Ci. e Nat., Santa Maria v.42, e19, 2020
ISSN 2179-460X
Received 04/10/18
Accepted: 31/10/19 Published:24/06/20
Biosorbent material for the removal
of potentially toxic metals from water supply systems
Material biossorvente para remoção de
metais potencialmente tóxicos em água de abastecimento
de Castro I
Junqueira Jerônimo II
Cesar de Souza Inácio Gonçalves III
Sérgio da Luz IV
Carneiro Ferreira Correio V
I Engenheira Ambiental pela Universidade
Federal do Triângulo Mineiro.
II Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em
Ciência e Tecnologia Ambiental, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro.
III Docente do
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Ambiental da Universidade
Federal do Triângulo Mineiro.
do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Ambiental da Universidade
Federal do Triângulo Mineiro.
Docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia
Ambiental da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro.
The aim of
this study was to evaluate the potential of green coconut shell powder in the
biosorption of metal ions (Pb2+ e Ni2+) found in public
water supply systems. The univariate method was used to optimize the
biosorption process. Freudlich
and Langmuir isotherms were used to evaluate the physical or chemical
characteristics of the adsorption material. Results shows that for pH=4,
biosorption time = 25 minutes and fiber granulometry at 60 mesh was enabled to
remove 97% of Pb2+and 95% of Ni2+, using a biosorbent material concentration of 25 gL-1.
The isotherms,
adsorption results was better adjusted to the Freundlich model,
which is related to a physical
adsorption. Thus, based on our results, the coconut shell fiber presents
appropriate characteristics for lead and nickel biosorption processes. This biosorbent material can be used in combination with classic
water treatment processes focused on the removal of potentially toxic metals.
Keywords: Adsorption isotherms; Green coconut fiber;
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o
potencial do pó da casca de coco verde no processo de biossorção de íons metálicos
(Pb2+ e Ni2+) presentes na água de abastecimento público.
Empregou-se o método univariado para otimizar o processo de biossorção. As
isotermas de Freundlich e Langmuir foram empregadas para avaliara
característica física ou química do material. Os resultados mostraram que em pH
igual a 4, tempo de 25 minutose granulometria da fibra de 60 mesh ocorreram as
maiores remoções, na faixa de 97% para Pb2+ e 95% para Ni2+.
Com relação à concentração inicial da biomassa, observou-se que a concentração
de 25 gL-1 do material biossorvente foi suficiente para uma máxima
remoção dos íons metálicos em estudo. Com relação às isotermas, foi possível
identificar, a partir dos resultados de adsorção, que as espécies metálicas se
ajustaram melhor ao modelo de Freundlich, adsorção física. Dessa forma, os
resultados apresentados mostram que a fibra da casca de coco apresenta
características apropriadas para o processo de biossorção de chumbo e níquel.
Esse material biossorvente pode ser utilizado juntamente com os processos
clássicos de tratamento de água para remoção de metais potencialmente tóxicos.
Isotermas de adsorção; Fibra de coco verde; Biossorção
Traditional technologies applied to treat water used for human
consumption purposes comprise stages such as coagulation, flocculation,
decantation, filtration and disinfection (DI BERNARDO; DANTAS, 2005). However,
these technologies are not overall fully efficient in removing traces of
potentially toxic metals soluble in water (FRANCISCHETTI, 2004).
The conventional treatment applied to wastewater containing metals
involves physical (evaporation, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration and
distillation) and chemical (chemical precipitation, organic redox reactions,
the use of ion-exchange resins and acid-base neutralization) processes. The
application of these processes leads to high costs, as in the case of the
membrane and ion exchange processes, and it can also introduce residues, due to
oxidation and chemical precipitation, which make the treatment process even
more laborious (MONTEIRO, 2009).
Wastewater containing potentially toxic metals is released into the
environment without proper treatment on a daily basis, fact that leads to
irreparable environmental impacts. Therefore, the use of biosorbent
materials as low-cost alternative to treat such water can be environmentally,
economically and socially feasible (MONTEIRO, 2009).
Potentially toxic metals, such as lead and nickel, are bio accumulative;
thus, the effect on contact with these contaminates is unpredictable, since
they do not decomposes (MAGRO et al., 2013).
Lead is a metal found in many industrial products such as batteries,
photographic materials, paints and pigments, fuels, as well as in automotive,
aeronautical and steel industries (JALALIET et al., 2002; SEKHAR et al., 2004).
The main lead release forms resulting from anthropogenic activities are
associated with emissions from foundries and battery factories. Water
contamination often happens through industrial effluents, mainly generated by steel industries (CETESB, 2012).
According to the World Health Organization, the maximum lead
concentration in water used for human consumption purposes cannot exceed 0.01
mg L-1 (WHO, 2006). The chronic exposure to lead can lead to
gastrointestinal, neuromuscular and central nervous system disorders, besides
changing the human blood pressure and negatively affecting the liver and renal
system (SCHIFER; BOGUSZ; MONTANO, 2005).
Nickel is widely used to produce stainless steel and other
corrosion-resistant alloys, as well as to produce coins and batteries (UNESP,
2016), and is released into the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels
and the incineration of solid waste. According to Brazilian Ministry of Health,
the maximum nickel concentration allowed in the water is 0.07 mg L-1,
in order to ensure potability standards (BRASIL, 2011). This metal is harmful
to human health because it can cause lung, larynx and prostate cancer
(LENNTECH, 2016).
Biosorption is an adsorption process associated with the passive bonding
of metal ions through living or dead biomass (MONTEIRO; BONIOLO; YAMAURA,
2012). According to Pino (2005), the capture of metal ions by biomass is a
passive and independent energy process that happens through physical-chemical
interactions between the ions and the functional groups on the biomass surface.
Ions are attracted to the active sites on the biomass surface, where
different functional groups such as phosphate, carboxyl, sulfide, hydroxyl and
amine are responsible for their interaction. This process continues until the
equilibrium between captured and dissolved ions is reached (VOLESKY, 2004).
Langmuir's and Freundlich isotherms are the most used models to describe
the biomass adsorption phenomenon (MOREIRA, 2010) and were used to classify
physical or chemical adsorptions.
According to Moreira (2010), the Langmuir model is characterized by the
monoatomic approximation to a limiting adsorption amount, which is assumed to
correspond to monolayer formation. The Langmuir isotherm enables the maximum
metal adsorption capacity through the biomass, whereas the Kads
coefficients linked to the ion-substrate interaction energy (SHUMAN, 1988).
The Langmuir Isotherm expression is given by the Equation 1.
q is the amount of adsorbate (metal) retained in the solid at
equilibrium (mg g-1);
qmaxis the Langmuir parameter linked to the adsorption
capacity (mg g-1);
Kadsis the Langmuir constant linked to the adsorption energy
(L mg-1 or L mmol-1);
C is the ion concentration (in mg L-1) in the solution at
Kads and qmax values
can be graphically determined by rearranging Equation 1 into Equation 2.
The graphical representation of C/q is a linear function whose slope is
equal to 1/qmax, whereas the intersection
with the C/q axis is equal to 1/(qmaxKads).
Therefore, the angular coefficient can be used to calculate qmax,
which is the maximum adsorption capacity based on the monolayer coverage; based
on this value, the linear coefficient can be used to calculate the value of the
Langmuir adsorption constant - Kads (PINO,
The Freundlich isotherm describes the equilibrium on heterogeneous
surfaces; therefore, it does not assume a monolayer adsorption capacity. This
isotherm suggests that the adsorbate concentration on the adsorbent material
surface increases as the adsorbate concentration in the solution also increases
The mathematical expression of the Freundlich isotherm is given by the
Equation 3.
q is the amount of adsorbate (metal) retained in the solid at
equilibrium (mg g-1);
X is the adsorbate concentration (in mg L-1) at equilibrium;
Kf and
n are constants.
The expression in Equation 3 is often used in linear form. Thus, we have
The graphical representation of log q is a linear function whose slope
is equal to 1/n, whereas the intersection with log axis q is equal to log Kf. Therefore, the angular coefficient of the line can be
used to calculate n, whereas the linear coefficient can be used to find Kf (PINO, 2005).
The pursuit of new technologies focused on treating wastewater and
public water supply systems is based on the use of biomass as biosorbent material; besides, these technologies have been
gaining credibility in recent years due to their good performance (MONTEIRO,
Cocos nucifera L., commonly known as green coconut, was used as biosorbent material in this study. The species is highly
distributed in the Brazilian territory and is easy to produce. In addition,
there is imminent need to reuse its wastes, since its material is not easily
decomposed it takes more than 8 years to decompose (CARRIJO; LIZ; MAKISHIMA,
2002). The use of green coconut as biosorbent
material is also justified by its high organic matter content, which is mainly
composed of lignin (approximately 35% to 45%) and cellulose (approximately 23%
to 43%) (CARRIJO; LIZ; MAKISHIMA, 2002).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of the green coconut
fiber in the biosorption of metal ions such as Pb2+ and Ni2+
in public water supply systems.
2.1. Biosorbent material
obtainment process
The first stage comprised the fragmentation of the biosorbent
material, in which we removed the external (shell) and inner parts, as well as
the chestnut, and left only the mesocarp, which is the part which contains the
desired fibers (FERREIRA et al., 2012).
The mesocarp was cut into small pieces and left to dry in oven under
forced air circulation at 60°C for 24 hours to reduce the initial moisture
content from 85% to approximately 15-20% (ROSA et al., 2001).
Next, the material was ground using a knife mill (WillyeSTAR
FT 50).
The mean particle size recorded after the fiber was ground was not
greater than 1.0 mm. The powder obtained in the mill was selected in a set of
45, 60 and 80-mesh sieves -which corresponded to 0.355 mm, 0.250 mm and 0.180
mm, respectively - in order to assure a homogeneous contact surface.
2.2. Standard solutions preparation
The multielementar solutions containing the
metals ions Pb2+ and Ni2+ at 200 mg.L-1
was prepared using chloride salts of these metals: PbCl2 (Vetec, 99%) and NiCl2.6H2O (Vetec, 99%). Next, 0.10 mol L-1 of sodium
hydroxide solution (Vetec, 99%) was used in the biosorbent material preconditioning step; this procedure
aimed at increasing the adsorption capacity of the material (VOLESKY, 2004).
Subsequently, the adsorbent material was placed in an oven under forced air
circulation, at 60°C, for 3 hours.
Then, 0.10 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid solution (Merck) and
0.10 mol L-1 sodium hydroxide solution were used to adjust the pH. The pH values (3 to 5) were chosen based on lead (II)
and nickel (II) hydroxide solubility values in order to avoid the chemical
precipitation of Pb2+ and Ni2+ in the form of hydroxides.
2.3. Biosorption experiments
Biosorption experiments were performed in batches, based on the
univariate method, which estimates one variable at a time. The analyzed
variables was contact time (10,
25 and 40 minutes), pH (3, 4 and 5), metal concentrations (10, 55 and 100 mg L-1),
biomass concentrations (10, 25 and 40 g L-1) and granulometry (45,
60 and 80 mesh). Biosorption experiments were carried out at constant
temperature in order to find the adsorption Langmuir's and Freundlich
isotherms. A BOD-type incubator (120L capacity), model SP-500/120-SPLABOR was
used for temperature control purposes. Langmuir's and Freundlich were chosen
from among several possible models because its parameters have a
straightforward physical and chemical interpretation.
It is worth to emphasizes that we decided to use standard solutions of
low Pb2+ and Ni2+ concentrations, since the main aim of
this study was to develop an alternative method to remove lead and nickel from
public water supplies. This type of water presents Pb2+ and Ni2+
concentrations lower than 100 mg L-1(PINO, 2005).
The fixed values applied to each variable in the univariate analysis
were based on data available in the literature, which presented the best
biosorption results in previous studies (FERREIRA et al., 2012; MONTEIRO, 2009;
MONTEIRO; BONIOLO; YAMAURA, 2012). Thus, the fixed values were: contact time =
25 minutes, pH = 4, biomass concentration = 25g L-1, metal
concentration = 100 mg L-1 and granulometry= 60 mesh.
After the analyses based on the standard multielementar
solutions, two tap water samples was used to check the
coconut fiber ability to remove ions from commercial water samples. The first
sample comes from CODAU (Operational Center for the Development and Sanitation
of Uberaba County - sanitation company); the second sample came from a tubular underground water collected at Federal
University of Triângulo Mineiro
(UFTM) in Uberaba County (MG). Both water samples were analyzed in order to
identify the metals in them, as well as to calculate the removal rate of these
metals based on the use of green coconut fiber.
2.4. Analytical metal
The content of the metal species (in mg L-1) was determined
through air/acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin Elmer,
model ASS 3300), based on the direct and background correction method (Welz, 1985). The standards used for the calibration curves
and wavelengths of each metal are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 –
Atomic absorption spectrometer parameters used for Pb and Ni determination
(units) |
Metals |
Pb |
Ni |
(nm) |
217.0 |
232.0 |
(nm) |
1.0 |
0.5 |
(mA) |
6 |
3 |
(L min-1) |
10.0 |
10.0 |
(L min-1) |
2.0 |
2.0 |
curve (mg L-1) |
1.0 a 10.0 |
0.1 a 4.0 |
3.1. Evaluating the biosorption potential of the coconut
pH is one of
the most important parameters in the biosorption of potentially toxic metals,
since metal speciation in the solution and the charge of active sites on the biosorbent material surface can vary depending on the
solution pH (VOLESKY, 2004).Table 2 shows the results of Pb2+ and Ni2+
removal by the coconut fiber based on pH variation.
Table 2 - Pb2+ and Ni2+ removal
efficiency based on the pH of the multielement solution
pH |
Pb2+removal (%) |
Ni2+removal (%) |
3.00 |
90.35 ± 0.23 |
91.05 ± 0.63 |
4.0 0 |
97.34 ± 0.33 |
95.17 ± 0.44 |
5.00 |
91.75 ± 0.27 |
89.12 ± 0.39 |
According to Table 2, the highest Pb2+ and Ni2+removal
took place at pH = 4. The pH influence on the adsorption of these metal ions
dues to the competition between them and H3O+ ions for
active sites on the biomass surface (CHUBAR; CARVALHO; NEIVA, 2004).
Tuning the parameters influencing the adsorption process. In fact, the
pH is an important factor, which can influence the equilibrium of a solution.
By simply varying the pH, we can lead to an adsorption or a chemical
precipitation of nickel and lead contents.
The Pourbaix (EH-pH) diagram is a plot of
electrochemical potential versus pH, which shows the domains of various metals
and the nature of this species. According to Pourbaix
diagram of Lead and nickel in aqueous matrix, in the pH range used in this work,
these metals are in the soluble state such as Pb2+ and Ni2+,
respectively (NIKOLAYCHUK, 2018; HUANG; RONDINELLI, 2017). For that reason, we
can say that in our experiments the only possible process is adsorption, which
leads to a reduction in the concentration of these ions in the final solution.
Most carboxyl groups, in the biomass particles, are not dissociated at
low pH values and it blocks their interaction with the metal ions in the
solution, although they can participate in complexation reactions (VOLESKY,
The pH-dependence of metal ion adsorption techniques based on biomass
use can be explained through the association and dissociation of some
functional groups found in the matrices used in the treatment. A large number
of functional groups (carboxylic acids) present negative charges and can
attract positive-charge ions through electrostatic interactions when the pH
value increases (CHUBAR; CARVALHO; NEIVA, 2004).
Thus, it was possible seeing that the highest removal of both lead and
nickel happened at acid pH. This outcome was already
expected, since Pb2+ and Ni2+ ions at basic pH react to
excessive OH- ions and form insoluble bases that are not adsorbed by
the coconut fiber (FERREIRA et al., 2012).
The particle size of the coconut shell fiber powder is one of the
investigated parameters to be applied to the adsorption of metal ions, since
granulometry has strong influence on the number of active adsorption sites on
the biosorbent material surface; moreover, several
materials present better adsorption capacity when they have larger contact
surfaces. Thus, the contact surface between sorbent material and the liquid
phase (solvent) also plays a key role in the adsorption process (TARLEY;
ARRUDA, 2004).
Table 3 presents the results of Pb2+ and Ni2+
removal efficiency by the coconut fiber based on granulometry variation.
Table 3- Pb2+ and Ni2+ removal
efficiency based ongranulometry
Granulometry (mesh) |
Pb2+removal (%) |
Ni2+removal (%) |
45 |
88.15 ± 0.29 |
85.69 ± 0.16 |
60 |
97.42 ± 0.19 |
95.39 ± 0.23 |
80 |
91.21 ± 0.32 |
93.22 ± 0.33 |
Based on the joint analysis applied to the results shown in Table 3, the
highest removal of both metal ions took place at 60-mesh granulometry. The Pb2+
ion removal was slightly higher than that of Ni2+ at the three
granulometries analyzed in our study. It happened because these ions have
different ionic radius sizes: the ionic radius of Pb2+ is larger
than that of Ni2+; consequently, the potential solvation energy of
these ions in aqueous medium is also different, since such energy is inversely
proportional to the square of the ionic radius (FERREIRA et al., 2012).Therefore,
Ni2+ ions present lower ionic mobility - i.e., they are more
solvated -under higher solvation energy; consequently, they are less attracted
to the active sites of the coconut fiber.
According toVolesky (1994), there is increased
adsorption of smaller particles when the metal ion adsorption to a solid
adsorbent material is based on the adsorption to the particle surface. On the
other hand, when this process is attributed to the mass transfer into sorbent
particles, larger spherical-shaped particles overall present higher adsorption.
Table 4 presents the results of Pb2+ and Ni2+
removal efficiency by the coconut fiber based on biomass concentration
Table 4 - Pb2+and Ni2+removal by
the coconut fiber based on biomass concentration
Biomass concentration (g L-1) |
Pb2+removal (%) |
Ni2+removal (%) |
10 |
92.11 ± 0.19 |
90.17 ± 0.21 |
25 |
97.54 ± 0.12 |
95.20 ± 0.19 |
40 |
94.90 ± 0.10 |
92.89 ± 0.17 |
Based on results presented in Table 4, the 25 g L-1biosorbent
material concentration was sufficient to enable the maximum Pb2+ and
Ni2+ removal under the herein set experimental conditions.
According to VOLESKY (2004), the initial biomass concentration must be
evaluated to help determining the minimum amount of necessary adsorbent
material to enable the maximum removal of metal ions, since this item has
strong influence on the costs with treatments applied to water supply systems.
Experiments were also carried out to evaluate the biomass adsorption
potential based on different initial concentrations (10 mg.L-1,
55 mg L-1 and 100 m L-1) of multielement solutions
containing Pb2+ and Ni2+. Results are presented in Table
Table 5 - Pb2+and Ni2+removal by
the coconut fiber based on initial metal concentrations
Initial Pb2+and Ni2+concentration (mg L-1) |
Pb2+removal (%) |
Ni2+removal (%) |
10.01 ± 0.09 |
93.91 ± 0.12 |
92.65 ± 0.11 |
55.32 ± 0.06 |
95.14 ± 0.15 |
94.56 ± 0.12 |
100.06 ± 0.09 |
97.10 ± 0.13 |
96.43 ± 0.15 |
Based on results in Table 5, there was high proportion between the
number of active sites in the biomass and the ions at low initial Pb2+
and Ni2+concentrations in the solution. The removal efficiency
increased as the initial ion concentration also increased because the active
sites on the biosorbent surface are not fully
In addition, the biosorption efficiency of the green coconut shell fiber
increased as the initial metal ion concentration in the solution also
increased; such efficiency did not decrease due to saturation. This outcome
evidences that the maximum metal ion concentration used in the experiment (100
mg L-1) did not saturate the active sites of the coconut fiber under
the herein applied experimental conditions.
With respect to variable contact time’, absorption efficiency directly
depended on stirring time, and indirectly depended on contact time, to find the
equilibrium. The remaining adsorbate concentration in the solution decreased
with time until it reached a constant value beyond which there was no further adsorbate removal from the solution. From this point on,
the ion amount adsorbed by the biosorbent was in
dynamic equilibrium with the desorbed amount. The necessary time to reach such
state is known as equilibrium time (MONTEIRO; BONIOLO; YAMAURA, 2012). Results
are shown in Table 6.
Table 6 -Pb2+and Ni2+removal by
the coconut fiber based on contact time
Contact time (min) |
Pb2+removal (%) |
Ni2+removal (%) |
10 |
70.41 ± 0.18 |
65.76 ± 0.10 |
25 |
97.83 ± 0.16 |
94.33 ± 0.14 |
40 |
96.26 ± 0.17 |
95.10 ± 0.12 |
The adsorption equilibrium was hit quickly, since theNi2+ and
Pb2+ ion removal reach close values for
contact times of 25 and 40 minutes. Thus, the contact time of 25 minutes would
be sufficient to enable efficient metal removal in the order of 95-97%. The
shorter mechanical stirring time favored the economic viability of the process
due to lower electric power consumption.
3.2.Adsorption isotherms
Variables such as contact time, pH, granulometry, biomass concentration
and metal concentration, and their respective values, were applied to the
Langmuir and Freundlich models, using their linearized equations - Equations 2
and 4, respectively.
Adjustment was applied to the central points of each variable, namely:
contact time (25 minutes), particle size (60 mesh), optimum pH (4), biomass
concentration (25 g L-1) and metal concentration (55 mg L-1),
since we intended to work with the optimal point of each variable. Table 7
shows Langmuir and Freundlich constants deriving from the isotherms and the
correlation coefficients.
Table 7 - Ni2+ and Pb2+
adsorption constants in green coconut fiber powder
Metal |
Langmuir |
Freundlich |
g-1) |
│Kads│( |
R² |
│Kf│(L. mg-1) |
│n│ |
R² |
Pb |
16.429 |
0.995 |
0.7996 |
26.011 |
6.399 |
0.9989 |
Ni |
15.886 |
0.817 |
0.8498 |
27.028 |
5.709 |
0.9979 |
Based on values presented in Table 7, the application of experimental
data about metal species (lead and nickel) to Langmuir and Freundlich
adsorption models showed more satisfactory results in the Freundlich model,
whose coefficient of determination (R²)recorded values
higher than 0.99.
Constant n was the Freundlich parameter associated with the biomass
adsorption surface or the constant indirectly associated with the material
type. Values close to n recorded for the two isotherm models can be explained
by the use of coconut fiber as biosorbent material in
both cases.
With respect to the Freundlich isotherms, high Kf
values recorded for both metal species showed that the metals were easily
physically adsorbed by the coconut fiber (PINO, 2005).
Coefficients Kf and n are the best descriptive
parameters to be applied when there is no consistent evidence on the nature of the
adsorption mechanisms, (BUCHTER et al., 1989). Variations in the n values of
the Freundlich isotherm show that the elements were adsorbed at different
energy levels (BUCHTER et al., 1989; SOARES; SOUZA; CAVALHEIRO, 2004).
3.3.Coconut fiber application
to treat water from public supply systems
In order to verify the efficiency of the optimized process (biomass
concentration = 25 g L-1, granulometry = 60 mesh, pH = 4 and contact
time = 25 minutes) for metals removal in public water, coconut fiber was used
to purify two samples: one of tap water and another groundwater, city from
Uberaba, Brazil. The Table 8 shows the metal ions content in the samples
without treatment and after the adsorption process using coconut fibers.
Table 8 -Metal removal from water samples collected in
the CODAU network and in the UFTM well, based on the use of coconut fiber under
optimized experimental conditions
Metals |
in CODAU water (mg L-1) |
removal (%) |
in the underground water (mg L-1) |
removal (%) |
Fe |
5.23 ± 0.07 |
92.31± 0.19 |
2.35± 0.06 |
83.71± 0.13 |
Ca |
10.42± 0.09 |
84.18± 0.19 |
110.19± 0.04 |
91.13± 0.15 |
Mg |
47.55± 0.05 |
85.14± 0.16 |
90.36± 0.06 |
87.33± 0.17 |
Pb |
0.71± 0.07 |
91.75± 0.15 |
0.51± 0.05 |
93.52± 0.15 |
Zn |
0.04± 0.04 |
90.35± 0.14 |
0.13± 0.07 |
85.39± 0.14 |
Ni |
0.13± 0.06 |
90.31± 0.16 |
0.11± 0.07 |
91.51± 0.19 |
According to data presented in Table 8, the lead and nickel removal in
the two analyzed water samples was higher than 90%. However, this value was
lower than the Pb2+ and Ni2+ ion removal values recorded
in previous experiments (univariate optimization). It happened due to
competition between several ions found in these water samples for the active
sites of the coconut fiber (FERREIRA et al., 2012).
Our results are corroborated by YU et al. (2014), who recently reported
that tree leaf remnants presented relative selectivity as adsorbents in the
presence of multielement solution. Based on their results, modified leaf
remnants presentedion-dependent selectivity:Cu2+
> Cd2+ > Zn2+.
Moreover, Qi and Picler (2016) reported
selectivity when a solution containing both Sb (III) and Sb (V) ions was
exposed to adsorbent material such as hydrated (Fe(OH)O)
iron (III) oxide. The occurrence of Sb (V) did not influence Sb (III)
adsorption. However, Sb (V) adsorption was significantly inhibited by Sb (III)
at pH=4.
We could not determine the order of selectivity in our experiments, but
we can say that coconut fiber satisfactorily removed several ions,
simultaneously, found at trace concentrations in the water from the public
supply system.
Coconut fiber can be applied under optimized experimental conditions to
remove potentially toxic metals from supply water. The Freundlich model
presented the best fit to the experimental data; adsorption can be
characterized as physical. Based on the mentioned above, we can say that the
green coconut shell powder is an effective adsorbent with potential to adsorb
metals - such as nickel and lead - found in the water from supply systems. The
use of this biosorbent material to remove metal
species found at trace concentrations in public water supply systems is a
method that corroborates environmental and economic sustainability strategies,
since coconut fiber is a low-cost and nationally-abundant renewable material
sometimes discarded as waste.
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian funding agencies: FAPEMIG,
CAPES and CNPq for partial financial support.
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