9 |
0.97 |
27.19 |
0.90 |
11.3 |
0.99 |
12.81 |
0.98 |
7.7 |
0.99 |
17.37 |
0.97 |
Average value |
15.63 |
0.98 |
19.12 |
0.95 |
Source: Authors
Table 3 shows that the highest values of average
percentage error were found, both in the rainy and less rainy periods, in the
region of the rain gauge located in São Domingos do Capim. The lowest values changed between CSA and OUR in the
rainy and less rainy periods, respectively. The average percentage error values
presented a reduction of 1% of overestimation in the rainy season (average BIAS
value of approximately 11%) and an increase of 4% of overestimation in the less
rainy period (average BIAS value of approximately 16%). The lowest correlations
were found in SDC in both seasonal periods. The average correlation
coefficients for reduction in the rainy and less rainy seasons were 0.96 and
0.98, respectively. As for the RMSE, an increase of approximately 25% was
observed for the rainy season and a reduction of approximately 34% for the less
rainy period compared to the results of the analysis without distinction of
seasonality. The highest values of RSME were in SDC and the lowest in CSA, in
both seasonal periods. Finally, the agreement index fell to 0.93 and 0.95 in
the rainy and less rainy periods, respectively.
Table 4 – Summary of statistical metrics for
evaluating the GPCC precipitation product for the rainy and less rainy period
(1988 to 2018) versus the values observed in rain gauges located in the Guamá River sub-basin (* SDC = São Domingos
do Capim; CSA = Colônia
Santo Antônio (São Miguel do Guamá); OUR = Ourém). ** Distance in kilometers between the rain gauge
and the nearest grid point of the GPCC)
season (December to May) |
Observed* |
(%) |
r |
(mm) |
d |
SDC (34.87 km)** |
14.4 |
0.96 |
52.4 |
0.89 |
CSA (17.73 km)** |
3.2 |
0.99 |
17.89 |
0.99 |
OUR (42.65 km)** |
17.0 |
0.99 |
48.00 |
0.93 |
Average value |
11.53 |
0.98 |
39.43 |
0.94 |
rainy period (June to November) |
* |
(%) |
r |
(mm) |
d |
SDC (34.87 km)** |
19.2 |
0.98 |
20.85 |
0.95 |
CSA (17.73 km)** |
16.9 |
0.97 |
19.09 |
0.96 |
OUR (42.65 km)** |
14.3 |
0.99 |
16.06 |
0.97 |
Average value |
16.80 |
0.98 |
18.67 |
0.96 |
Source: Authors
Table 4 shows similar behavior similar to that
reported in Table 3 of the statistical metrics for the seasonal periods
according to the precipitation estimate using the GPCC product. There was a
reduction to approximately 12% in the average value of BIAS for the rainy
period and an increase to approximately 17% in the less rainy period. The
highest BIAS results were found for the OUR and SDC locations in the rainy and
less rainy periods, respectively. The average correlation coefficient was 0.98
for both seasonal periods, lower than that previously verified without
distinction of seasonality. The RMSE value also increased by approximately 24%
for the rainy season compared to the analysis without distinction of
seasonality. In the less rainy period there was a
reduction of approximately 41% in the mean square error compared to the
analysis without distinction of seasonality. The highest values of RMSE (52.4
and 20.85 mm) were in São Domingos do Capim. The agreement indexes obtained (0.94 and 0.96 for
the rainy and less rainy periods, respectively) were lower than those found
previously without distinguishing the seasonality of the region. The lowest
values (0.89 and 0.95 for the rainy and less rainy periods, respectively) were
also concentrated in São Domingos do Capim.
Thus, it was observed that, when the seasonal periods
are accentuated, no relevant differences were observed in the correlations
obtained between rainfall measured by pluviometers and estimated by CHIRPS or
GPCC. This indicates that the amount of rain interferes minimally with the
quality of the statistical metrics presented. However, quantitative rainfall
statistics (BIAS, correlation coefficient, RMSE and agreement index)
demonstrated efficiency and reliability of the rainfall estimates in the Guamá River sub-basin through the products generated by
CHIRPS and GPCC. Several authors (COSTA et al., 2015; DUAN et al., 2016; MARCIANO
et al., 2018; XU et al., 2015) have reported the need for knowledge on the
quality of precipitation data, since they must have satisfactory accuracy in
spatial and temporal resolution. This importance is based on the employment of
these data for the strategic planning of water resource management, forecasting
and evaluation of floods and droughts (FISCH et al., 1998).
The CHIRPS/observed dataset (Table 5) and the
GPCC/observed dataset (Table 6) were tested for statistical significance at a
p-value of 0.05, according to the paired Student t-test.
Table 5 – Student's t-test (5% significance) for the
CHIRPS/dataset observed between 1988 and 2018 (* p-value ≤0.05 indicates there
a significant difference between the data of the observed (rain gauge) and
estimated (CHIRPS) values)
Month |
January |
0,006969* |
0,3697 |
0,0652 |
February |
0,0003007* |
0,6389 |
0,0141* |
March |
0,09728 |
0,523 |
0,4022 |
April |
0,139 |
0,5756 |
0,3438 |
May |
0,1696 |
0,9007 |
0,03143* |
June |
0,06959 |
0,8745 |
0,01478* |
July |
0,3206 |
0,5052 |
0,09297 |
August |
0,008718* |
0,02674* |
0,0315* |
September |
0,04721* |
0,2632 |
0,1935 |
October |
0,07054 |
0,4623 |
0,3017 |
November |
0,00211* |
0,2716 |
0,8336 |
December |
0,287 |
0,4143 |
0,3859 |
Source: Authors
Table 6 – Student’s t-test (5% significance) for the
GPCC/dataset observed between 1988 and 2018 (* p-value≤0.05 indicates a
significant difference between the data of the observed (rain gauge) and
estimated (GPCC) values)
Month |
January |
0,1055 |
0,8418 |
0,006924* |
February |
0,009664* |
0,9626 |
0,04692* |
March |
0,0002577* |
0,1037 |
0,01731* |
April |
0,1932 |
0,6341 |
0,2895 |
May |
0,3918 |
0,84 |
0,1886 |
June |
0,07951 |
0,9311 |
0,3056 |
July |
0,1258 |
0,05244* |
0,04071* |
August |
0,0003063* |
0,006783* |
0,1705 |
September |
0,3218 |
0,2063 |
0,9404 |
October |
0,6093 |
0,3279 |
0,2041 |
November |
0,5582 |
0,2997 |
0,2217 |
December |
0,5596 |
0,6522 |
0,05773 |
Source: Authors
According to the comparison test, it is possible to
reject the equality hypothesis for the CHIRPS/observed dataset, mainly for SDC,
in January, February, August, September and November; and in February, May,
June and August for OUR. For the values estimated by the GPCC, the rejection of
the equality hypothesis for the GPCC/observed dataset occurred February, March,
and August for SDC and, January, February, March and July for OUR. Thus, the
months that influenced the loss of quality are identified in the statistical
metrics previously presented. The higher occurrence of rejection of the
hypothesis of equality between the measured and estimated value (CHIRPS or
GPCC) in the rain gauges of São Domingo do Capim and Ourém influences the higher RMSE values, mainly for the
rainy season. Also noteworthy is the greater occurrence of rejection of the
hypothesis of equality between the measured and estimated rainfall values for
the month of August in most of the sets, with the exception of GPCC/observed in
The following is the average monthly rainfall for the
period under study considering the total area of the Guamá
River sub-basin. The average monthly precipitation for the period from 1988 to
2018 was satisfactorily estimated by CHIRPS (vertical bars with lines in red)
and GPCC (vertical bars with lines in blue) for the study area (Figure 6).
Figure 6 – Average monthly precipitation data
*, estimated by CHIRPS and GPCC, for the Guamá River sub-basin area (period
1988 to 2018) (* The barb represents the ±1 calculated standard deviation)
Source: Authors
In all months except March, the precipitation values
estimated by CHIRPS for the region were higher than those estimated by GPCC. A
concordance in the values only occurred for the month of November. Both
databases have similar standard deviations. According to Lopes et al. (2013),
variability from year to year of precipitation around average values is common.
In general, both satellite databases showed the same
seasonality in the GRSB area in the amount of precipitation as exists in the
Amazon region in general (FIGUEROA; NOBRE, 1990; MARENGO, 1995; PAIVA; CLARK,
1995). Fisch et al. (1998) stated that the rainy period in the Amazon region comprises
the months from November to March, while May to September represent the period
of least convective activity (less rainy). The months not mentioned are thus
transition periods between the two regimes.
The spatial distribution of rainfall data through the
CHIRPS database provides a very detailed representation of climatology in the Guamá River sub-basin area. The low spatial resolution of
the GPCC product generates rainfall interpolation maps with geometrical and
pointed regions that are inconsistent with natural situations. Therefore, the
last dataset was not used to generate the specialized distribution of
precipitation in the GRSB area.
Figure 7 shows the interpolation, through universal
kriging, of the annual average accumulated precipitation data provided by the
CHIRPS database, for the period between 1988 and 2018 in the study area. To
avoid the interference of the transition months between periods (rainy and less
rainy), the interpolation of precipitation data was also carried out taking
into account only the quarter with the months with highest precipitation values
(February, March and April) and the quarter with the months with lowest
precipitation values (September, October and November).
Figure 7 – Spatial distribution of CHIRPS
data for (a) annual average accumulated precipitation; (b) average accumulated
precipitation for the rainiest quarter (February, March, April) and (c) for the
least rainy quarter (September, October and November) for the period from 1988
to 2018 (* Black outline represents the boundary of the Guamá River sub-basin
Source: Authors
As shown by map with the annual accumulated average
for the period (Figure 7a), the highest rainfall values (> 2,500 mm year-1)
occurred in the northwestern portion and the lowest (<2,500 mm year-1) in
the south/southeast of the sub-basin. According to the interpolated rainfall
data, the average annual rainfall ranged from 2,170 to 2,648 mm/year and the
rainfall showed a general pattern of increasing from southeast to northwest in
the sub-basin area. According to Fisch et al. (1998), the value average yearly
precipitation in the Amazon region is 2,300 mm. Lopes et al. (2013), in his
study on the regional climatology of precipitation in the state of Pará, stated
that in northeastern Pará, the highest precipitation rates were found
throughout the year (values above 2,000 mm). Albuquerque et al. (2010) also
presented a similar result to these last authors, attributing these high values
concentrated in northeastern Pará to the occurrence of large-scale systems such
as the ZCIT, strong local convection, cumulonimbus clusters and the proximity
of coastal areas.
On the other hand, the seasonal average maps consider
only the months of the rainy and less rainy quarters (Figure 7b and 7c, respectively).
In the rainy season, the highest precipitation values (> 380 mm year-1) were
found close to the coast (north/northwest extension). The southwestern portion
of the sub-basin area also showed high values in the rainy quarter (> 380 mm
year-1). The lowest precipitation values (<370 mm year-1) were observed in
the range from the southeast to the northwest of the sub-basin. In the less
rainy quarter, the lowest values (<60 mm year-1) were found in the eastern
half of the sub-basin. The highest values (> 70 mm year-1) were observed in
a small portion to the northwest. In general, for the rainiest quarter (Figure
7b) the spatial distribution of precipitation increased from east to west, with
peaks in the northwest and southwest portions, while in the less rainy quarter
(Figure 7c), the spatial distribution of precipitation showed only an
increasing pattern from east to west in the Guamá
River sub-basin.
It should be noted that the distribution of rainfall
was not affected by the topography of the region, since the main difference
between seasonal periods was represented by the amount of rain rather than its
distribution in the sub-basin area. According to Figueroa and Nobre (1990), in the eastern Amazon the annual
precipitation values show a decreasing trend from the coastal region to the
interior of Pará., so the phenomenon has global scale (Intertropical
Convergence Zone) and mesoscale (Instability Lines), both of which have strong
influence on the region's precipitation conditions (which includes the Guamá River sub-basin).
The present study evaluated the performance of CHIRPS,
a new high-resolution precipitation climatology database, in northeastern Pará,
specifically in the Guamá River sub-basin.
The data observed through rain gauges were strongly
correlated (r = 0.99) with the rainfall estimated by satellite in the GPCC and
CHIRPS databases for the period from 1988 to 2018 and also had a satisfactory
agreement index (d = 0.98). The two databases overestimated of precipitation
(by about 12% and 13% for CHIRPS and GPCC, respectively). In terms of
seasonality, the statistical metrics between the CHIRPS/observed datasets were
better for the less rainy period, despite the greater average percentage error
(approximately 16%). Similar behavior was found for the statistical metrics
obtained for the GPCC/observed dataset. In this case, the statistical metrics
showed, through the values of BIAS and RMSE, that the proximity between the
geographical location of the pluviometer and the point of extraction of the
estimated precipitation contributes to obtain favorable results.
Thus, on the scale of the Guamá
River sub-basin, the two satellite products, CHIRPS and GPCC, presented similar
statistical metrics. This indicates that the two remote sensing databases can
be used without impairment of conclusions, with more accurate results for the
period with the least amount of rain in the Guamá
River sub-basin.
The interpolation of precipitation data from CHIRPS
demonstrated the pattern of spatial distribution along the Guamá
River sub-basin consistent with the specific literature: high values (>
2,000 mm.year-1) of accumulated precipitation, seasonality during the months
and growth of precipitation towards the coast (southeast to northeast in the
annual accumulation and east to west in the seasonal aspect).
Finally, the satellite products studied are generated
using several datasets and several different procedures for combining, mixing
and correcting them. Based on the statistical metrics presented, there is a
need to correct the sources of errors in order to better adapt the remote
sensing precipitation data to the Guamá River
sub-basin, thus obtaining more accurate grid data.
Due to the fundamental participation of this
hydrographic basin in the economic and social development of the region, and
the scarcity of specific works in the study area, the present study is relevant
for the pluviometric monitoring of the region from
other broad databases. These bases have greater regularity of measurements over
a longer time scale.
With the results of the historical series of rainfall,
it is possible to relate and evaluate the relationship between climatic trends
found and the changes in land use and occupation in the region. Understanding
how the various human activities affect the natural behavior of the
hydrographic basin is important to distinguishing the anthropic effects from
possible natural cycles in the region.
We thank the Superintendency
for the Development of the Amazon (SUDAM) for the financial support to the
project entitled "Integrated local development: socioeconomics, protection
and environmental rehabilitation of the Guamá River
micro-basin, Pará, Brazil"; the Federal Rural University of the Amazon
(UFRA), the Socio-Environmental and Water Resources Institute (ISARH) and the
Agricultural Technology Center (CTA) for the physical infrastructure of
laboratories and unrestricted support for Brazilian scientific research; and
all residents of the region under study who ideologically contributed to the
development of this study.
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